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Knowledge Base / Administrators - Updating the Master Document / Updating the master document via InDesign – Legacy File System

Step 2: Check in the document – Legacy File System

Created on 07th November 2018 at 14:29 by Jamie O'Connell

Once you have updated your document using Adobe® InDesign®, you now need to check it back into the system. This will allow one2edit™ to robustly roll out to the version documents any changes that you have made in this project.

This workshop covers checking a document back in to one2edit™, which will allow us to perform a diff.

Step 1: Upload checked-out document

If you are working on a one2edit SaaS system (e.g. one2edit™ Express), then you will need to upload your updated document before you can check it back in to one2edit.

  1. Select your checked-out master document, and click 'File > Reveal in Asset Browser'.
  2. Click 'upload', and choose the document that you checked-out and downloaded earlier.

Step 2: Replace checked-out document

In our example, we are choosing to overwrite the original checked-out document rather than rename or delete it before uploading the updated document. This means that we will be asked if we are sure that we wish to overwrite/replace the document.

  • Click 'Yes' to upload the updated document and replace the old document.
  • Click 'No' if you do not want to replace the old document. Please note that clicking 'No' will cancel the upload process.
  • Click 'Rename' to rename the updated document, thus keeping both documents intact. This is not a good idea because your updated document needs to have the same name as the checked-out document before you can check it in. If you choose this option, you will need to manually change the name of the updated document back to its original name via the 'Asset Browser' window.

Please keep in mind that the updated document MUST have the same name as the original checked-out document. The check-in process does not allow you to choose which file will be checked back in.

Step 3: 'Project > Check In Document'

Select the checked-out master document in one2edit™ and click 'Project > Check In Document' to start the check-in process.

Step 4: Start Check-In Process

The 'Check-in Document' window will open.

  1. As you can see, the document to be checked in is not a value that can be changed. This is why you had to either edit the checked-out document directly or replace it with the updated document.
  2. Click 'Check In' to start the check-in process. A progress bar is displayed as the document is checked back into the system.

Step 5: Status changes to 'DIFF'

The master document status will be updated from 'CHECKOUT' to 'DIFF'.

This means that the check-in was successful and you can now use the Diff wizard to manage and roll out the changes you've made to your document.

Until the Diff process has been completed, no changes will be applied to the master document. This means that any new version documents will still be created from the original (old) master document, even though the new and updated master document has been checked in.


You have successfully checked your updated document back in to one2edit™.

The final workshop will walk you through how to apply your changes to the master document (and version documents) using the Diff Wizard.

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