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Knowledge Base / Getting Started with one2edit™ v3 / For Translators

'Translation' Panel

Created on 08th December 2016 at 17:55 by Jamie O'Connell

The 'Translation' panel is available in all steps of a translation workflow.

This panel contains useful tools to help with translation work, and grants access to the job's Translation Memory (TM).

'Translation' Panel

'Translation' Panel

(1) Language:
The source and target languages of the job are displayed here. If, however, there is a completed job in the same project, it is possible to choose the target language of this completed job as a source ('From') language for TM searches.

(2) Translation:
There are three options in this section:

  • Translation Source: Choose the source text that will be translated: 'Source Text' (the text from the master document) or 'Selected Text' (the text currently rendered in the job). The default setting is 'Selected Text'.
  • Translate with: Choose between 'one2edit™ Translation Memory (Approved)' (which only includes the approved TM) and 'one2edit™ Translation Memory' (which uses both the temporary and approved TMs). If a machine translation option is available, it would also be available here.
  • Translation Result: Shows the TM matches for the selected 'Translation Source' text, along with the quality (percentage match). Green icons indicate results from the approved TM, while red icons indicate results from the temporary TM.

(3) Apply (TM Result):
Clicking this button will replace the text in the editor window with the selected TM result.

(4) Source Text:
This field displays the master-document text for the selected segment. This field can also be used by a reviewer to easily check the original document text.

(5) Apply (Source Text):
Clicking this button will replace the text in the editor window with the source text.

This panel does not appear in non-translation jobs (i.e. 'Edit' jobs).

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