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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v3 User Interface Description / Projects Tab - Menus

Projects > Menu: Edit > Properties ('Project Details' window)

Created on 18th November 2016 at 17:03 by Jamie O'Connell

'Edit > Properties'

'Edit > Properties'

Click 'Edit > Properties' to open the 'Project Details' window.

'Project Details' window > 'Properties' tab

'Project Details' window > 'Properties' tab

Here we see the 'Properties' tab of the 'Project Details' window.

Project-customization Options:

  • Name: In this field, you can edit the name of your project.
  • Version: You can add text to this field for your master document. The text will show up next to the master document name and ID in the 'Projects' tab, i.e., in the 'Version' column.
  • Tags: It is also possible to add 'Tags' to this project. These are search tags, and can be searched for via the 'Search' field at the top of the screen.
  • Description: In this box, you can put a description or additional information about the document.

The text from the master document's 'Version' field will be placed in the 'Version' field of any version documents created from this master. This text will be displayed in the 'Version' column of the version document area of the 'Projects' tab.

Document Settings:

  • Units: You can choose whether the dimensions of your document will be specified in 'Points', 'Millimeters' or 'Inches'.
  • Image Output Resolution: This is set to 300dpi by default, and defines the minimum dpi limit of rasterized images in the document. This is useful if the resizing of images are permitted via Content Rules, as a 'minimum effective dpi' can also be set.
  • Default Preview Quality: This option allows you to select the quality of the images that are rendered in the preview. 'High' will render the images at full resolution, while 'Low' will only render the proxy images contained in the INDD file. Choosing 'Low' could speed up the preview rendering. IDML files do not contain proxy images. If a project was created from an IDML file, and 'Low' is chosen here, the image frames will appear empty in the editor.

Document Information:

  • Dimensions: This gives the document dimensions in the units chosen above.
  • Pages: This shows you the number of pages in your document.
  • Lastedit: This field shows the date and time at which the document was last edited.
  • Created: This field shows the date and time at which the document was originally created.
  • Status: The status of your document can be 'EDIT', 'CHECKOUT', 'DIFF', or 'OUTDATED'. Each status is described below.
  • InDesign Version: This field tells you the InDesign version of this INDD document. Depending on the version of InDesign Server that one2edit™ is using, this may be a different version to what was used to create the original document.

Document Status Information:

  • EDIT: This is the 'normal' setting and means that you can edit the document.
  • CHECKOUT: This means that the master document has been checked out. It cannot be edited in one2edit until it has been checked back in and returned to an 'EDIT' status.
  • DIFF: This status will appear when a master document has been checked in. Any differences between the old and new master documents must be checked using the 'DIFF' process before the status will return to 'EDIT'.
  • OUTDATED: If this status appears, then the changes made to the document cannot be applied. If this happens, please contact one2edit support.

'Project Details' window > 'Details' tab

'Project Details' window > 'Details' tab

Here we see the 'Details' tab of the 'Project Details' window.

  • one2edit ID: The number before the hyphen is the client-workspace number. The number after the hyphen is the document ID. If you need to contact one2edit™ support, please quote this number.
  • one2edit Name: This is name of your document.
  • Version: This is the version information of your document. This is set via the 'Properties' tab.
  • Revision: Whenever a document is changed and saved, this value increments.
  • Owner: The owner of the project is whoever created the project within one2edit.
  • Lastuser: This field displays the last user to open, change or otherwise edit this document.
  • Lastedit: This field contains the date and time of when the document was last edited.
  • Created: This field contains the date and time of when the document was created in one2edit.
  • Status: The status of your document can be 'EDIT', 'CHECKOUT', 'DIFF', or 'OUTDATED'. Each status is described below.
  • Word Count: This is the number of words contained in the document.
  • Character Count: This is the number of characters contained in the document, including whitespace characters.
  • Character Count (no spaces): This is the number of characters contained in the document, not including whitespace characters.
  • Asset Project: This is the name of the asset project from which the document was created. The asset project is the name of your asset storage area in one2edit.
  • Asset Project Type: This displays the type of asset project mentioned in the previous field. In this case, it is a file system, but it could also be a DAM system.
  • Asset Project ID: This is the ID of the asset project from which the document was created.
  • Asset Project Path: This displays the path, on the asset project, of the original Adobe® InDesign® document.

Document Status Information:

  • EDIT: This is the "normal" setting and means that you can edit the document.
  • CHECKOUT: This means that the master document has been checked out. It cannot be edited in one2edit until it has been checked back in and returned to an 'EDIT' status.
  • DIFF: This status will appear when a master document has been checked in. Any differences between the old and new master documents must be checked using the 'DIFF' process before the status will return to 'EDIT'.
  • OUTDATED: If this status appears, then the changes made to the document cannot be applied. If this happens, please contact one2edit support.

'Project Details' window > 'Fonts' tab

'Project Details' window > 'Fonts' tab

The 'Fonts' tab contains a list of all the fonts used in the document. If any of them cannot be found, they are marked by a red icon in the right-hand column (as shown in this example).

You must provide all fonts to be used within your one2edit™ workspace. These can be uploaded via the 'Settings > Font Packages' menu option.

'Project Details' window > 'Preflight' tab

'Project Details' window > 'Preflight' tab

The 'Preflight' tab can be used to run InDesign preflight reports on the document. The preflight profile can be selected via the 'Preflight Profile' drop-down menu. Preflight profiles can be uploaded via the 'Settings > InDesign Preflight Profiles' menu option.

What is an 'InDesign Preflight Profile'?
A user can set up an InDesign preflight profile to check that all important criteria are in place before exporting a document, e.g., overlapping text, missing fonts, image dpi, etc. For more details concerning preflight profile definition, please refer to the InDesign instruction manual.

'Project Details' window > 'Export' tab

'Project Details' window > 'Preflight' tab

The 'Export' tab is used to set a specific low-res PDF Joboption for this document alone (i.e. to override the default set under 'Settings > Client Workspace Settings). The 'page range and order' options can also be set here.

High-res PDF exports are not affected by this setting.

'Project Details' window > 'History' tab

'Project Details' window > 'History' tab

The 'History' tab displays a detailed change history of the document. The changes are listed by date, time, username, and type of change.

'Project Details' window > 'Metadata' tab

'Project Details' window > 'Metadata' tab

The 'Metadata' tab allows you to add XML metadata to a document. This metadata can then be seen and used via API calls, e.g., when integrating with another system.

'Project Details' window > 'DataSources' tab

'Project Details' window > 'Metadata' tab

If your project resides on a one2edit™ File System asset project, then you will see a DataSources tab.

At the top of this tab we find:

  • 'Please select...': This is where you choose the type of data source to link to this project (e.g. an Excel file).
  • Notepad icon: Click this to open a file-browser window and select the data source of that type.

Once a data source has been selected, the details appear in this window. Multiple data sources can be linked to a single project, and will appear here in a list.

  • Meaningful name: By default, the name is the filename of the data source. However, you can change this to anything you wish.
  • Type: The type of the data source.
  • Asset Project ID: The ID of the Asset Project on which the data source resides.
  • Asset Path: The path and filename of the data source on the Asset Project.
  • Last Update: The last time the data in the project was updated from this data source.
  • Workflow Reset: If the document has a workflow assigned to it, then the workflow can be reset if the data in the data source is changed. If no workflow is present, this option is greyed out.
  • Automatic Update: If this box is checked, any changes to the data in the data source (e.g. Excel file) will be automatically pushed to the project.
  • Disable automatic update when workflow finished: If this box is checked, any changes to the data source (e.g. Excel file) after the project workflow is completed will not be pushed to the project.

There are three buttons down the right-hand side of the window:

  • Update: Clicking this will manually update the data in the document from the data source.
  • Relink: Clicking this allows you to change the data source being used (e.g. choose a different Excel file).
  • Delete: Clicking this will remove this data source from the project.

The 'DataSources' tab is only visible if the project/document is resident on a one2edit File System asset project.

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