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Knowledge Base / Administrators – Preparing your one2edit™ v4 Workspace / Workflow Templates - v4

Workflow Actions > Trigger Webservice

Created on 04th March 2024 at 09:42 by Jamie O'Connell

An API can be triggered from a defined point in the workflow using the Trigger Webservice action.

After adding the Trigger Webservice action to your workflow, you must configure the endpoint URL and define the parameters that will be sent.

NOTE: This action can be used to make an API call to any system, not just your one2edit™ system.

Add Trigger Webservice Action

  1. Drag and drop the Trigger Webservice action into the desired field.
  2. Double-click the action, or select Edit from the action's option menu, to open the Action Editor dialog.

NOTE: The Workflow Actions dialog is opened by double-clicking on any Drop actions here field in a Workflow.

Trigger Webservice

The screenshot above shows an example before and after scenario. 

  1. URL: The URL field must contain the target URL for the web-service to be called. Replace the placeholder URL with the correct URL.
  2. Parameter Table: Chosen parameters will be listed in this table. Each is in the form of a name-value pair.
    • Name: This name should be updated to match the expected parameter name. Double-click a name to edit it.
    • Type: The type of HTTP method for each parameter should be chosen here. The options are GET (i.e. send as part of the URL) and POST (i.e. send as part of the message body). These values should be set to what is expected by the target web-service.
    • Value: Double-click to update a value. Any variable name (with square brackets) will be replaced by an actual value when the call is made.
  3. Add Parameter: A variety of one2edit™ parameters are available to choose from. When a parameter is selected, it will be added to the table, where it can be double-clicked and updated as required.
    • Value: A user-defined value that is not a one2edit™ variable value.
    • System: Name: The name given to the one2edit™ system.
    • System: URL: The URL of the one2edit™ system.
    • Company: ID: The ID of the current Client Workspace.
    • Company: Name: The name of the current Client Workspace.
    • Document: ID: The ID of the document.
    • Document: Name: The text from the Name field of the document.
    • Document: Version: The text from the Version field of the document.
    • Document: Pages: The page numbers and names, as shown in the Pages field of the project.
    • Document: Description: The text from the Description field of the document.
    • Document: Lastedit Date: The date and time of the last edit made to the document.
    • Document: Owner Name: The full name of the user who created the document.
    • Document: Owner Contact: The username (i.e. email address) of the user who created the document.
    • Document: Owner Domain: The domain of the user who created the document.
    • Document: Lastuser Name: The full name of the user who last opened the document for editing.
    • Document: Lastuser Contact: The username (i.e. email address) of the user who last opened the document for editing.
    • Document: Lastuser Domain: The domain of the user who last opened the document for editing.
    • Document: Word Count: The word count of the entire document.
    • Document: Character Count: The character count of the entire document.
    • Content Group: ID: The ID of this workflow's Content Group.
    • Content Group: Name: The name of this workflow's Content Group.
    • Content Group: Word Count: The word count for the entire content group.
    • Content Group: Character Count: The character count for the entire content group.
    • Workflow Step: ID: The ID of the current workflow step.
    • Workflow Step: Name: The name of the current workflow step.
    • Workflow Job: ID: The ID of the Job.
    • Workflow Job: Word Count: The current word count for the job step.
    • Workflow Job: Character Count: The current character count for the job step.
    • Source Language: Name: The name of the source language in this translation workflow.
    • Source Language: Code: The ISO code of the source language, in the form xx_XX.
    • Target Language: Name: The name of the target language in this translation workflow.
    • Target Language: Code: The ISO code of the target language, in the form xx_XX.
    • Target Language: ID: The one2edit ID of the target language.

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