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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v4 Admins – Creating Projects Manually / Assigning Content to Content Groups

Filter the Document Structure

Created on 10th June 2024 at 17:41 by Jamie O'Connell

You can filter the content of the 'Structure' panel in the document editor.

  • In the Master Document Editor, this is very useful for dragging content to a content group in bulk.
  • In the Job Editor, this is very useful for filtering out (for example) all but the overset text segments.

This lesson demonstrates how to apply filters in the Document Structure panel.

Items that are filtered out of the document structure are 'inactive' in the document preview (i.e. the status markers will disappear) until the filter is either switched off or changed. In other words, the spreads only show 'active' items that have not been filtered out of the structure. Spreads containing no active items are, as normal, 'grayed out' in the thumbnail section.

How to select a Filter

To filter the items within the document structure:

  1. Click on the 'Filter' area to expand it.
  2. Click on the '+' icon to open the filter menu.
  3. Choose a property to add to your filter.

Multiple filters options may be chosen at once, and their properties combined for precision purposes.
For example, all text items that are in overset (via 'Text Overset') on a specific layer (via 'Item Layer').

How to apply a Filter

To apply a filter to the document structure, do the following:

  1. Choose one or more filter options from the menu (i.e. via the '+' icon). Perform any setup requirements (e.g. checkboxes, choices from a list, etc.) for your chosen filter option(s).
  2. Click the 'Apply' button to apply your chosen filter to the document structure. The 'Apply' button is a toggle button, so clicking this button again will switch the filter off.
  3. The structure window now contains only those items that conform to your chosen filter.
  4. The bottom of the 'Filter' area shows a summary of what is now contained in the document structure. In our example above, there is one text segment and zero images.
  5. In the document preview, only those items contained in the structure are now 'active'. Items that were filtered out are 'inactive' (i.e. their status markers are gone). Any spreads that no longer contain 'active' items are, as normal, grayed out.

In this example, we have chosen 'Text Overset' with the 'Match Oversets' option checked. This will filter out everything except for text segments that contain overset text.

How to combine multiple Filters

To apply a combination of two or more filter options to the document structure, do the following:

  1. Choose multiple filter options from the menu (i.e. via the '+' icon) one at a time. Set up any chosen filter options.
  2. Click the 'Apply' button to apply your chosen combination of filter options to the document structure.
  3. The structure window now contains only those items that conform to the filter (options are combined using logical AND).
  4. The bottom of the 'Filter' area shows a summary of what is now contained in the document structure. In our example above, there are no text segments and three images.
  5. In the document preview, only those items contained in the structure are now 'active'. All items that were filtered out are 'inactive' (i.e. their status markers are gone).Any spreads that do not contain 'active' items are, as normal, grayed out.

In this example, we have chosen both 'Item Layer' and 'Item Type' filters. We have used this combination to filter out everything except the images on the layer named 'englisch'.

More than two filters may be combined, if required.

Filter Options – Overview

Filter Options – Overview

The filter options for the 'Structure' panel are as follows:

Item Status:

  • You can filter the document structure by the specific status of job items, e.g., all items marked as 'New'.
  • Multiple statuses can be combined if desired, e.g., all items marked as 'Translated' or 'Done'.

Item Type:

  • You can filter the document structure by the type of item, e.g., all images.
  • The item types can be combined, e.g., all text segments and delimiters.

Item Revision:

  • You can filter the document structure to show items that were edited during a specific date and time range, e.g., show all items edited between 10:00 and 11:00 on Monday.
  • It is also possible to filter by revision numbers, e.g., all items that were changed during revision 9 and 10 of the document.

Item ID:

  • You can filter the document structure by the ID of an item.
  • An item's ID can be found in the 'Text Info' panel or 'Image Info' panel.

Item Layer:

  • You can filter the document structure by the document layer, e.g., all items on the layer named "copy".
  • Multiple layers can be chosen at once, e.g., all items on the layers named "copy" and "image".


  • You can filter the document structure with a text filter, e.g., show all text segments containing a specific product name.
  • Case-sensitivity can be switched on or off.
  • Regular expressions can be used for pattern matching.

Text Attribute:

  • You can filter the document structure by the styling attributes of text, e.g., paragraph style, text size, etc.

Text Overset:

  • You can filter the document structure to show (or hide) all text segments containing overset text.

Image Path:

  • You can filter the document structure by the filename/path of an image, e.g., all images with "iStock" in the filename.

Multiple filters may be chosen at once, and their properties combined for precision purposes. For example, filter out all text items except those that are in overset (via 'Text Overset') on a specific layer (via 'Item Layer').

Each of these options is described in more detail elsewhere in the Knowledge Base.

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