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Knowledge Base / Administrators – Preparing your one2edit™ v3 Workspace / Workflow Templates

Workflow Actions > Email Notification

Created on 15th November 2018 at 16:04 by Jamie O'Connell

'Workflow Actions' window

Actions can be added to a workflow from the 'Workflow Actions' window (accessed via 'File > Actions' in the workflow view).

This lesson details the 'Email Notification' action.

The 'Email Notification' action is used to automatically send an email at a specific position in the workflow.

The email can be sent to users in the workflow (even if they are 'variable users') and there is always a 'CC' field available.

Email Notification

After dragging the 'Email Notification' action into the action field, double-click on it to open the 'Action Editor' window. Here you can set up the automated email that will be sent to the user(s).

The screenshot above shows an example 'before and after' scenario.

(1) Subject
This will be the subject line of the email notification.

(2) Text (with Variables)
Here you can write the body text of the email. You can use variables to ensure that the text will be correct, even if the same workflow is re-used in multiple projects or jobs.

The variables available are:

  • System Name: The name given to the one2edit™ system. This can only be tailored if you have a dedicated system (i.e. not one2edit™ Express).
  • System URL: The URL needed to access the one2edit™ system.
  • Company ID: The one2edit™ ID for the current client workspace.
  • Company Name: The name of the current client workspace.
  • Document ID: The ID of the document.
  • Document Name: The 'name' text of the document.
  • Document Version: The 'version' text of the document.
  • Document Pages: The page names and numbers of the document.
  • Document Description: The 'description' text of the document.
  • Document Lastedit Date: The date and time of the last edit made to the document.
  • Document Owner Name: The full name of the user who created the document.
  • Document Owner Contact: The username (i.e. email address) of the user who created the document.
  • Document Owner Domain: The user domain to which the document-creator belongs.
  • Document Lastuser Name: The full name of the user who last edited the document.
  • Document Lastuser Contact: The username (i.e. email address) of the user who last edited the document.
  • Document Lastuser Domain: The user domain to which the last editor of this document belongs.
  • Document Word Count: The word count for the entire document.
  • Document Character Count: The character count for the entire document.
  • Workflow Job ID: The ID of the job (i.e. not the document ID).
  • Job Word Count: The current word count for the job step.
  • Job Character Count: The current character count for the job step.
  • Workflow Step Name: The name of the current workflow step.
  • Group Word Count: The word count for the entire content group.
  • Group Character Count: The character count for the entire content group.

Variables are inserted at the cursor's location in the 'Text' field.
In all cases, 'document' refers to the document with the workflow applied to it.

(3) Recipient(s)
There are four options to choose for the email recipients:

  • specific: You will need to provide at least one specific email address in the 'To' field.
  • Step users: The email will be sent to all users assigned to the current workflow step. This option should not be used in the 'Steps Completion' area, as there are no users assigned to it.
  • Document owner: The owner of the document (i.e. the user that created the document in one2edit™) will receive the email.
  • Workflow starter: The email will be sent to the user who started the workflow. If a one2edit™ Template was used to start the workflow, the 'workflow starter' is the user who clicked 'Start' for that Template.

No matter what option you choose, it is always possible to add supplementary email addresses to the "CC" field.

When entering multiple email addresses into the 'To' or 'CC' fields, please separate them using commas.

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