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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v3 User Interface Description / Master Document Editor

Master Document Editor - Frame Menu

Created on 18th November 2016 at 16:13 by Jamie O'Connell

In the 'Master Document Editor', there is a pop-up menu for each frame. These pop-up menus contain options for editing the frame and the frame content.

The pop-up menu can be accessed via the 'Structure' panel, or via the frame itself. Once the frame has been selected, a small triangle appears. Moving the mouse over this triangle will bring up the frame menu.

'Unassigned' Frame

'Unassigned' Frame

Any frame that will never contain content should be set to 'Content > Unassigned' (e.g. if a frame is simply used as a color).

However, 'unassigned' is also the default setting for any frame that has been created in one2edit™. In such a case, the frame has most likely been created to contain content, and the type will need to be changed.

The type of frame can be changed via the 'Content' menu item, as shown.

  • Content > Graphic: Defines the frame as a graphic frame for containing images. The image editor does not open by default when this option is chosen.
  • Content > Text: Defines the frame as a text frame. The text editor does not open by default when this option is chosen.
  • Content > Unassigned: By default, any new frame will be of type 'unassigned'.

If you wish to insert content to a frame, you can also choose one of the following options:

  • Insert Text: Defines the frame as a text frame. Please note, the 'Text Editor' may not open by default. In that case, you simply need to choose 'Edit Text' from the text-frame menu.
  • Insert Image: Defines the frame as an image frame, and opens the 'Replace Image' window.


Care must be taken when redefining the frame type. For example, if a frame is changed from 'text' to 'graphic' or 'unassigned', all of the existing text content may be lost.

Text-Frame menu

Text-Frame menu
  • Edit Text: Opens the text-editor window.
  • Select All: Selects all text segments in the frame.
  • Segmentation: Segments the text contained within the frame. Further details are given in the 'Segmentation' step of this lesson.
  • Add Note: Adds a note to the selected text segment. If no text segment is selected (or if multiple text segments are selected), then this option is not displayed.
  • Content Group: Allows you to move all content of the frame into an existing content group. If one or more text segments are selected within the frame, it is only these segments that are moved to the content group.
  • Edit Frame: Opens the 'Frame Editor', allowing the frame geometry to be edited.
  • Delete Frame: Deletes the frame and all content. No confirmation dialog is shown. If a frame is mistakenly deleted, the user will need to exit the master document editor without saving changes.
  • Layer: Frames reside on layers and can be moved between them. It can be useful, for example, to place all editable content on to a single layer. When populating a content group, it is easy to then filter the content by this layer.
  • Arrange: Frames can be moved in front of (or behind) other frames. Further details are given in a later step.
  • Frame Rules: Individual frame rules can be set for each frame. Individual frame rules will override any document-wide frame rules (i.e. those set through 'File > Default Frame Rules').

'Segmentation' sub-menu

The 'Segmentation' menu options change, depending on what, if anything, is selected within the text frame.

  1. No segments are selected.
  2. One segment is selected.
  3. Multiple adjacent segments are selected.
  4. Multiple non-adjacent segments are selected.

There are two options common to all menus:

  • Make Story: The content of the frame (and content that flows from it) will be segmented as InDesign stories.
  • Change Segmentation: Opens the 'Apply Segmentation' window. This can also be done by clicking 'Tools > Apply Segmentation'.

There are three further options available when segments are selected within the frame:

  • Duplicate Segment(s): Duplicates the selected text segment(s). Each duplicated segment will be placed directly after the original.
  • Delete Segment(s): Delete the segment from the document. A confirmation dialog is displayed when this option is chosen.
  • Segment(s) Type: Segments can be defined as 'Text' or 'Delimiter'.

There is one option unique to when a single segment is selected:

  • Insert Segment: An additional segment can be placed 'before' or 'after' the selected segment (the location is chosen in the sub menu).

There is one option unique to when multiple adjacent segments are selected:

  • Merge Segments: The selected segments will be merged into a single segment.

Image-Frame menu

Image-Frame menu
  • Edit Image: Opens the 'Image Editor'.
  • Delete Image: The image is deleted from the frame, but the frame remains. No confirmation dialog is displayed.
  • Content Group: Allows you to move the content of the frame to an existing content group.
  • Edit Frame: Opens the 'Frame Editor', allowing the frame geometry to be edited.
  • Delete Frame: Deletes the frame and all content. No confirmation dialog is shown. If a frame is mistakenly deleted, the user will need to exit the master document editor without saving changes.
  • Layer: Frames reside on layers and can be moved between them. It can be useful, for example, to place all editable content on to a single layer. When populating a content group, it is easy to then filter the content by this layer.
  • Arrange: Frames can be moved in front of (or behind) other frames. Further details are given in a later step.
  • Frame Rules: Individual frame rules can be set for each frame. Individual frame rules will override any document-wide frame rules (i.e. those set through 'File > Default Frame Rules').

'Arrange' sub-menu

'Arrange' sub-menu

There are four options for arranging frames:

  • Bring to Front: The selected frame is brought to the front, on top of all other frames. It will, therefore, partially or fully hide any frames that it overlaps. The frame's position in the 'Structure' panel is moved to the very top.
  • Bring Forward: The selected frame is brought forwards by one position. The frame's position in the 'Structure' panel is moved one step towards the top.
  • Send Backward: The selected frame is sent one step backwards. The frame's position in the 'Structure' panel is moved one step towards the bottom.
  • Send to Back: The selected frame is sent to the back, behind all other frames. It will, therefore, be partially or fully hidden by any frames that overlap it. The frame's position in the 'Structure' panel is moved to the very bottom.

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