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Knowledge Base / Getting Started with one2edit™ v4 / For Reviewers – v4

Marking items as Rejected

Created on 20th May 2024 at 13:45 by Jamie O'Connell

Job items can be Rejected back to any previous Workflow step by a reviewer. The job items will then become active in the step to which they are rejected, sometimes re-opening a previously completed Job.

This lesson will show how to reject job items back to a previous workflow step.

NOTE: Please keep in mind, that it is not possible to reject job items from the Edit/Translation step. The Edit/Translation step is the first step in a Workflow, and there are no previous steps to which items can be rejected.

NOTE: There is a separate lesson about marking items as Accepted.

Job items

Job items are moved individually through the workflow.

The progress bar next to a Job in theJobslist shows how many job items are in your current job.

Example in the screenshot above:

  • Total number of items active in the review Job: 12 items (out of a total of 74 items in the overall task)
  • Number of task items that have not yet been committed for review: 62 items (the dark-gray portion of the progress bar)

Rejecting job items

There are four ways to set items as Rejected

  1. via the Status-Marker menu
  2. via the Editor drop-down menu
  3. via the item's option menu in the Structure panel
  4. or set the status of all items on the spread via the Spread-thumbnail menu

The status marker for a Rejected job item turns red in both the document preview and the Structure panel. If a reason has been added to explain the rejection, a yellow Note icon is attached to the corresponding job item.

NOTE: Spreads containing no active job items are grayed out.

NOTE: You can also set the status of items back to New using the same methods.

NOTE: It is also possible to highlight multiple items or spreads in the Structure panel and mark them all as Rejected via the multi-select option menu that appears.

NOTE: The ability of users to add Notes to job items depends on their user-group permissions.

Reject Dialog

When an item is marked as rejected, a Reject dialog opens.

  1. The reviewer can reject an item back to any previous Workflow step. By default, the Forward to option is the first Workflow step (i.e. Edit/Translation).
  2. The user is prompted to supply a reason for why the item was rejected. This is attached to the rejected item as a Note.

Warning message shown if no reason is provided

If you try to reject content without adding any reason for the rejection, a warning message appears.

  • Click Yes to return to the Reject dialog and add a reason.
  • Click No to reject the content without adding any reason.

NOTE: The No button is on a timer, because it is best practice to provide a reason when rejecting any content. You must wait for the timer to expire before you can reject the content without providing a reason.

There is no option to not commit rejected items

When exiting the Job Editor, you will not be asked to confirm the rejection of items to a previous workflow step.

As soon as you exit the job, all rejected job items will be pushed to the workflow steps chosen in the Reject dialog.

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