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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v3 User Interface Description / Projects Tab - Menus

Tab: Projects

Created on 18th November 2016 at 17:03 by Jamie O'Connell

This section gives an overview of the 'Projects' tab.


Please note that this section only describes the menu options at a high-level. For more in-depth explanations, please refer to the appropriate parts of the manual.

Tab: 'Projects'

After logging in to one2edit, you will see the 'Projects' tab. It is here that you manage your project folder structure. This is also where you can create, move, delete, and edit master and version documents.


There will be a folder named "Documents" present by default.

Tab: 'Projects' - enhanced

(1) 'Project Folders' area

Selecting a folder here displays all master documents contained in that folder. The master documents are displayed in the 'Master Document' area.

(2) 'Master Document' area

All master documents from the selected folder are shown here.

This area has 8 columns:

* ('Thumnail' column) - contains the thumbnail of the first spread of the document. It does not have a title.

* 'Project' Name - contains the name of the master document for this project.

* 'ID' - contains the ID number for the master document.

* 'Version' - contains the text from the 'Version' field for this master document. This is usually blank by default.

* 'Pages' - contains the range(s) of page numbers for this document.

* 'Lastedit' - contains the date and time of when this master document was last edited.

* 'Status' - contains the status of this master document.

* 'Progress' - contains a progress bar showing how far through a workflow this document has been progressed. This is only displayed if a workflow has been applied to this document.

(3) 'Version Document' area

All version documents created from the selected master document are shown here.

This area has 6 columns:

* ('Thumnail' column) - contains the thumbnail of the first spread of the document. It does not have a title.

* 'Version' - contains the text from the 'Version' field of this version document. This will either be 'Version of <master document name>', or a copy of the 'Version' text from the master document.

* 'ID' - contains the ID number for the version document.

* 'Lastedit' - contains the date and time of when this version document was last edited.

* 'Status' - contains the status of this version document.

* 'Progress' - contains a progress bar showing how far through a workflow this document has been progressed. This is only displayed if a workflow has been applied to this document.


The name and version text of any document can be changed via the 'Properties' tab of the 'Project Details' window (accessed via 'Edit > Properties').


The text from the Name field of the version document is NOT displayed in this area.

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