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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v3 User Interface Description / Job Editor

Job Editor - Text-Editing Options

Created on 18th November 2016 at 16:13 by Jamie O'Connell

This section gives an overview of the Text-Editing Options within the Job Editor.


Please note that this section only describes the 'Text-Editing Options' at a high-level. For more in-depth explanations, please refer to the appropriate parts of the manual.

Text Editing Options

When a text segment is selected for editing, the following items appear:

  1. Text Editor Window – this window will be displayed unless the workflow step is a 'notes only' step.
  2. Segment Info – this panel will be displayed unless explicitly switched off.
  3. Text Formats – this panel will only be displayed if the content rules for the job allow the adaptation of text formatting within the job.
  4. Glyphs – this panel will be displayed unless explicitly switched off.
  5. Translation – this panel will only be displayed if the job is a translation job.

(1) Text Editor Window

(1) Text Editor Window

The following tools are available within the Text Editor window:

(1) Text Size Slider:

Changes the size of the text within the Text Editor window. This slider has no effect on the sizing of the text within the document itself - it is an accessibility tool.

(2) Pipette:

Allows users to apply formatting to text in a controlled manner. The formatting can only be copied from the source text in the Translation panel.

(3) Undo:

Undo changes made in the text editor during the current session.

(4) Redo:

Redo changes that have been removed by the "undo" command during the current session.

(5) Previous Item:

Move the focus of the text editor to the previous text segment in the frame.

(6) Next Item:

Move the focus of the text editor to the next text segment in the frame.

(7) Status/Notes:

Clicking this button will toggle the status of the text segment between "Done" and "New".

There is also a drop-down menu to the right-hand side of the button. This menu allows users to add a note to the segment, as well as to update the status of the segment.

(8) Apply:

Renders any content changes within the document.

(2) 'Segment Info' Panel

(2) 'Segment Info' Panel

(1) Info:

* ID: the unique system ID of the selected segment.

* Revision: number of revisions recorded for this text segment.

* Date: date of the most recent change to this segment.

* Status: whether the segment has been changed or not since the last time the document was saved.

(2) Edit:

Opens the Text Editor window.

(3) Revisions:

The "Revisions" table displays the revision history for the selected text segment. Changes are only logged here when the document is saved (not when the change is rendered).

Double-clicking on a revision will open a window showing the content of the segment before and after that revision.

(4) Compare Revisions:

Clicking this icon opens the 'Compare Revisions' window.

There are two different modes for viewing revisions: "merge" and "difference". "Merge" will show the changes all in one window, while "Difference" displays the changes in a "before and after" view.

A direct comparison between any two revisions of the selected segment is possible.

(3) 'Text Formats' Panel

(3) 'Text Formats' Panel

If some format adaptation is allowed by the Content Rules for your job (or segment), this panel will be visible.

Depending on what those Content Rules state, you may only see a subset of these options available to you:

  • Fitting
  • Character
  • Paragraph
  • Character Styles
  • Paragraph Styles


If no format adaptation is allowed by the Content Rules for your job (or segment), this panel will not be visible.

'Text Formats' Panel - 'Fitting'

'Text Formats' Panel - 'Fitting'

The 'Fitting' options allow you to adjust some properties of the selected text for copy-fitting purposes.

(1) Sliders

The slider for each property can be moved right and left. The original value is marked on the slider. The limits of these sliders are set by an administrator.

(2) Reset (to original value)

This button will reset the format to the original value, undoing any changes that have been made.

The fitting options themselves each do different things to the text:

(3) Font Size

Adjust the size of characters.

(4) Leading

Adjust the space between lines of type.

(5) Tracking

Tracking is the consistent degree of increase (or decrease) of space between characters to affect the character-density of a line or block of text. For example, if the tracking on some text is lowered, that text will be denser, allowing more of it to fit into a line/frame/column/cell/etc.

(6) Horizontal Scale

Adjust the width of individual characters.

(7) Vertical Scale

Adjust the height of individual characters.

(8) Baseline Shift

A function that allows a character to be raised or lowered relative to the baseline.


Depending on what rules have been set by the administrator, you may not have all of these copy-fitting options available to you. Disabled options may be displayed as deactivated (grayed out).

'Text Formats' Panel - 'Character'

'Text Formats' Panel - 'Character'

Much of this 'Character' section is the same as the 'Character' window in Adobe® InDesign® desktop. There are some extra options in the form of the character-attribute buttons, which would normally appear in the toolbar at the top of your InDesign workspace.

(1) Font Name and Font Style

When a text segment is selected, the font name (top line) and font style (lower line) of the text in that segment will be displayed here. These are for informational purposes only, and cannot be changed directly. Please use styles (paragraph or character) to change the font being used.

(2) Character-Attribute Buttons

These buttons apply some specific attributes to the selected characters. The specific buttons are described in more detail below.

(3) Character-Style Options

These options include the copy-fitting options from the previous panel. However, in this case, the user has access to the raw value of the copy-fitting attribute.

(4) Hyphenation Dictionary

Select a hyphenation dictionary according to the language of your document.


Depending on what rules have been set by the administrator, you may not have all of these options available to you. Disabled options may be displayed as deactivated (grayed-out).

'Text Formats' Panel - 'Character': Character-Attribute Buttons

'Text Formats' Panel - 'Character': Character-Attribute Buttons

These buttons are identical to those available in the toolbar of Adobe® InDesign® desktop.

(1) All Caps

The selected characters will be rendered in their full-sized capitalized version.

(2) Small Caps

The selected characters will be rendered in their capitalized version. Lower-case characters will, however, be of a smaller size to upper-case characters.

(3) Superscript

The selected characters will be rendered as a smaller version above the baseline.

(4) Subscript

The selected characters will be rendered as a smaller version below the baseline.

(5) Underline

The selected characters will be rendered with an underline.

(6) Strikethrough

The selected characters will be rendered with a strikethrough.


Depending on what rules have been set by the administrator, you may not have all of these buttons available to you. Disabled buttons may be displayed as deactivated (grayed-out).

'Text Formats' Panel - 'Character': Character-Style Options

'Text Formats' Panel - 'Character': Character-Style Options

These styling options are identical to those available in the 'Character' panel in Adobe® InDesign® desktop.

(1) Font Size

Adjust the size of characters.

(2) Leading

Adjust the space between lines of type.

(3) Kerning

Adjust the space between certain characters in a line of text, using their natural shape and slope to improve their appearance and create a smooth flow of movement for the eye.

(4) Tracking

Tracking is the consistent degree of increase (or decrease) of space between characters to affect the character-density of a line or block of text. For example, if the tracking on some text is lowered, that text will be denser, allowing more of it to fit into a line/frame/column/cell/etc.

(5) Vertical Scale

Adjust the height of individual characters.

(6) Horizontal Scale

Adjust the width of individual characters.

(7) Baseline Shift

A function that allows a character to be raised or lowered relative to the baseline.

(8) Skew (false italic)

Apply slant to a character.


Depending on what rules have been set by the administrator, you may not have all of these options available to you. Disabled options may be displayed as deactivated (grayed-out).

'Text Formats' Panel - 'Paragraph'

'Text Formats' Panel - 'Paragraph'

The 'Paragraph' section is identical to the 'Paragraph' window in Adobe® InDesign® desktop, with the addition of the drop-down menu (6) for selecting a composer.

(1) Paragraph Alignment Buttons

The paragraph alignment and justification buttons will be outlined in more detail below.

(2) Paragraph Indenting and Spacing Options

The paragraph indentation and spacing options will be outlined in more detail below.

(3) Hyphenation on/off

Hyphenation in the selected text segment can be enabled or disabled using this checkbox.

(4) Default Grid Align

Lines of text will not be aligned to the baseline grid. The vertical position of lines of text will depend on the positioning of the text frame on the spread.

(5) Baseline Grid Align

Lines of text will be aligned to the baseline grid. The vertical position of lines of text will be uniform across all frames, independent of the positioning of the text frame on the spread.

(6) Composer Drop-down Menu:

  • Adobe Paragraph Composer: This composer analyses the line breaks holistically for the entire paragraph.
  • Adobe Single-Line Composer: This composer is the traditional method for calculating line breaks line by line.


Depending on what rules have been set by the administrator, you may not have all of these options available to you. Disabled options may be displayed as deactivated (grayed-out).

'Text Formats' Panel - 'Paragraph': Paragraph Alignment Buttons

'Text Formats' Panel - 'Paragraph': Paragraph Alignment Buttons

The paragraph alignment buttons are identical to those found in the 'Paragraph' window of Adobe® InDesign® desktop.

(1) Align Left

Text will be aligned to the left-hand side of the frame.

(2) Align Center

Text will be centered in the frame.

(3) Align Right

Text will be aligned to the right-hand side of the frame.

(4) Justify Left

Text will be aligned to both sides of the frame. The last line will be aligned to the left-hand side of the frame.

(5) Justify Center

Text will be aligned to both sides of the frame. The last line will be centered in the frame.

(6) Justify Right

Text will be aligned to both sides of the frame. The last line will be aligned to the right-hand side of the frame.

(7) Justify Full

Text will be aligned to both sides of the frame, including the last line.

(8) Align Towards Spine

On a 2-page spread, the text on a left-hand page will be right aligned, and the text on a right-hand page will be left aligned.

(9) Align Away From Spine

On a 2-page spread, the text on a left-hand page will be left aligned, and the text on a right-hand page will be right aligned.


Depending on what rules have been set by the administrator, you may not have all of these buttons available to you. Disabled buttons may be displayed as deactivated (grayed-out).

'Text Formats' Panel - 'Paragraph': Paragraph Indenting and Spacing Options

'Text Formats' Panel - 'Paragraph': Paragraph Indenting and Spacing Options

The indenting and spacing options are identical to those found in the 'Paragraph' window of Adobe® InDesign® desktop.

(1) Left Indent

Indent all text from the left-hand side of the frame.

(2) Right Indent

Indent all text from the right-hand side of the frame.

(3) First Line Indent

Indent first line from the left-hand side of the frame.

(4) Last Right Indent

Indent last line from the right-hand side of the frame.

(5) Space Before

Inserts a blank space before the text within a frame.

(6) Space After

Inserts a blank space after the text within a frame.

A Drop Cap is when the first letter of a paragraph is enlarged to 'drop' down two or more lines. These can often be found at the beginning of a novel or magazine article.

(7) Drop Cap Lines

Define the number of lines over which the drop cap extends.

(8) Drop Cap Characters

Define the number of drop-cap characters, i.e., how many characters will be displayed in the drop-cap format.


Depending on what rules have been set by the administrator, you may not have all of these options available to you. Disabled options may be displayed as deactivated (grayed-out).

'Text Formats' Panel - 'Character Styles'

'Text Formats' Panel - 'Character Styles'

The Character Styles section lists some or all of the character styles embedded in the document. The character style used in the selected piece of text will be highlighted. If no character style is used, either "No character style" will be highlighted or nothing will be highlighted.


Depending on what rules have been set by the administrator, you may not have all of the character styles from the document visible to you.

'Text Formats' Panel - 'Paragraph Styles'

'Text Formats' Panel - 'Paragraph Styles'

The Paragraph Styles section lists some or all of the paragraph styles embedded in the document. The paragraph style used in the selected piece of text will be highlighted. If no paragraph style is used, either "No paragraph style" will be highlighted or nothing will be highlighted.


Depending on what rules have been set by the administrator, you may not have all of the paragraph styles from the document visible to you.

(4) 'Glyphs' Panel

(4) 'Glyphs' Panel

The 'Glyphs' panel provides access to characters that are not usually available on the keyboard. Double-clicking on a glyph will insert that glyph at the cursor location in the one2edit™ editor window.

The 'Insert Character Menu' (1) allows you to insert special characters, such as tab spaces, "indent to here" characters, or "discretionary line breaks".


A printable character may be present in the 'Glyphs' panel, but not present in the font being used. If the character is not present in the font, it will display correctly in the one2edit™ editor window, but a placeholder/missing character will be rendered in the document preview (and any exported PDF). This is normal InDesign® behavior and not a reason to contact one2edit™ technical support.

(5) 'Translation' Panel

(5) 'Translation' Panel

If the current job is a translation job, there will be a 'Translation' panel available. This panel contains useful tools to help with translation work and grants access to the job's Translation Memory (TM).

(1) Language:

Here you can choose the source and target languages of the TM search.

By default these will be the source and target languages of the job. However, it is possible to change this in order to find translations from other, similar languages in the same TM (e.g. if your translation job is for Austrian-German, you can search the Germany-German results of your TM).

(2) Translation:

The translation panel provides translation tools for text segments. The following options are available.

  • In the 'Translation Source' drop-down menu, users can choose between getting a TM match for the 'Source Text' (i.e. the text in the master document) or the 'Selected Text' (i.e. the text currently rendered in this job's document). The default setting is 'Selected Text'.
  • In the 'Translate with' drop-down menu, users can choose between 'one2edit™ Translation Memory' (which includes the temporary and approved TMs), or 'one2edit™ Translation Memory (Approved)' (which only includes the approved TM). This is also where a machine-translation option (such as Google Translate) can be chosen, if enabled by the one2edit™ administrator.
  • The 'Translation Result' field shows any TM matches for the selected 'Translation Source', along with the quality (percentage match). A green icon beside the result indicates that it is from the approved TM, while a red icon indicates that it is from the temporary TM.

(3) Apply (TM Result):

Clicking this button will update the text segment to the selected TM result. If no TM result has been selected (i.e. clicked on), then this button will be grayed out and do nothing.

(4) Source Text:

The source text (i.e. the master document text) of the currently selected text segment is shown here. This field can also be used by a reviewer to easily check what the original text was for a translation.

(5) Apply (Source Text):

Clicking this button will change the text segment to the source text.


This panel does not appear in non-translation jobs.

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