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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v3 User Interface Description / Workflow window

Workflow Window

Created on 18th November 2016 at 16:13 by Jamie O'Connell

This section describes the 'Workflow' window.

There is a small difference between an 'Edit' and a 'Translation' workflow track. Therefore, this lesson will use an 'Edit' workflow, and the 'Translation' workflow difference will be shown near the end.


Please note that this section only describes the menu options at a high-level. For more in-depth explanations, please refer to the appropriate parts of the manual.

The 'Workflow' window

The 'Workflow' window opens when you double-click:

  • a version document.
  • a master document with a workflow.

The sections are:

  1. 'Document' information: The 'Document' area on the left shows some basic information about the document to which this workflow will apply.
  2. 'Open Project Details' window: If you need more details about the document, or you wish to edit those details, click on the 'i'-icon to open the 'Project Details' window.
  3. 'Workflow' status: Below the 'Document' area is the 'Workflow' area. This shows the status of the current workflow for this document.
  4. 'Footprints' icon: The 'Footprints' icon is used for creating a new, empty workflow. This button will only be available as long as a workflow hasn't been created/loaded. When a workflow is present, this button becomes a 'Play'/'Pause' button.
  5. 'Workflow' area: As soon as a workflow is created/loaded, the workflow tracks will be visible in this area.

'Workflow window > Document information'

You can view and change the information displayed in the 'Document' area via the 'Project Details' window.

  1. 'Open Project Details' window: If you want to change the information listed in the 'Document' area, you can open the 'Project Details' window by clicking the 'i'-icon.
  2. Change/update the document information: After making your changes, click 'Apply' and/or 'Save'. The new information will now be available in the 'Document' area of the 'Workflow' window.  

'Workflow > Assign Empty Workflow'

'Workflow > Assign Empty Workflow'

A workflow consists of one or more workflow tracks, one track for each content group in the master document.

Each workflow track will consist of the following parts:

(1) 'Name'

The workflow track name ALWAYS matches the name of the content group to which it will be applied.

(2) Workflow Steps

There are two workflow steps available by default: the 'Edit Step' and a 'Review Step'. Users and automated actions can be added to these workflow steps. If a step is not required, simply do not add a user to it.

(3) Add steps

If more workflow steps are required, they can be added by clicking the 'Plus' icon on the existing review step.

(4) Each workflow step consists of three main parts:

  • User field - Users can be assigned to workflow steps via drag and drop. Multiple users or user groups can be assigned to a single step.
  • Action field - Automated actions can be assigned to workflow steps. Actions can be triggered by the workflow step becoming active (Start), the user opening their job for that step (Running) or the completion of the step (Finished). Multiple actions can be assigned to each action field, if required.
  • Progress bar - These progress bars show the progress of each step. The progress bar at the bottom of the workflow track (i.e. in the Steps Completion area) shows the overall progress of the workflow track. The progress is measured by the number of items marked as done for each step.

(5) 'Job Handling'

Here you can choose whether you wish to combine or split jobs for this workflow. Jobs will only be combined if a user is assigned to successive steps.

(6) 'Steps Completion'

Finally, the 'Steps Completion' field consists of an 'Action' field as well as a 'Progress' bar. Any action assigned to the 'Steps Completion' field will only be executed if all workflow steps have been completed. The 'Progress' bar gives you an idea of the overall percentage of work steps that have been completed so far.


On the left you can see that in comparison to the picture above the 'Workflow' status has changed to 'Assigned' and the 'Footprints' icon turned into a 'Play' icon.

What is the difference between 'Combine Jobs' and 'Split Jobs'?

  1. If 'Combine Jobs' is selected, any user who is assigned to multiple, sequential workflow steps will only find one job in their 'Jobs' tab. This enables that user to progress content directly from the start of the first step to the end of the last step in that sequence, e.g., if a user is assigned to both the 'Edit' and first 'Review' steps, then any content marked as 'Done' will be progressed through the review step as well. There is no need to review the content via a separate job.
  2. If the 'Job Handling' is set to 'Split Jobs', however, then the user will see an individual job for every workflow step. In this case, the user may only progress content through one workflow step at a time, e.g., even if a user is assigned to both the 'Edit' and first 'Review' steps, then any content marked as 'Done' in the 'Edit' step will need to be reviewed via a separate job from their 'Jobs' queue.


This setting only takes effect if there are users assigned to multiple and sequential workflow steps.

Renaming 'Review Step'

Renaming 'Review Step'

If you have more than one 'Review' step, it is worth renaming them so that you know which 'Job' is which.

To rename a 'Review' step:

  • double-click on the word 'Review' for that step
  • type in the new name for that step (e.g. 'Internal Review')
  • press 'Enter'

You can rename any review step in this manner. These step names will be visible in the 'Jobs' queues of the assigned users.


You cannot rename the 'Edit' step.

'Workflow > Assign Workflow from Template'

To use an existing workflow, click 'Workflow > Assign Workflow from Template'. This will open the 'Select Workflow' window. From here, you can select a pre-created workflow template to use or adapt.

What is a 'Workflow Template'?

A workflow template is a workflow that has been saved for re-use. Workflow templates will normally have been populated with users and/or actions. This is not, however, a necessity as workflow templates can be edited after they have been attached to a particular document. Usually, in order to save time, a workflow is saved as a template when it is repeatedly used.


Every one2edit™ user has different workflow needs. Therefore, there are no 'default' workflow templates included with one2edit. They will all need to be created by the user.

'Workflow - Users and Groups'

To add users or user groups to workflow steps, you need to open the 'Users and Groups' window by either double-clicking inside the 'User' field (1) or by clicking on 'Settings > Users and Groups' (2).

Users or user groups can then be dragged into any workflow step from this window.


More than one user or user group can be added to each step. If more than one user is assigned to a workflow step, that step can be completed by any one of those users. In other words, other users for that step will not need to be involved.

'Workflow - Variable Users'

'Workflow - Variable Users'

You can also assign 'variable users' to a workflow. A variable user is a placeholder that will be populated with a specific username when the workflow is started.

There are two variable user options from which you can choose:

  • 'Document Owner': The 'document owner' user will be replaced by the username of whoever created the document in one2edit™. This is most commonly used to add a user to workflow steps, so that they can watch job progress via their own Jobs tab.
  • 'Workflow Starter': The 'workflow starter' user will be replaced by the username of whoever starts that workflow. This is most commonly used in workflows that are assigned via starting a 'Job Template', where the username of whoever starts the template will be substituted for 'workflow starter'.

To insert one of these variable users, simply right-click on the 'Drop users here' area of any workflow step. Then choose the appropriate variable user from the context menu.


This is the only time that the right-click action is used within one2edit™.

'Workflow > Actions'

Workflow actions can be assigned from the 'Workflow Actions' window. To open this window, either click on 'Workflow > Actions' or double-click in any 'Action' field within a workflow track. Actions can then be dragged into 'Action' fields from this window.

(1) 'Action' fields

Actions in these fields will be automatically triggered at different times throughout the workflow.

The three fields are:

  • Start: Any action(s) assigned to the 'Start' field of a workflow step will be executed as soon as that step starts, i.e., as soon as the previous step is 100% complete. If actions are assigned to the 'Start' field of an 'Edit' step, they will be executed as soon as the workflow is started, i.e., as soon as the 'Play' button is clicked.
  • Running: Any action(s) assigned to the 'Running' field of a workflow step will be executed as soon as the step user opens the document job.
  • Finished: Any action(s) assigned to the 'Finished' field of a workflow step will be executed as soon as that workflow step is 100% complete.

(2) 'Workflow Actions' window

The 'Workflow Actions' window offers the following action choices:

  • Export Document
  • Email Notification
  • Pre-translation
  • Commit Translations
  • Trigger Webservice

(3) 'Action Editor' window

Double-clicking on an assigned action will open the 'Action Editor' window for that action. In here, you can customize actions to your requirements.

'Workflow - Step Rules'

You can set rules for each workflow step by clicking on the little triangle icon, as shown.

Panel Settings:

Define which panels (e.g. 'Document Change History', 'Document Info', etc.) are shown in the document editor for this workflow step. The 'default' option is to show all relevant panels. You can change these defaults via the 'Step Panel Settings' window.

Frame Rules:

Define the frame-editing privileges for the step user. You can choose from:

•    Use Settings - the user(s) of this step can edit frames that contain their content in whatever ways were previously defined via the 'Frame Rules' options in the 'Master Document Editor'. This is the default value, and by default, users cannot edit any frames.

•    Allow All - the user(s) of this step can edit frames that contain their content without restriction.

•    Allow None - the user(s) of this step cannot edit any frames, even if frame editing privileges were granted via the 'Frame Rules' options in the 'Master Document Editor'.

Text Rules:

Define the Text-Rule settings for the step user. You can choose from:

•    Use Settings - the Text Rules retain their default 'enforced/suggested' settings for user(s) of this step, as defined in the 'Master Document Editor'. This is the default value.

•    Enforce All - all Text Rules are enforced for the user(s) of this step.

•    Enforce None - no Text Rules are enforced for the user(s) of this step.

Export Job:

The translations from this step can be exported as an XML file for offline translation. This option is only available for the 'Edit/Translation' step in a 'Translation' workflow.

Delegate Job:

Another user may be added to this workflow step alongside the current users. All users at the step will see the job in their 'Jobs' queue.

No editing possible (notes only):

The user(s) of this step cannot edit any content. However, they can mark content items as 'Done' (or 'Accepted/Rejected', depending on if it is an 'Edit' or 'Review' workflow step). Users in such a step can also add annotations to the content. By default, this option is not enabled, and users can edit the content contained in their content groups.

"Commit to next step" only possible when all items are done:

The user(s) of this step can only pass items to the next workflow step when ALL of the content items are marked as 'Done'. By default, this option is not enabled, and users can pass content for review on a piecemeal basis.


The options chosen via this menu ONLY apply to the selected workflow step.

'Workflow - Step Rules - Step Panel Settings'

'Workflow - Step Rules - Step Panel Settings'

Clicking on 'Panel Settings' in the 'Step Rules' menu opens the 'Step Panel Settings' window.

By default, the 'Use Default' checkbox is checked. You need to uncheck this box if you wish to make changes.

If the 'Use Default' box is checked, the panels that will be displayed in the editor for this workflow step are defined in the 'Client Workspace Settings' window (click 'Settings > Client Workspace Settings').

If this box is unchecked, you can manually decide which editor panels should be available for the users and which should not - for this workflow step only.

Translation Workflow Tracks

Each content group will have an associated workflow track. The only difference between 'Edit' and 'Translation' workflow tracks is the presence of a 'Language' field (3) beneath the workflow track's name. This is where the target language for this workflow track must be defined.

  1. The 'Language Sets' window can be opened by clicking 'Settings > Language Sets' or by double-clicking on the language field.
  2. A language is then selected from the correct 'Language Set'.
  3. The chosen language is then dragged to the 'Language' field.


The language that is assigned to a content group is the source language, i.e., the language in which the master document is written.

The language that is assigned to a translation workflow track is the target language for that document, i.e., the language into which the document should be translated.

'Workflow > Save as Template'

'Workflow > Save as Template'

Re-using workflows can help with general workflow efficiency because you do not need to set them up from scratch every time. Therefore, if this workflow can be re-used, you should consider saving it as a 'Workflow Template' by clicking on 'Workflow > Save as Template'. This workflow will then be accessible via the 'Workflows' tab in the main one2edit™ view.


A 'variable user' (e.g. 'Workflow Starter') will only remain in its variable form until the workflow is started. As soon as the workflow starts, the 'variable user' is replaced by a proper user. For this reason, if you are using 'variable users' in you workflow, it is very important to save your workflow before you start it.

'Workflow > Save as Template'

'Workflow > Save as Template'
  1. Choose the folder in which to save your Workflow Template.
  2. Give your Workflow Template a name.
  3. Click 'OK'.

You can find and edit your saved workflow template via the 'Workflows' tab.

'Workflow > Start Workflow'

'Workflow > Start Workflow'

There are two ways to start your workflow:

  1. Click 'Workflow > Start Workflow'
  2. Click the 'Start Workflow' button

Active 'Workflow'

Active 'Workflow'

When a workflow is running, it will look like the above screenshot. Note that you cannot delete users or make changes while the workflow is running.

  1. 'Pause Workflow' button: The 'Start Workflow' button turns into a 'Pause Workflow' button when the workflow is started. It is possible to pause the workflow at any time in order to make changes, e.g., update users, actions, etc.
  2. Open 'Job Editor' as Admin: Clicking the 'Notebook' icon at the top of a workflow track will open the 'Job Editor' in 'Administrator' mode. In this mode, you can edit content and set the status of any piece of content to any of the workflow steps. Please note that you will still be constrained by any content and frame rules.
  3. Activated workflow step: You can see which workflow step(s) is currently active by the presence of orange in the step's 'Progress' bar. As content is marked as 'Done', the orange will start to fill up with green.
  4. Inactive workflow step: Any workflow steps that do not yet contain content will have a gray 'Progress' bar.

'Workflow > Pause, Delete and Close'

'Workflow > Pause, Delete and Close'

You have the options to 'Pause', 'Delete' or 'Close' the workflow.

  • 'Pause': You can pause a running workflow in order to make any adjustments to the workflow. For example, adding or deleting users, steps, or actions. When a workflow is paused, the jobs associated with that workflow are unavailable to any users.
  • 'Delete': This command will delete the entire workflow. This will obviously also delete all of the jobs associated with the workflow. Users will not be informed that a job/workflow has been deleted - it will simply no longer be in their Jobs tab.
  • 'Close': When you have completed your workflow, you can return to the main 'Projects' tab by clicking on 'Workflow > Close'.


Workflows are saved automatically as you build them. There is no need to explicitly save your work at any point (unless you are saving a template for future use).

Running Workflow

Running Workflow

As soon as the workflow is started, a job will be sent to the first user(s) in the workflow track(s). The progress of each step in the workflow will be recorded as content is marked as being done.

Each step's 'Progress' bar shows the progress of that individual step.

The 'Progress' bar in the 'Steps Completion' area of the workflow track shows the overall progress of the entire workflow.

Workflow progress - Administrator's View

The progress of the workflow can be followed by document administrator users via the 'Projects' tab.

Workflow progress - Editor's View

Editors can follow the progress of their individual jobs via their 'Jobs' tab.

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