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Knowledge Base / Getting Started with one2edit™ v3 / For Everyone

Using the Document's 'Structure' panel

Created on 08th December 2016 at 17:55 by Jamie O'Connell

The 'Structure' panel displays the document structure, from the spread right down to the text segment.

This lesson will demonstrate how the 'Structure' panel may be used.


Some of the options mentioned in this lesson may not be available to you. The availability of options depends on the rules that have been set up by your one2edit™ administrator for this project.


A 'spread' is defined as "a set of pages viewed together, such as the two pages visible whenever you open a book or magazine". However, spreads may also be single pages (as seen here) if the document was set up that way in InDesign.

Spreads are the first level to be listed within the document 'Structure' panel.

If you double-click a spread in the 'Structure' window, it will be displayed in the 'Preview' area, as well as being highlighted in the thumbnail bar. The 'Spread Selection' drop-down menu will also be updated to reflect what spread you are currently on.

Layers, Frames and Content

Layers, Frames and Content

(1) When you expand the contents of a spread, you will see the layers contained on that spread. These 'layers' are also defined within Adobe® InDesign® and can, of course, vary in name and number from what is shown here.

In the example above, each spread contains two layers: 'englisch' and 'layout'.

(2) When you expand the contents of a layer, you will see the frames contained therein. There are three types of frames:

- 'Text': These frames contain text content.

- 'Graphic': These frames contain graphic content.

- 'Unassigned' (not shown): These frames contain neither text nor graphic content. They are often used to add coloured rectangles/backgrounds to a spread.

(3) When you expand the contents of a frame, you will see the document segment(s) or image(s) contained therein. A 'Text Frame' will contain text items or tables, while a 'Graphic Frame' will contain an image.

(4) If you single-click on any item in the 'Structure' panel, one2edit™ will highlight and indicate that item in the document. In the example above one2edit™ is indicating the selected table.

If you single-click on an item that is not visible on the previewed spread, it will (obviously) not be highlighted in the preview.

If you double-click on any item in the 'Structure' panel, one2edit™ will change the previewed spread to the spread containing that item. The selected item will then be highlighted and indicated on the new spread.

If the preview is zoomed in, one2edit™ will move the preview so that any double-clicked item is shown.


The content of each layer is defined within Adobe® InDesign®. The name of a layer can be anything and does not dictate the content of that layer.

For example, a layer called 'pictures' can still contain text frames, tables, etc. It is up to the designer to design the document in a sensible and structured manner.


Sometimes a designer will mean to use an 'Unassigned' frame-type, but accidentally leave it as a 'Text' frame-type.

In that case, it will contain an empty text segment due to the InDesign® story within.



If 'Notes' have been added to the document, you will be able to identify them within the 'Structure' window by the square "envelope" at the top-left of each structure item that contains a note.

When you expand that spread/layer/frame, you can follow the envelope marker through the hierarchy to the exact item that contains the note.

Overset Text

(1) If a text frame contains more content than can be displayed, and there is no text flow set up to another frame, the text is said to be in "overset". Such overset text is clearly marked in one2edit™ by yellow warning triangles in the structure panel.

You can follow the warning triangle marker through the hierarchy to the exact item that contains the note.

(2) Double-clicking on a text element will open the 'Text Editor' window. In this window, all overset text will be highlighted in red (as shown above). As soon as the overset text is cleared (via copy-fitting, deletion, etc.), the warning triangles for that text segment will disappear.

(3) Overset text is also indicated by a 'warning triangle' at the top of any affected thumbnails.


Unlike notes, which have a yellow 'note marker', overset text is not marked in the document preview.

'Edit Frame'

A one2edit™ project can be set up to allow users to alter the geometry of (some) frames. Such frames will have a down-arrow next to them in the structure panel. There will also be a down-arrow in the top-right corner of the frame in the document preview (as shown).

Moving your mouse cursor over that arrow displays the 'Edit Frame' option. Clicking this opens the 'Frame Editor' window. Now you can adjust the frame within boundaries of the frame-editing rules set in the one2edit™ project.


The down-arrow indicating frame-editing rights will appear in the 'Preview' area even if the 'Structure' panel is not open.

Mark items as 'Done' or 'Undone'

Mark items as 'Done' or 'Undone'

In the top-right corner of the 'Structure' window, you will see the 'New' and 'Done/Accepted' status buttons (1).

You can use these buttons to set the status of any selected items in the structure panel.

You can, of course, select a single item (2) in the structure, but it is much more powerful than that.

Using the 'Shift' or 'Ctrl/Cmd' buttons on your keyboard, you can select multiple items at once (3), and set the status of all of those items with one click.

Furthermore, you can select entire spreads or groups of spreads (4), and set the status of all items on those spreads with one click.

Therefore, you can see that it is possible to set the status of all items within a document in one click using these tips.


When you select multiple content items, and click either the "Set all to New" or "Set all to Accepted" buttons, you will be asked to confirm if you wish to "Apply status to all selected/enclosed items?".


If you are in a review step, there will be the added option to set the status of items to 'Rejected'.


You can also filter the document structure so that only those items that correspond to the chosen filter are shown.

To filter the items within the document structure:

  1. Click on the 'Filter' area to expand it.
  2. Click on the '+' icon to open the filter menu.
  3. Choose a property to add to your filter.

Filter Options

Filter Options

The filter options for the 'Document Structure' panel are as follows:

Item Status:

You can filter the document structure by the specific status of job items, e.g., all items marked as "New".

Multiple statuses can be combined if desired, e.g., all items marked as "Translated" or "Done".

Item Type:

You can filter the document structure by the type of item, e.g., all images.

The item types can be combined, e.g., all text segments and delimiters.

Item Revision:

You can filter the document structure to show items that were edited during a specific date and time range, e.g., show all items edited between 10:00 and 11:00 on Monday.

It is also possible to filter by revision numbers, e.g., all items that were changed during revision 9 and 10 of the document.

Item ID:

You can filter the document structure by the ID of an item.

An item's ID can be found in the 'Text Info' panel or 'Image Info' panel.

Item Layer:

You can filter the document structure by the document layer, e.g., all items on the "copy" layer.

Multiple layers can be chosen at once, e.g., all items on the "copy" and "image" layers.


You can filter the document structure with a text filter, e.g., show all text segments containing the word "apple".

Case-sensitivity can be switched on or off.

Regular expressions can be used to find pattern matches.

Text Attribute:

You can filter the document structure by the styling attributes of text, e.g., paragraph style, text size, etc.

Text Overset:

You can filter the document structure to show (or hide) all text segments containing overset text.

Image Path:

You can filter the document structure by the filename/path of an image, e.g., all images with "iStock" in the filename.


Filter properties may be combined for precision purposes.

For example, all text items (via 'Item Type') that are on layer XYZ (via 'Item Layer').

How to apply a Filter

To apply a filter to the document structure, do the following:

  1. Choose a filter option from the menu. In this example, we have chosen 'Text Overset'. Perform any setup requirements for your chosen filter option.
  2. Click the 'Apply' button to apply your chosen filter to the document structure.
  3. The structure window now only displays the items that conform to your chosen filter (in this case, all segments that contain overset text).
  4. The bottom of the 'Filter' area shows a summary of what is now shown in the document structure. In this case, there is one text segment and zero images.
  5. In the document preview, only those items filtered into the structure are now 'active'. All items that were filtered out are 'inactive' (status markers are gone). Similarly, all spreads that now contain only 'inactive' items are greyed out as normal.

How to combine Filters

To apply a combination of two or more filters to the document structure, do the following:

  1. Choose a filter option from the menu, followed by choosing another filter option. In this example, we have chosen both 'Item Layer' and 'Item Type', but any number of filters may be chosen. Set up your chosen filters as desired.
  2. Click the 'Apply' button to apply your chosen filters to the document structure.
  3. The structure window now only displays the items that conform to your chosen filters (in this case, all images on the "englisch" layer).
  4. The bottom of the 'Filter' area shows a summary of what is now shown in the document structure. In this case, there are no text segments and three images.
  5. In the document preview, only those items filtered into the structure are now 'active'. All items that were filtered out are 'inactive' (status markers are gone).

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