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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v3 User Interface Description / Job Editor

Job Editor - Image-Editing Options

Created on 18th November 2016 at 16:13 by Jamie O'Connell

This section gives an overview of the 'Image-Editing Options' within the 'Job Editor'.


Please note that this section only describes the 'Image-Editing Options' at a high-level. For more in-depth explanations, please refer to the appropriate parts of the manual.

'Image Editing Options'

There are image editing tools available within one2edit™:

(1) 'Image Info' Panel

(2) 'Image Editor' Panel

(2) 'Image Editor Options' (only shown when in 'Image Editor' mode)

'Image Info' Panel

'Image Info' Panel

(1) 'Info':

* ID: Displays the unique system ID of the selected image.

* Name: Image name.

* Status: Current status of the item.

* Width: Image width (units are chosen in the document properties).

* Height: Image height (units are chosen in the document properties).

* Revision: Number of revisions of the image.

* Date: Date of the last edit.

* Changed: Has the image been changed since being duplicated from the master document?

(2) 'Edit':

Clicking 'Edit' will enter into 'Image Editor' mode. If you are already in 'Image Editor' mode, then this button will be disabled.

(3) 'Edit Frame':

The 'Edit Frame' button is only enabled if you have permissions to edit the frame of the selected image. When clicked, it will bring you into 'Frame Editor' mode.

(4) 'Preview':

* Width: Image width

* Height: Image height

* DPI (dots per inch): Resolution of the selected image

* Preview: thumbnail of the selected image

(5) 'Metadata':

The 'Metadata' panel will display any metadata for the selected image.

'Image Editor' Panel

'Image Editor' Panel

(1) 'Reference Point'

This grid allows you to choose the reference point for your image measurements. This reference point marks the centre of rotation as well as the point of reference for any X and Y values.

(2) X/Y 'Values'

The point of origin for the image frame is always in the upper-left corner. Using these fields, you can choose or view the X and Y positioning values for the image within the frame. The X and Y values given are for the selected reference point on the image itself. The values can be displayed in 'points' (pt), 'millimeters' (mm), 'inches' (in) or 'percentage' (%).

(3) 'Maintain Aspect Ratio'

If the 'Maintain Aspect Ratio' button is depressed, the proportionality of the image width and height will be maintained during resizing.

(4) 'Image Width' and 'Height Values'

These fields contain the image width and height values. If permitted, you can change these values to resize the image. The values can be displayed in 'points' (pt), 'millimeters' (mm), 'inches' (in), or 'percentage' (%).

(5) 'Rotation angle'

This field contains the image rotation angle around the selected reference point. If permitted, you can change this value to rotate the image. The rotation angle is displayed in 'degrees' (°).

(6) 'Skew'

This field contains the skew value for the image. If permitted, you can change this value to skew the image. Any skew value will be applied in reference to the X value of the selected reference point. The skew value will be displayed in 'degrees' (°)


The 'Image Editor' features accessible in this panel are identical to those in the top bar of Adobe® InDesign®.

'Image Editor Mode' - Replace an Image

'Image Editor Mode' - Replace an Image

When in 'Image Editor' mode, the 'Image Editor' options are shown in a floating toolbar.

Clicking 'Replace' opens the 'Replace Image' window. You can then select a replacement image or upload a replacement image, depending on the image editing rules.

'Image Editor Mode' - Image Fitting

'Image Editor Mode' - Image Fitting

Clicking the 'Fitting' button will open the 'Fitting' window, allowing you to fit the image according to your needs.

(1) 'Auto-Fit':

If the 'Auto-Fit' box is checked, then the image fitting will be kept when the frame is altered.

(2) 'Crop Amount:

* A positive number means that this amount will be cropped from that side of the image, i.e., that much of the image will lie outside the frame.

* A negative number means that this amount will be padded on that side of the image, i.e., the image will have that much whitespace inside the frame on that side.

* You can choose whether the crop amount will be displayed in 'points' (pt), 'millimeter' (mm), 'inches' (in) or 'percentage' (%).

(3) 'Alignment':

Using this grid, you can choose the reference point for your fitting adjustments.

(4) 'Fitting on Empty Frame':

From the 'Fitting' menu, you can choose:

* None:

You will have to manually fit the image in the frame.

* Fit Content To Frame:

The image size will be adapted to the frame size. The image aspect ratio may not be maintained.

* Fit Content Proportionally:

The image will be adapted to the frame size while maintaining the image's aspect ratio. This might lead to empty space within the frame.

* Fit Frame Proportionally:

The image will fill the frame while maintaining the image's aspect ratio. The image cropping may no longer adhere to the values given before.

NB: The cropping values will still be taken into account, even when using these predefined fitting options.

(5) 'Preview'

Check this box to see a preview of your fitting changes in the document preview area.


This 'Fitting' window is identical to the fitting window in Adobe® InDesign®.  

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