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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v3 User Interface Description / Master Document Editor

Master Document Editor

Created on 18th November 2016 at 16:13 by Jamie O'Connell

This section gives an overview of the 'Master Document Editor'.


Please note that this section only describes the menu options at a high-level. For more in-depth explanations, please refer to the appropriate parts of the manual.

'Master Document Editor'

Here you can see the 'Master Document Editor'.

(1) 'Application Menus': These are the menus available to you when using the 'Master Document Editor'. They are each described in seperate articles.

(2) 'Content Groups': These are the 'Master Document Editor' Content Groups. Both the 'All Items' and 'Unassigned Items' content groups exist by default. Any other content group needs to be created manually.

(3) 'Master Document Editor Toolbar': Here you have a selection of tools with which to work on the master document. Each of these tools will be introduced below.

(4) 'Lock' (version documents): If version documents of this master document already exist, you will need to 'Lock' them before you are able to make changes to the master document.

(5) 'Document Details' Palettes: These buttons offer you further information about the document. This information includes the document's change history, structure, layers and preflight report, as well as any notes that may have been inserted. Each of these palette options will be described in more detail below.

(6) 'Preview Area': When a master document is opened, spread 1 is automatically displayed in the 'Preview Area'.

(7) 'Thumbnails': On the bottom of the document you will find the 'Thumbnail' bar, displaying a thumbnail image of each spread. This allows for easier navigation through longer documents.

'Master Document Editor' Toolbar

'Master Document Editor' Toolbar

(1) 'Select' Tool: Used for dragging and dropping page elements (content) into content groups. This tool can also be used to select multiple items within a spread.

(2) 'Edit' Tool: Used to select text and image content for editing.

(3) 'Create Frame': Used to create new text or image frames.

(4) 'Zoom': Zoom in or out of the master document. To zoom out, use the 'Alt' key.

(5) 'Toggle Visual Connections': Shows or hides connecting lines. These lines exist between the content being edited and the text editor, as well as between any selected content and the document structure.

(6) 'Show Images': Displays all of the image frames in the document.

(7) 'Show Segments': Highlights each text and image segment in the color of its content group.

(8) 'Show Text Frames': Displays all of the text frames in the document.

(9) 'Show Text Columns': Shows the predefined text columns in the document.

(10) 'Show Table Frames': Highlights any frames that contain tables.

(11) 'Show Groups': InDesign allows you to group content, e.g. containing both, texts and images. Existing groups will be highlighted using this button.

(12) 'Percentage Zoom': Numerical control for document zoom. There are also options in a drop-down menu: 'Fit Width'; 'Fit Content'; '1:1'.

(13) 'Spread Selection': Jumps to the selected document spread. This is the same as clicking on a thumbnail at the bottom of the window.

'Document Details' lineup

'Document Details' lineup

Each of these document details buttons will be shortly introduced below.

(1) 'Document Info'

(2) 'Document Structure'

(3) 'Layers'

(4) 'History'

(5) 'Preflights'

(6) 'Notes'

(1) 'Document Info'

(1) 'Document Info'

'Document Info':

* ID: ID of the document.

* Name: Name of the document.

* Version: Displays the version name that is assigned via the 'Project Properties' window.


Displays all files linked to the document. If links become outdated, that can be fixed here.


Displays all the fonts used in the document.


If any of the documents links or fonts cannot be found, a red 'X' icon will appear in the right-hand column. For further details about importing links and fonts, please refer to the 'How to' lessons.

(2) 'Structure'

(2) 'Structure'

The 'Structure' view is a visual map of the document. A document is split into spreads, which contain layers. These layers contain the text and image elements of the document. The following elements are displayed in the 'Structure' panel:

(1) 'Spread':

A spread is one or more pages of a document.

(2) 'Text Frame':

Represents a text frame in the InDesign® document.

(3) 'Text Segment':

Contained within a text frame. Text segments can be assigned to content groups and are editable.

(4) 'Image Frame':

Represents a graphic/image frame in a document.

(5) 'Image':

Contained within an image frame. Images can be assigned to a content group and are editable.

(6) 'Filter':

Filters selectively display items in the structure view.


'Delimiter': (not visible in this screenshot)

A delimiter is a segment separator, which is used to separate text segments for storage and retrieval in translation memory. A delimiter can be assigned to a content group but it will not be editable.

'Structure' - 'All Items' tab

The 'Structure' panel changes depending on which tab you have chosen. If you choose the 'All Items' tab, the structure will contain all elements in the document.

'Structure' - 'Unassigned Items' tab

In contrast to the 'All Items' tab, the 'Unassigned Items' tab contains only those segments that have not yet been assigned to any content groups.

(3) 'Layers'

(3) 'Layers'

The 'Layers' panel displays the layers within a document.

Each of the following 'Toggle' commands is activated when coloured in black and inactive when coloured in grey:

(1) Toggles layer visibility

You can switch the visibility of a layer's content on/off to have an individual look at each layer.

(2) Toggles layer lock

You can lock the content of a layer. This way, content can be made inaccessable for users in a workflow.

(3) Toggles printability

Gives you the opportunity to switch a layer's printability on and off.


Layers and content groups need to be considered seperately! A layer's content can spread over different content groups and vice versa.

(4) Colour and Name

You can assign a colour to each layer and name it accordingly.

(5) Add or delete layer

You can delete layers or add new ones.

(6) Arrange

Layers can be rearranged by selecting one layer and move it forwards/backwards. Layers can also be merged.

(4) 'History'

(4) 'History'

All information about changes within a document is saved in the 'History' panel. Using this document change history, you can check, for example, what was changed when, and by whom.

Within the 'History' panel, you have some options:

(1) 'All':

This is the default view. It will show you the document change history as a whole.

(2) 'Selection':

You can use this to create your own criteria of what to display.

(3) 'Export':

Here you can export the current, visible results as an XML file. This XML file can then be opened in a web browser.

(4) 'Filter':

Some selection criteria have been created by default and are composed in the 'Filter' application. You can filter the 'History' panel by

- 'Type': display only specific kinds of changes done to the document, e.g., image editing, PDF exporting, etc.

- 'User': display only the changes performed by a particular user.

- 'Time': display only those changes that occurred within a specific time frame.

- 'Selection': display only those changes that conform to the selection criteria created with the user-defined 'Selection' option.

(5) 'Preflight'

(5) 'Preflight'

The 'Preflight' panel enables you to run your own preflight profiles exported from Adobe® InDesign® and imported into one2edit™. The details of any issues are displayed in the lower part of the panel.

(6) 'Notes'

(6) 'Notes'

'Notes' can be attached to any document structure element. These notes will remain attached and available for other users to read as the document progresses through a workflow.

(1) Notes can be identified by yellow note-markers in the master document preview. These markers can be individually positioned by the writer of the note. Notes are also highlighted in the document structure.

(2) Notes can be created by selecting a document element and clicking the green 'Plus' ('+') icon.

(3) Within the 'New Note' window, you can fill in a 'Subject' line, choose a target group and add some descriptive text.

(4) The subject line will be displayed in the 'Notes' panel, as will the color of the target note group. Please note that all workflow users will be able to see the notes. Therefore, the color code is a user friendly tool to see at a glance if any notes are meant for you.

(5) When selecting a note, you can see who has sent the message to which group, and to which document element it refers. Beneath this information, you will find the actual text message contained in the note.

(6) Notes can be viewed, replied to, and deleted, depending on the permissions assigned to the user.

(7) Completed notes can be marked as 'Done' and will be flagged with a green check mark.

1io Recipe Inc. example:

In our example, the author of the notes is John Recipe, a member of the Marketing note group (red). He marked two elements in the document - the image and the headline. The image note was marked for the Creative note group (purple), who already answered and the problem was solved. This is why that note conversation is set to 'Done' (green check mark). The headline comments, on the other hand, are meant for the Communication note group (blue). John Recipe has sent out the message about a spelling mistake in the headline. The Communication note group is now answering the request in the New Note window, and marking it for the attention of John's Marketing note group.



The 'Thumbnail' bar allows navigation through all document spreads. Clicking on a spread will display it in the preview area. Click and drag to the left or right to navigate within large documents.

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