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Knowledge Base / FAQs / Assets / Files

What characters should I use for folders and files in the asset server?

Created on 16th March 2016 at 10:45 by Jamie O'Connell

The asset server is the location from where you link your InDesign files to projects in one2editâ„¢. It is accessed via 'File > Browse Asset Spaces'.

When naming any folder or filename on the asset server, it is safest to use the character ranges 'a-z', 'A-Z', and '0-9'. Spaces and underscores are also permitted.

This is because each operating system treats 'special' characters (e.g. accented characters) differently. Therefore, something that works locally on your machine, may not work on the one2edit machines.

Remember that if special characters are used in your one2edit project names (i.e. under the 'Projects' tab of the one2editâ„¢ UI), these characters may also end up being used in actual exported filenames. The default export filenames are set up via the 'Settings > Client Workspace Settings' menu option. Please take these default name-settings into account when naming your projects in one2edit.

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