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Knowledge Base / Administrators – Preparing your one2edit™ v3 Workspace / Note Groups

Creating Note Groups

Created on 28th November 2016 at 18:02 by Jamie O'Connell

Note Groups can be used to distinguish (through color-coding) groups of notes from one another (e.g. notes for a group of users, spelling errors, etc.).

Create new Note Group

Create new Note Group

Click the 'New' button in the 'Note Groups' window (via 'Settings > Note Groups').

Edit details

Edit details
  1. Give the new Note Group a name.
  2. Select a color for the Note Group. This color determines the color of the marking that appears beside notes for this group in a document notes window.
  3. Click 'Save'

Note Group has been created

Note Group has been created

The new Note Group is now visible in the list.

Edit or delete a Note Group

Edit or delete a Note Group

A selected Note Group may be edited or deleted.

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