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Knowledge Base / Administrators – Essential Workshops / Create jobs from translated XML files

Exporting 'translation' Content Groups from a Master Document

Created on 18th August 2015 at 12:57 by Jamie O'Connell

It is possible to export a content group for translation in a third-party translation management system (TMS) directly from a master document (i.e. before creating any version documents or jobs).

Project > Translation > Export Content Group for Translation

In the 'Projects' tab, select a master document that has been set up with a translation content group (or multiple translation content groups).

Click 'Project > Translation > Export Content Group for Translation'.

Select which content group to export

This opens the 'Export contents for translation' window.

Select the content group you wish to export.

You can only export one content group at a time.

Select the export format

Choose the format for the exported content group content.

Two options are available:

  • one2edit Translation
  • one2edit Translation (Absolute Tagging)

These are one2edit™ XML formats (.o2et or .o2ea) based on the XLIFF file types. They contain all of the necessary information for translation with a third-party translation system.

Select the source language of the content group

Finally, choose the source language for the selected content group.

The default source language shown is the one chosen for the content group in the master document.

If a translation workflow for the selected content group has already been fully completed, then it is also possible to choose that target language as the source for the exported translation file.
For example, if a master document is in English (US), and a fully translated and approved German (DE) version document exists in that project, then it is possible to export a translation XML file in German (DE) for translation into, for example, German (AT). This means that the translator can start from a very similar language instead of starting from English.

Click 'Export'

Click 'Export' to start the export process.

Click 'Start Download'

Once the export has been completed, click 'Start Download' to download the XML file.

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