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Knowledge Base / Getting Started with one2edit™ v4 / For Everyone – v4

The History Panel

Created on 20th May 2024 at 11:49 by Jamie O'Connell

The History Panel contains the change history of the document. All saved changes are shown in here, arranged by date and tagged with the user who made the change.

NOTE: The History tab in the Project Details dialog for the document contains the same information.

History Panel

  1. All changes made to the document are displayed in chronological order.
  2. The number of top-level items for each date are shown on the right-hand side of the panel.
  3. Click the triangles on the left side to expand/collapse the data tree.
  4. By default, the All option is selected when you open the History Panel.

NOTE: Changes are only displayed after they have been saved to the document (i.e. after the Save button has been clicked).


You can filter the history to easily find relevant changes.

  1. Click Filter at the bottom of the History Panel to expand the filter area.
  2. Click the + (plus) button to drop down a menu of available filter types.
  3. Uncheck Group By Date to remove the need to expand each date. Uncheck Show Hierarchy to remove the need to expand each action.
  4. Click the checkbox button to apply your selected filter(s).

The filter types are:

  • Action: filter the history by action (e.g. Edit Segment)
  • User: filter the history by username
  • Time: filter the history by date and time
  • Selection: filter the history using the selected item
  • Status: filter the history to check when items changed status

NOTE: It is possible to combine multiple filters in order to obtain your desired results. For example, you could choose Action, User and Time to determine what segments were changed by a specific user on a particular date.


  1. In order to clear all chosen filters and return to the default view, click All.
  2. Sections can be expanded via the triangles on the left-hand side.
  3. When a username is listed, all actions after that user's name belong to that user until another username is shown.

In this example, the [SYSTEM] user performed a pre-translation on the document, which involved changing the status of items (Action: Change Status), as well as changing the content of items (Action: Edit Segments).

NOTE: Clicking an element in the History Panel will highlight that item in the document preview. Double-clicking the item in the History Panel will jump to the correct spread and highlight the item.


  1. Select a content item (text segment or image).
  2. Click Selection in the History Panel to quickly activate the Selection filter.

This will filter the document history to only display actions related to the selected item of content.

NOTE: If no changes have been saved for the selected element, nothing will be displayed in the History Panel

Filter > Action

History: Action Filter

You can filter the document history by the type of action performed by choosing the Action filter from the list.

Then select one (or more) action types from the Type area and apply the filter using the checkmark button.

Example: In the example above, we we have filtered by the 'Edit Segment' action, thus showing only those entries that involved the editing of segments.

NOTE: When looking at an edited segment, the portions highlighted in green indicate new characters that were added. The portions highlighted in red with a strikethrough indicate characters that were deleted from the segment.

Filter > User

History: User Filter

You can check which changes were made by a user by choosing the User filter from the list.

Then select a user from the User drop-down menu and apply the filter using the checkmark button

Example: In the example above, we filtered in all actions performed by Regular User. Any action performed by another user has been filtered out.

NOTE: It is not possible to filter for multiple users at once. If you add two (or more) separate User filters, only the user chosen in the final User filter will be used, and the others will be ignored.

Filter > Time

History: Time Filter

You can check what changes were made during a specific timeframe by choosing the Time filter from the list.

Then select the start and end times, and apply the filter using the checkmark button

NOTE: It is not possible to filter for multiple time ranges at once. If you add two (or more) separate Time filters, only the time-range chosen in the final Time filter will be used.

NOTE: The time is given in the 24-hour format.

Filter > Selection

History: Selection Filter

You see all actions performed on a selected element by clicking an element and then choosing the Selection filter from the list. Then apply the filter using the checkmark button

This is the same as clicking the Selection button at the bottom of the History panel.

NOTE: If no document element is selected, or if no saved changes have been made to the selected element, the History panel will display No Items Found.

Filter > Status

'History Filter' Window - Add > Status

You can check the status changes by choosing the Status filter from the list.

Select one or more statuses from the list, and apply the filter using the checkmark button.

Example: In the example above, we only want to see all times when a status was changed to 'Finished'. To see this, we select the status Edit done/Finished from the list.

Export History

You can export all currently-visible history data (i.e. the filtered data visible in the panel).

  1. Click the Export button at the bottom of the History panel.
  2. Open your Notifications.
  3. When the export is complete, you can download the Zip file from the context menu. This file contains an XML version of the history data.

NOTE: If you do not see an Export button, your user group may not have been granted the permissions required to export the history data. Please speak to your local one2edit™ administrator about this.

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