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Knowledge Base / Administrators – Creating Jobs in one2edit™ / Creating jobs via XML export/import

Creating Jobs by Importing Translated XML Files

Created on 25th November 2016 at 17:33 by Jamie O'Connell

It is possible to import translated content groups to one2edit in order to create translated InDesign documents.

This will create a version document in a project for each target language that is imported.

NOTE: Ensure that you have prepared a workflow template

NOTE: Ensure that you have prepared a workflow template

Before you start, you should check that you have a workflow template that will work with your project.

This means that the names of the content groups (i.e. workflow tracks) in the workflow template exactly match those in the project (i.e. in the master document). It also means that there must be one workflow template for each target language (or set of target languages, if the document is multilingual). Furthermore, the workflow template must contain users at the workflow steps (otherwise the workflow cannot run).

Without a valid workflow template, no translation job can be created.

It is very important to make sure that the content group names (i.e. the workflow track names) in the workflow template match the names of the existing content groups in the project. These names are case sensitive. Check the content groups in your master document if you are unsure.

In the example above, our version document is going to contain two target languages: German and Spanish. Quite often, however, a workflow template will have a single content group for translation.

Click 'Project > Translation > Import Translations'

Click 'Project > Translation > Import Translations'

Click 'Project > Translation > Import Translations' to start the process.

'Import Translations' window

'Import Translations' window

The 'Import Translations' window is where you will do the importing and setting up of the translation jobs.

  1. You will be able to name your version documents in this column.
  2. Any translation content groups in the project are listed as columns into which the appropriate translated XML files will be placed.
  3. The workflow column is where you will assign your workflow template to any created translation jobs.
  4. The checkmark column gives you the option to automatically start the workflows upon creation of the jobs.

Even if you decide to not start the workflows when the jobs are created, you will still be required to assign a workflow template for the job.

In the example above, our version document is going to contain two target languages: one in the content group 'translation A' and the other in the content group 'translation B'. Quite often, however, there will only be a single content group for translation.

Click 'Upload Translations'

Click 'Upload Translations'

Click the 'Upload Translations' window to select and upload your translated XML files.

You can select multiple translated XML files for upload at once, even if they do not belong to the same version document.

Drag and drop translations to correct content groups

Drag and drop translations to correct content groups

All imported files will be listed in the 'Imported Translation Files' column on the left of the window.

Drag each translation into the appropriate content-group column, as shown.

Each row in the 'Version Documents to Create' section will result in a single 'Version Document'. If you have multiple content groups across multiple version documents, care must be taken to ensure that the correct translations are in the same row.

It is a good idea to ask your translators to put the target language into the filename of the translated XML file. This makes it easier to figure out which target language is which during this step.

NOTE: What if my project has multiple content groups?

NOTE: What if my project has multiple content groups?

If more than one content group has been exported from a single project, you will need to ensure that the translated content groups are imported into the same version document.

This is done by ensuring that they are dragged to the same row in the 'Version Documents to Create' section.

Unassigned content groups can be identified by a '[No file]' placeholder.  

You can select and drag multiple translations into a single column at once.

Rename the version document

Rename the version document

You can rename your version documents by clicking in the 'Version Name' column.

Delete a version document

Delete a version document

You can delete an entire row by clicking on the red 'X' in the right-hand column (for example, if you dragged a translation to the wrong row).

When this is done, any translation files from that row will reappear in the 'Imported Translation Files' area to the left.

Select the workflow template to use

Select the workflow template to use

Click the '[No workflow]' button to open the 'Select Workflow' window. This window displays all workflow templates and folders in your 'Workflows' tab.

Select a translation workflow for that version document and click 'Select'.

Click 'Create Version Documents'

You have now set up the following:

  • assigned the translated XML files to their correct content groups
  • assigned a workflow to the version document that will be used to create the jobs ]

Clicking 'Create Version Documents' will start the process that creates the version documents, applies the workflows to those documents, replaces the source-language segments with the translated segments, and starts the workflow (for any version where the checkbox is checked).

Any translations in the translated XML files will be marked as 'Done' in the first workflow step. Therefore, if all translations are done in the XML file, the first review task will appear in the reviewers 'Jobs' tab.

It is still possible for a reviewer to 'reject' a job item back to the edit/translation step, so it is important to add a user to that step of the workflow even if it is initially skipped by this process.

The 'Import Translations' window will not close by default. Click the 'Cross' symbol in the upper right corner to close the window.

NOTE: If a workflow template is missing or incomplete

NOTE: If a workflow template is missing or incomplete

If you click the 'Create Version Document' button before selecting a suitable workflow, this 'Warning' message will appear.

You must have a workflow that contains workflow tracks for all translated content groups.

Version document(s) are created

All version documents are then created.

It will take time for the system to write all of the translations into the version documents (like with a pre-translation action). Therefore, jobs will not appear instantaneously in a user's 'Jobs' tab.

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