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Knowledge Base / Administrators - Updating the Master Document / Updating the master document via InDesign – Legacy File System

Step 3: Perform a Diff to update the project – Legacy File System

Created on 07th November 2018 at 14:29 by Jamie O'Connell

In the previous workshops, we learned about checking out, updating, and checking in our document.

In this third and final workshop, you will learn how use the 'Diff Wizard' to apply your changes to the documents in your project.

Let's get started.

Step 1: Start the DIFF Process

To start the Diff process, double-click on a project that is in 'DIFF' status.

Step 2: 'Versions' tab

The diff process compares the new master document with the old master document, displays any differences between the two, and enables you to push those differences to the chosen version documents.

(1) Navigation bar:
The Navigation Bar guides you through the diff process. You cannot perform steps out of order - they must happen in sequence.
This first tab is the 'Versions' tab, where you will choose how your changes will be rolled out to any version documents.

(2) Tab explanation:
Beneath the Navigation bar, you will find an explanation for the current tab. It is always advisable to read these instructions.

(3) 'Go To <next tab>' button:
This button will bring you to the next tab once you have finished your actions in the current tab. In this case, the next tab is the 'Frames' tab.

(4) Versions to Update:
In the 'Versions' tab, you can select which version documents to update with your latest changes. Any version documents that are not selected here (by using the checkboxes) will be moved to a new project with the old version of the master document. All version documents that are selected will stay in the current project and be updated in line with the new master document.

There are two buttons for helping to select version documents: 'Select all Finished' (used to select all version documents that are in 'FINISH' status) and 'Select all Edit' (used to select all documents that are in 'EDIT' status).

In the example above, we have selected to only push our changes to the 'DE Version' document, and not to the 'FR Version' document. This means that a new project will be created, containing the 'FR Version' document under a copy of the old master document.

(5) Default Segment Reset Options:
These options determine the roll-out behaviour of changed text content, i.e., how one2edit will roll out any changed text content to the version documents.

  • Indicate which workflow status should be applied to any text segments that were modified in the master document (e.g. should the text segment be sent back to the start of the workflow, or should the status remain unchanged?).
  • Select whether or not to update the text in a segment if that segment has already been updated in the version document (e.g. if the only changes were spelling corrections, it probably does not make sense to force the text to be reset and re-translated).

In the example above, we decided that each updated text segment should be marked as 'Needs Edit/Translation'. Furthermore, these text segments will be changed in all version documents, even if that text has already been changed/translated as a part of the workflow.

(6) Default Image Reset Options:
These options determine the roll-out behaviour of changed images, i.e., how one2edit will roll out any changed image content to the version documents.

  • Indicate which workflow status should be applied to any images that were modified in the master document (e.g. should the image be sent back to the start of the workflow, or should the status remain unchanged?).
  • Select whether or not to update the image if that image has already been updated in the version document (e.g. if the target image may have already been localised).

In the example above, we decided that each updated image should be marked as 'Needs Apdatation'. Furthermore, these images will be updated in all version documents whether or not that image has already been changed as a part of the workflow.

(7) Default Versions:
Here you can select the version documents to which the 'Default Reset Options' (i.e. points (5) & (6) above) will apply. Any version document that is unchecked here will retain their current texts, images, and workflow statuses, no matter what options are chosen to the left. Please note that design changes (e.g. layout, segmentation, etc.) will be applied to all version documents listed here.

In the example above, the 'FR Version' document does not appear in this list, because it has been unchecked in the 'Versions to Update' list (4).

After you have selected the options for your version-document management, click on the 'Go To Frames' (3) button to move to the next tab.

If, for any reason, the diff process is interrupted before it has been completed (or closed via the 'File' menu), you can restart it. However, please check over the settings in the 'Versions' tab, as they may have reverted to their default values.

If the updated content is not in any content group (i.e. not part of a workflow), then the 'status' settings shall be ignored.

Step 3: 'Frames' tab

The 'Versions' tab now has a green checkmark to show that it was completed.

(1) 'New' and 'Old' documents:
Both the new, updated master document (left-hand side) and the old, original master document (right-hand side), are displayed next to one another.

(2) Toolbar:
There is a toolbar at the top of the documents. The 'Percentage Zoom' tool and the 'Spread Selector' menu are located above each document, and will function on each document independently. This means that you can have one document on spread X with the other document on spread Y. This can be used for linking a moved frame on spread X to the original frame on spread Y.

  • There is a 'Drag' tool button located above the 'New' document. This can be used to drag around the view of either document (like the hand tool in Adobe Acrobat). It can also be used to link frames in the new document to frames in the old document.
  • The 'Zoom' tool button allows you to draw a specific zoom region in either document.
  • The 'Show/Hide Content Markers' button can be used to switch on and off the content markers. The markers are displayed by default.
  • Finally, you can use the 'Mark all undone items as new on this spread' button if there are many new frames/items on the spread. This will save you from needing to click through each one individually.

(3) Content Markers and Frames:
Content markers are displayed on the new document. Recognised existing frames are marked with green content-markers, and unrecognised frames are marked with yellow content-markers. Each content marker belongs to a frame. Frame outlines can be seen as the mouse cursor is moved across them. If the content marker for a frame is green, then that frame will also be outlined in green. Similarly, if the content marker is yellow, then the frame outline will also be yellow. You can access a pop-up menu for each frame via its content marker (simply move the mouse cursor over the marker). This menu can be used to change the status of the frame.

(4) Linked frames:
The frames within the document become visible as you move the mouse over them. The links between frames in the old and new documents are also shown at this point. Frames that are recognised by one2edit will be marked with a green content-marker and linked to a frame in the old master document. Frames are recognised by their InDesign ID, so if you have replaced a frame in a document (or performed a cut & paste action on it), the frame will not be marked green at this point (even if the content is the same).

  • To link a frame in the new document to one in the old document, simply click on the frame in the new document then click on the frame in the old document. A grey linking line will be shown trailing from your cursor after the first click. After the second click, this grey line will be linking the two frames.
  • To unlink two frames, move the mouse cursor over the content-marker for that frame and choose "Unlink" from the pop-up menu.
  • To mark a frame as "new", move the mouse cursor over the content-marker for that frame and choose "New" from the pop-up menu. Remember, only mark frames as "new" if they are brand new to the document.

Marking an item as "new" means that you are saying it is brand new to the document (i.e. the item did not feature in the old document). Therefore, they will not be a part of any workflow or content group, and no translations/adaptations could have been done on them yet. If you mark an existing item as new, all translations done to the content of that item in any version documents will be undone.

Care must be taken with the 'mark all undone items as new' option, as the content of any frames marked as 'new' will be determined to be 'new to the document' and therefore not yet in any translation workflow (i.e. translations in those frames will be undone). It is not a shortcut for completing the diff process.

Frames tab: Marking frames as "New"

Within the 'Frames' tab, you must now tell one2edit™ which frames are new to the document and which frames are simply updated versions of old frames. Please keep in mind that this tab is only dealing with frames - not with frame content.

(1) Number of 'Unrecognised/New' frames:
There is an "X of Y done" summary near the top of the window. This will display how many of the unrecognised/new frames have been addressed so far, i.e., the content marker status of each unrecognised frame has been changed from yellow to green. You need to address all of them before you can move to the next tab.

(2) Spread selector:
The spread selector allows you to navigate through the document. This menu also displays the number of "unaddressed" frames per spread. In our example above, we have added a new spread to the document - you can see that the 'Old' document only has 3 spreads in total. All 9 of the new frames reside on this new spread, as would be expected.

(3) Frame navigation:
To easily navigate between frames, you can use the 'Previous Frame' and 'Next Frame' buttons near the top of the window.

(4) Pop-up menu:
When you move the mouse over a content marker, a pop-up menu will appear. Depending on if this is an image or a text frame, you will see different options.

  • 'Mark as New': This will mark the frame as a new frame to the document.
  • 'Clear': The 'Mark as New' option will change to 'Clear' when a frame is linked or marked as 'new', allowing you to clear the status of the frame and choose a different one.
  • 'Link': This lets you link this unrecognised frame in the new document to an existing frame in the old document (this is also possible to do by simply clicking on a 'new' document frame and then clicking on and 'old' document frame)
  • 'Reset': This option appears on image frames only. It can be used to reset the image in that particular frame in all version documents.

Once a status has been chosen, the marker will change from yellow to green.

(5) 'Mark all undone items as new on this spread' button:
Rather than marking all of the frames one-by-one, you can simply mark them all as 'new' with one button-click. Our example above is a perfect place to use this button, because the entire spread is new and all of the frames on it are new to the document.

(6) 'Go to Segments' button:
Once you have set the status for all of the unrecognised frames, you can click the 'Go To Segments' button. This will bring you to the 'Segments' tab.

The total number of unrecognised frames will change if you unlink any frames that were already linked by one2edit™. This is normal behaviour, and will just ensure that you do not forget any frames.

Marking an item as "new" means that you are saying it is brand new to the document (i.e. the item did not feature in the old document). Therefore, they will not be a part of any workflow or content group, and no translations/adaptations could have been done on them yet. If you mark an existing item as new, all translations done to the content of that item in any version documents will be undone.

Step 4: 'Segments' tab

The 'Segments' tab allows the user to manage the individual text segments that have been added or updated during the check-out procedure. Any frames containing new or updated segments will be automatically flagged with a yellow content marker. This includes any changes in style, color, size, spacing, etc., as well as text changes. Therefore, there might be more yellow content markers than you expected to see, even if you have not re-written much in the document.

(1) Number of 'New' or 'Updated' segments:
This displays the number of new or updated segments that need to be addressed by the user. They must all be completed before you can move to the 'Styles' tab.

(2) Pop-up menu:
The content marker for each frame has a pop-up menu. The options in this menu allow you to enter and check/link any segments within a frame, or mark that frame as 'Done'. Please note that marking a frame as 'Done' may mark edited segments within that frame as "new", thus removing them from any content groups (and undoing any translations that have been done in the version documents). For this reason, it is vital to check the segments by clicking on 'Edit Segments'. You can then ensure that any changed segments are linked to their previous version in the 'old' master document.

(3) 'Mark all undone items as new on this spread' button:
This button can be used to mark all 'unrecognised' segments on the spread as 'new'. This is very useful in cases where a new spread has been added to the document. Keep in mind that marking a segment as "new" means that you are saying it is brand new to the document (i.e. the segment did not feature in the old document). Therefore, they will not be a part of any workflow or content group, and no translations/adaptations can have been done on them yet. If you mark an existing segment as new, all translations of that segment in any version documents will be undone.

(4) Frames or cells with new or changed segments:
Any frame or cell that contains new or modified content will be marked with a yellow marker. If only styling has been modified, one2edit should recognise that and keep the segment linked to its previous incarnation. If, however, the text content of the segment has been changed, the segment will need to be manually linked to its previous version by the user. This is what the 'Edit Segments' menu option is used for. Any new-to-document text segments can be left unlinked. They do not have to be explicitly marked as "new". Sometimes a text segment will have been extended and require re-segmenting. The next item covers this.

(5) 'Go to Styles' button:
Once you have set the status for all of the new or changed segments, you can click the 'Go To Styles' button. This will bring you to the 'Styles' tab.

Segments tab: Linking segments in 'Segments' window

Open the 'Segments' window by clicking on 'Edit Segments' in a frame's pop-up menu, or simply clicking inside the frame. It is here that segments can be linked, unlinked, re-segmented, or changed to 'text' or 'delimiter'.

(1) Green Segments:
Green segments are segments that were not changed in any way during the check-out procedure. They remain linked to each other by default. No action is required on the part of the user for these segments.

(2) Yellow Segments:
Segments marked in yellow are either:

  • segments in which the text did not change, but the style did. These segments will be automatically linked by one2edit. No action is required on the part of the user.
  • formerly-red segments that have been linked by the user.

(3) Red Segments:
If the content of a segment has changed, one2edit™ will no longer be able to recognise it. Updated segments are marked in red. Therefore, you will need to link such updated segments to their old versions. To link a segment to another segment, simply click on one of the unlinked segments and then click on the other. A connecting line will be seen as the mouse is moving between the segments (as shown above). When an updated segment is linked, it will change from red to yellow.

(4) Segment Type:
Text segments can be one of two types: 'text' or 'delimiter'.

  • Text: This refers to a normal, editable text segment. A segment of type 'text' is represented by an 'A' in the left-hand column.
  • Delimiter: A delimiter is the character that appears between sentences, e.g. whitespace, paragraph character, etc. Delimiters are not editable in one2edit™ jobs. A segment of type 'delimiter' is represented by a '/' (forward slash) in the left-hand column.

(5) Contextual Pop-up Menu:
The options in this menu will be different depending on whether you are accessing it via a green, yellow or red text segment.

  • Link/Unlink: The option available will depend on if the text segment is already linked or not. Unlinking a segment will mark it as red.
  • Reset: This option allows you to choose the 'Reset Versions' settings for any changes made to this specific segment. This will override the general reset settings chosen on the 'Versions' tab at the start. This option is not displayed for red ("new") segments, because they are new to the document and, therefore, cannot have been changed from an older version.
  • Set type to Text: Click this option to change the segment from a 'delimiter' to 'text'.
  • Set type to Delimiter: Click this option to change the segment from 'text' to a 'delimiter'.
  • Split: Sometimes edits are made during the check-out that result in two or more sentences appearing in one segment. This may mean that the new segment cannot be properly matched to the old one. In this case, it is possible to re-segment the text so that it matches the segmentation of the original document.

If you have updated a segment, but do not link it to its older version, one2edit will assume that it is "new", i.e., "new to the document". This means that the segment will no longer be in any content group or job. Any translation done for the segment will also be lost.

Segments tab: Multiple segments selected in 'Segments' window

The options in the contextual pop-up menu will change when several segments are selected. While the available options 'Reset' and 'Set selected segment(s) type to Text/Delimiter' are the same as in the screenshot above, three new options are available:

  • Unlink selected: The Unlink selected option refers to all selected segments.
  • Merge selected segments: If two or more consecutive segments are selected, they can be merged into one single segment through this option.

Segments tab: 'Pop-up Menu > Split'

Here we see a segment (1) that was updated during the check-out, resulting in two sentences within one text segment.

The new segment does not properly match the old one. We will therefore re-segment it to give us two segments, one of which will match the old text segment.

To do this, we select the 'Split' option (2) from the pop-up menu.

Segments tab: Split - Segmentation Editing

When the 'Split' option is clicked, a text-segmentation editor window will open.

  1. Highlight a new segment: Highlight the first part of the segment that should become a standalone text segment. The gray is the highlighting color - the red indicates text that has not yet been marked for segmentation.
  2. Click the 'Plus' button: Click the 'Plus' button at the bottom of the editor window to mark your highlighted text as a new segment.
  3. Repeat: Repeat the above actions (i.e. highlight the next portion of text that will be a text segment and click 'Plus') until all of the text has been appropriately segmented.
  4. Click the 'Checkmark' button: Finally, click the 'Checkmark' button to implement your chosen segmentation rules.

Any portions of the text segment that are left marked in red during this segmentation process will automatically become delimiters. This means that it is only necessary to highlight the actual sentences of text, not every single character.

The order in which the re-segmentation is done is important. It should follow the order of the text, i.e., start at the beginning of the text and finish at the end.

Step 5: 'Styles' tab

The one2edit diff process compares styles contained in the old and new documents. If any styles have been deleted, the 'Diff Wizard' will ask the user for input on the option chosen in InDesign when the style was deleted.

  • 'Replace': This option means that the user chose to restyle any affected text with a different style. When this option is chosen, all styles that exist in the new document are available via the adjacent drop-down menu.
  • 'Remove and keep formatting': This option means that the user chose to restyle any affected text using local overrides.
  • 'Remove': This option means that the user chose to remove all formatting from any text using the deleted style in the document, instead applying the '[Basic Paragraph]' style.

In the screenshot above, a paragraph style named 'Headline Image White' has been deleted from the updated document. When deleting this style using InDesign Desktop, we chose to replace it with the paragraph style 'New Headline Image White'. Therefore, we must make the same choice during this diff process in order to avoid corruption of the one2edit project.

When a style is deleted from a document in InDesign, the designer must choose either an alternative style or to keep the formatting as local overrides. The choice made here during the diff process MUST match the choice made in InDesign by the designer when they deleted the style. If the choice does not match, then the version documents will become 'outdated' and you must contact 1io support via your one2edit administrator.

In our example, only one style was deleted. If more had been deleted, the list in the 'Styles' tab would be longer.

Step 6: 'Swatches' tab

The one2edit diff process compares swatches contained in the old and new documents. If any swatches have been deleted, the 'Diff Wizard' will ask the user for input on the option chosen in InDesign when the swatch was deleted.

  • 'Replace': This option means that the user chose to replace the deleted swatch with a different swatch. When this option is chosen, all swatches that exist in the new document are available via the adjacent drop-down menu.
  • 'Remove': This option means that the user chose to remove the swatch from the document, and that any objects that used the deleted swatch were then styled using the [None] (default) swatch.

In the screenshot above, a swatch called 'c75m37y0k0' has been deleted from the new document. When deleting this style using InDesign Desktop, we chose to replace it with the swatch named 'New Blue - c75m37y0k0'. Therefore, we must make the same choice during this diff process to avoid corruption of the one2edit project.

When a swatch is deleted from a document in InDesign, the designer must choose either an alternative swatch or to reset the content that uses the swatch to the default value. The choice made here during the diff process MUST match the choice made in InDesign by the designer when they deleted the swatch. If the choice does not match, then the version documents will become 'outdated' and you must contact 1io support via your one2edit administrator.

In our example, only one swatch was deleted. If more had been deleted, the list in the 'Swatches' tab would be longer.

Step 7: 'Overview' tab

The final tab is the 'Overview' tab. Here you can see a summary of your actions during the diff process.

At this point, you may still go back to any previous tab (1) to review or change your decisions, or exit the 'Diff Wizard' via 'File > Close' (2).

When you are ready, click the 'Apply' button (3) to execute the changes and return to the 'Projects' tab.

When you click the 'Apply' button, the changes will be permanently applied to the master document. Any version documents will also be updated, in accordance with the options chosen in the 'Versions' tab. The list of version documents to which changes may be applied is shown at the bottom of this 'Overview' tab.

Once 'Apply' has been clicked, the action cannot be undone!

Step 8: 'Applying Diff...' window

The changes will now be applied to all selected version documents.

Progress is indicated by a progress bar and a list of actions below it.

If a red 'X' shows up beside an action, this indicates that an action has failed. Please send a screenshot of the failed action to your one2edit administrator along with a report of what occurred.

Any versions that were de-selected in the 'Versions to Update' section of the 'Versions' tab will not appear here, because the diff is not being applied to them.

Step 9: Automatically return to 'Projects' tab

When the diff is completed, you will find yourself back in the 'Projects' tab.

  1. The status of the master document will have changed from 'DIFF' to 'EDIT'. Double-clicking this document will now open the Master Document Editor.
  2. The updated project will contain only those version documents that were selected in the 'Versions to Update' section of the 'Versions' tab in the diff.
  3. Any version documents that were de-selected in the 'Versions to Update' section of the 'Versions' tab will now reside in a new project, under a copy of the older, unaltered master document.

The status of the version documents should also be 'EDIT'. If any of these are 'OUTDATED', please contact your one2edit administrator for support.

Final Reminder - update your content groups!

Any content that was marked as "new" (or the content of a frame that was marked as "new") will be treated as completely new to the document.

Therefore, it will not be in a content group, and thus not a part of any workflow.

If any of this new content is to be edited/translated as part of a job, it needs to now be added to a content group via the Master Document Editor.

If the 'new' content does not need to be edited by any users as part of a job, it can be left as is.


You have successfully updated your document during a check-out procedure, and applied those changes to your version documents via the one2edit™ 'Diff Wizard'.

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