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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v3 User Interface Description / Projects Tab - Menus

Projects > Menu: Project

Created on 18th November 2016 at 17:03 by Jamie O'Connell

This section describes the 'Project' menu in the 'Projects' tab.


Please note that this section only describes the menu options at a high-level. For more in-depth explanations, please refer to the appropriate parts of the manual.

'Project > Create Version'

'Create Version' will create a version (child) document of the selected master document. You can create as many of these versions as you like.

'Project > Lock' and 'Unlock Versions'

'Lock Versions' will lock all version documents in a project. This is indicated by a white and red symbol, as shown above.

Locking version will prevent other users from working on the version documents in a project. This menu option is only available in if a project contains version documents.

After you have locked the version documents, the option to 'Unlock Versions' appears in your 'Project' menu.

'Project > Check Out Document'

Documents can be checked out by a designer to be modified in desktop InDesign® via the 'Check Out Document' command. Editing checked-out documents is only recommended for experts.


The 'Check-In Document' menu option will be available after a document has been checked out. It enables a modified document to be checked back in to one2edit™.

'Project > Assign Workflow'

Choosing 'Assign Workflow' from the 'Project' menu will automatically bring you to the 'Workflow' window. For more details about the 'Workflow' window, please refer to the 'Workflow' description.

To get back to the projects tab, just click 'Workflow > Close'.

'Project > Translation > Export Content Group for Translation'

The next option within the 'Project' menu is 'Translation'. This opens a sub-menu containing two options.

'Export Content Group for Translation'

Use this command if you wish to export a content group's text segments for translation with a third-party translation management system (TMS), such as Trados or Across.


For a detailed documentation about the translation process within one2edit™, please refer to our workshops.

'Project > Translation > Import Translations'

'Project > Translation > Import Translations'

'Import Translations':

Once you have translated your files using a third-party translation management systems (such as those by SDL and Across), you can then re-import them (in bulk) using this command.

This command will automatically create version documents from the master for each imported language.

'Project > Export Document'

'Project > Export Document'

'Export Document' allows you to export the selected document as a PDF, IDML, etc.

Simply choose your desired export options in the 'Export Document' window.


The exported file can be downloaded directly, downloaded via an emailed link/URL, or saved to an asset server.


The document can be exported in multiple file formats: PDF, INDD, IDML, ZIP and TMX.

'Project > Download LowRes PDF'

'Project > Download LowRes PDF'

'Download LowRes PDF' allows you to export a low-resolution PDF of the selected document.

If you check the 'Include Notes' box, then any notes contained in the document will be available in the PDF as standard yellow sticky notes.

When the 'Export' button is clicked, a low-resolution PDF will be generated and made available for download.

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