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Knowledge Base / General / Change Log


Created on 01st December 2021 at 10:39 by Jamie O'Connell

Please read this change log before installing a new version of one2edit™.


+ Added feature
* Improved / changed feature
- Bug fixed

Version - November 21, 2022


+ Translation Memory Editor
+ Preflight Panel
+ Left/right cursor keys can collapse/expand folders in tree

* Improvements around document preview thumbnails (Templates, Jobs List...)
* Improvements to dialogs and grids
* Improvements to Workflow editor
* Improvements to session handling
* Dark-mode improvements
* Various fixes and improvements

- Text not restyled when double-clicking on paragraph style to remove overrides
- Large drop-downs can scroll the screen
- Some menus difficult to use in Chromium browsers
- Hyphenated words treated as separate words by Spellcheck
- Crash when reassigning content from a deleted Content Group
- Spelling Panel does not display suggested Text Rules
- Book export fails when documents are of different InDesign versions
- Edit button status not dynamically updating when Jobs are closed
- Status markers should not be shown for any content on invisible layers
- Cannot export PDF from Job Editor
- Values in Character Panel should not be rounded

Version - August 26, 2022


+ Support for Hyperlinks and Hyperlinks Panel

* Improvements when viewing and selecting text in editor
* Notifications should only be marked 'read' when the user explicitly marks them as 'read'
* Fixes for Notifications
* Fitting Panel: slider values should be visible in tooltip 
* Double-click paragraph style to remove local formatting
* Increase Note Marker distance from Status Marker
* Selection Info Panel: functionality and fixes
* Various fixes and improvements

- Export Notification when preflight fails does not work correctly
- Groups not highlighted in Editor
- Dialog height and width incorrect for large Language Sets


+ JSI: one2edit.jobEditor.jobId

Version - July 06, 2022


+ Activity bar when importing/uploading TM files
+ Yellow indicators on Status Markers for elements with Notes

* Place Note Markers for empty segments closer to the Status Marker
* Various fixes and improvements

- Main Menu highlighting does not update when switching between views or Client Workspaces


+ Event: one2edit.events.Event.PLUGIN_ERROR

Version - June 20, 2022


* Various improvements and fixes in Dialogs
* Various improvements and fixes in menus

- Difficult to de-select items with Select tool
- Progress bars should be green in Projects area
- Fitting not working correctly in segments with character styles
- Content rules should not block current styles

Version - June 08, 2022


+ Fitting Panel

* Various fixes and improvements for Panels
* Various fixes and improvements in Projects Area and Jobs List
* Various improvements and fixes in Dialogs

- Segment editor crash when segment contains local styling
- Issue when pasting multiple paragraphs
- Pipette not working with Translation Panel
- Switching between segments before changes have rendered can cause issues
- Text in Editor should always zoom to be legible
- History plugin crashes when double-clicking entry for deleted segment
- Note Markers not displayed for empty segments

Version - April 04, 2022


+ Support for InDesign Server CC2021/CC2022
+ Copy/Cut/Paste projects, templates, workflows using keyboard shortcuts

* Various improvements and fixes in menus
* Various Editor fixes and improvements

- Elements moved between Content Groups no longer shown in Job
- Add confirmation for when Workflows are deleted
- Cannot download PDF generated from Template
- Double-click on a search result can throw error
- Various search fixes
- Various fixes for 'undo' functionality
- Various permissions-related fixes
- Various fixes for Users and Groups

Version - January 14, 2022


+ Job Editor Panel Settings

- Crash when using ‘Add Hyperlink’ button in Text Editor
- Error when exporting an InDesign package
- Subscript formatting not indicated
- Cannot set permissions for Managed User Groups
- Various fixes for when selecting text in the Text Editor
- Various Project-Creation Assistant fixes


+ JSI: Toolbar Button mappings
+ JSI: one2edit.editor.panel.addElement
+ JSI: one2edit.editor.document.transform

- JSI: Cannot add/remove some Panels

Version - November 22, 2021


* Allow over-scrolling to scroll past Action Menu button
* Text Editor stability improvements
* Various Project-Creation Assistant improvements and fixes
* Improvements when selecting text in the Text Editor
* Master Editor Layer panel improvements and fixes

- Clicking on character styles in preview crashes Text Editor
- Error when using AND/OR terms in Search
- Note Marker movement incorrect when element is rotated
- Console errors when using Note Markers
- Text Editor crashes if preview zoomed while the editor content is loading
- Initial cursor position incorrect when clicking into a segment after a character style
- Scope Clear Failed error when opening certain documents


- user.session.extern.remove returns an error when correctly used

Version - November 04, 2021


+ PHP 8
+ Hyperlink Support (contact Support to enable)
+ Render Server support for macOS 10.15
+ Next/Previous Segment Keyboard shortcuts in Job Editor
+ Master Editor: Content Rules Panel for Elements
+ Advanced Search Dialog

* Various improvements for Dark Mode
* Window ordering improved

- Multiple fixes for Text Editor
- Multiple fixes for Workflow Editor
- Project Creation Assistant crashes when Layer filter is used


+ JSI: one2edit.jobEditor.disableWorkflow

- JSI: one2edit.elements.SegmentElement.text() can clear styling tags

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