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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v3 User Interface Description / Workflows Tab - Menus

Workflows > Menu: Edit

Created on 18th November 2016 at 16:13 by Jamie O'Connell

This section describes the 'Edit' menu in the 'Workflows' tab.


Please note that this section only describes the menu options at a high-level. For more in-depth explanations, please refer to the appropriate parts of the manual.

'Edit > Cut'

The 'Cut' command is used when moving a workflow from one location to another.


In contrast to copying a workflow, the original workflow will disappear from its original location (e.g. the 'Workflows' folder) when it is pasted to its new location. (cf. 'Edit > Paste')

'Edit > Paste'

After cutting (or copying) a workflow, click 'Paste' to move it to the selected location, e.g. the 'Translation Workflows' folder.


After pasting, the original workflow is no longer located at original spot. (cf. 'Edit > Cut'). The ID will remain the same because it is the same workflow.

'Edit > Copy' & 'Edit > Paste'

The 'Copy' command is used when copying workflows from one location to another within one2edit™.

The 'Paste' command then creates the copy in the selected folder. This copy will have a new ID because the original workflow still exists.


In contrast to the cut-and-paste combination, the original workflow remains in the original location. The copied workflow can only be identified by the new (higher) ID.

'Edit > Duplicate'

This command duplicates the selected workflow in the same folder as the original.


You will only be able to differentiate between the original and the duplicate by their IDs - the new duplicate will have the higher ID.

'Edit > Delete'

The 'Delete' command allows you to delete workflows or folders that you no longer need.

'Edit > Properties' (Folder)

'Edit > Properties' (Folder)

Selecting a folder (1) and clicking 'Edit > Properties' opens the 'Folder Details' window.

With this window, you can change the name of the folder or assign access (read/write) permissions.

'Edit > Properties' (Workflow)

'Edit > Properties' (Workflow)

Selecting a workflow (1) and clicking 'Edit > Properties' opens the 'Workflow Details' window.

With this window, you can set the name and description of the workflow, as well as selecting the job handling.

'Combined Jobs':

Selecting the 'Combined Jobs' option means that any user assigned to multiple workflow steps (e.g. editing and reviewing) will see only one job in their jobs queue. For example, if those workflow steps are consecutive, the user can pass content directly through both of the steps in one action.

'Split Jobs':

Selecting the 'Split Jobs' option means that a user assigned to multiple workflow steps will see each of those steps as a separate job in their jobs queue. For example, if a user is assigned to both the editing and review steps of a workflow, that user will see an editing job that only contains content that has not yet been sent for review. That user will also see a separate review job for the same document containing content that has been sent for review.


There can only be one person working within a certain document at any one time. This means that if, for example, a document is open by an editor, the reviewer cannot access the document until the editor has closed the document.

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