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Knowledge Base / Administrators – Preparing your one2edit™ v3 Workspace / Importing External Translation Memory

Import a TMX file to populate your one2edit™ Translation Memory

Created on 28th November 2016 at 18:02 by Jamie O'Connell

A Translation Memory (TM) is a database that stores translation units (a.k.a. segments) of text.

One way to add content to the Translation Memory of your one2edit™ Language Set is to import a TMX (Translation Memory eXchange) file.

If you are importing multiple languages, it is best-practice to import each target language separately in conjunction with the source language (i.e. two languages per TMX import). Importing multiple target languages at once may work, but it is up to the user to ensure that all one-to-many matches have been correctly imported.

Step 1: Open the Translation Memory of your Language Set

Step 1: Open the Translation Memory of your Language Set

To open the Translation Memory for your Language Set:

  1. Click 'Settings > Language Sets' to open the 'Language Sets' window.
  2. Select the appropriate Language Set (if more than one exists).
  3. Ensure that all languages to be imported have been assigned to the Language Set, including the source language.
  4. Click 'Open Set TM' to open the Translation Memory for the selected Language Set.

The 'Open Set TM' button will be inactive if you have not selected a 'Language Set'.

Ensure that your Language Set contains at least the languages contained within your TMX file, i.e., both the source and target languages. If a language is missing from the Language Set, you will not be able to assign any segments to that language.

Example: If the selected 'Language Set' does not contain "German", there is nowhere to put German TM content. In such a case, uploaded content cannot be assigned to the correct language (c.f. Step 3).

Each Language Set in one2edit™ contains its own translation memory. If you have multiple Language Sets, there is no crossover between their translation memories.

There are no Language Sets in
one2edit™ by default. If no Language Sets are displayed, please refer to the lesson for creating a Language Set.

Step 2: Select the TMX File for import

Step 2: Select the TMX File for import

Click the 'Import' button in the 'Set Translation Memory' window.

A file-browsing window will open, and you can choose the TMX file from your local hard-drive.

Step 3: Import Translations

Step 3: Import Translations

The 'Import Translations' window will open once you have selected a TMX file.

  1. The 'Import Translations' window shows each language from your imported TMX file.
  2. The drop-down menu at the top of each column allows you to select the languages from your Language Set. Check that the correct language has been assigned to each column.
  3. When the correct language has been assigned to each column, click 'Save' update the Translation Memory of your one2edit™ Language Set. This will close the 'Import Translations' window.

If a column has no language assigned, it may be that the exact language is not contained within your Language Set.
For example, if 'French (France)' is in your Language Set, but your TMX refers to 'French (Belgium)', then no language will appear. In such a case, you may reassign the 'French (Belgium)' segments to the 'French (France)' language if you wish. Or you can cancel the import process and add 'French (Belgium)' to your Language Set.

If you change the language that has been assigned to a text column, make sure that you change it to the correct language. For example, if you choose 'English (United States)' for two columns, this will corrupt the import.

Not all translations are shown when importing a file to the Translation Memory. Only a sample is shown for verification purposes. All translations will, however, be imported from the TMX file when you click 'Save'.

Step 4: Check the Translation Memory

Step 4: Check the Translation Memory

Select any two languages to see the matches between them.

  1. Search field: Use the search field to search for specific words or text segments. The 'Search' command always applies to the left-most column, as indicated in the text next to the search field.
  2. 'Clear All': Clicking 'Clear All' will delete ALL content from this Translation Memory. This action is final and can not be undone. For this reason, the 'Clear All' command should be used with caution.
  3. 'Export': You can export the content of your translation memory to a TMX (Translation Memory eXchange) file.
  4. 'Import': You can import another file containing translation units to this Translation Memory.
  5. Delete a single translation unit: Clicking the 'minus' symbol next to a translation unit will delete it from the Translation Memory. This action is final and can not be undone.
  6. Remove a language from the display: Clicking the 'minus' symbol next to a language-selection drop-down menu will simply remove it from the current view. The language itself will not be deleted from the Translation Memory.
  7. Translation units are displayed in groups of 25: The "Viewing X-Y of Z" statement shows you how many are being displayed. Therefore, if you do not see all translations at once, it does not mean that they were not imported.

Clicking the 'Clear All' button displays a confirmation dialog. Clicking 'Yes' on that warning message will permanently erase the entire Translation Memory. Therefore, please read all pop-up messages before accepting them.

Clicking the 'minus' button next to a translation unit will not display any confirmation dialog. The act of deleting the translation unit will be permanent.

NOTE: Editing a segment

  1. To change or edit a segment in the translation memory, click on the 'notebook' icon (Edit) beside the segment. This will open a text-editor window.
  2. Click 'Save' to save your changes to the translation memory segment. The time of the last change, as well as the username who made the change, will be recorded.

one2edit™ is not a full-featured tool for editing translation memory content. If you wish to do wholesale editing of your TM, please check online for a more suitable tool.

NOTE: Troubleshooting

TMX (Translation Memory eXchange) is a standard, open file-format for the exchange of data between translation tools.

It is based on XML and contains translation memory data (mainly translation units marked by <tu> tags), as well as other information.

If you have any trouble importing your TMX file, take a look at the file using a text editor and check the following:

  1. UTF-8 Encoding: Please ensure that the TMX file is encoded as UTF-8. If not, please configure your translation software to export UTF-8 and then re-export the TMX file.
  2. Source Language: one2edit™ supports the ISO 639 codes for languages. In the example above, the languages are represented by these codes (en-us; de-de). Make sure that the same format is used in your TMX file and that these languages exist in your one2edit™ Language Set.

A TMX file that is not UTF-8 encoded may still import without error, but then display incorrect characters (e.g. hex codes instead of symbols).

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