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Knowledge Base / Administrators – Preparing your one2edit™ v4 Workspace / Workflow Templates - v4

Workflow Actions > Export Document

Created on 28th February 2024 at 16:03 by Jamie O'Connell

Documents can be automatically exported at a specific point in a one2edit™ workflow.

After adding the Export Document action to your workflow, you can choose the export format (e.g. PDF, INDD, IDML, etc.) and the export target (i.e. by email, or to a folder in a one2edit Asset Project).

Add Export Document Action

  1. Drag and drop the Export Document action into the desired field.
  2. Double-click the action, or select Edit from the action's option menu, to open the Action Editor dialog.

NOTE: The Workflow Actions dialog is opened by double-clicking on any Drop actions here field in a Workflow.

Export Document > Type & Target

  1. Type: Choose the type of file to export.
    • Package: A .zip file containing an Adobe® InDesign® package. The package will contain the INDD file, as well as all available links and document fonts.
    • INX: An (deprecated) InDesign Interchange format file. Has been replaced by the IDML format.
    • PDF: A PDF (Portable Document Format) file.
    • INDD: An INDD is the binary file-type used by Adobe InDesign. Only the INDD file will be exported, without any available links or fonts.
    • IDML: An IDML (InDesign Markup Language) file is a representation of the INDD file. It can be used to open documents in an older version of InDesign.
    • TMX: The TMX (Translation Memory eXchange) file format is used to synchronise an external translation memory with the current translations in the workflow. This type of file should typically only be exported from the Completion field of the workflow.
    • History: This exports the full document change history as an XML file.
  2. Target: Choose where to export the file.
    • Email: Send an email containing a download link for the exported file. Please note: the exported file is not sent as an attachment.
    • Asset Server: Export the file to an asset server.
  3. Email Content: If choosing an email export, you will need to fill in the details of the email and the recipients.
    • Subject: Enter the email subject line.
    • Text: The body text of the email. The body text must contain a variable for the download link that will be generated once the file has been exported. The Download: Link variable can be found in the Insert Variables... drop-down menu, as can the Download: Expire Date variable.
  4. Insert Variables: Variables are inserted at the cursor's position in the Text field. Document refers to the document that has the workflow assigned to it.
    • System: Name: The name given to the one2edit™ system.
    • System: URL: The URL of the one2edit™ system.
    • Company: ID: The ID of the current Client Workspace.
    • Company: Name: The name of the current Client Workspace.
    • Document: ID: The ID of the document.
    • Document: Name: The text from the Name field of the document.
    • Document: Version: The text from the Version field of the document.
    • Document: Pages: The page numbers and names, as shown in the Pages field of the project.
    • Document: Description: The text from the Description field of the document.
    • Document: Lastedit Date: The date and time of the last edit made to the document.
    • Document: Owner Name: The full name of the user who created the document.
    • Document: Owner Contact: The username (i.e. email address) of the user who created the document.
    • Document: Owner Domain: The domain of the user who created the document.
    • Document: Lastuser Name: The full name of the user who last opened the document for editing.
    • Document: Lastuser Contact: The username (i.e. email address) of the user who last opened the document for editing.
    • Document: Lastuser Domain: The domain of the user who last opened the document for editing.
    • Document: Word Count: The word count of the entire document.
    • Document: Character Count: The character count of the entire document.
    • Content Group: ID: The ID of this workflow's Content Group.
    • Content Group: Name: The name of this workflow's Content Group.
    • Content Group: Word Count: The word count for the entire content group.
    • Content Group: Character Count: The character count for the entire content group.
    • Workflow Step: ID: The ID of the current workflow step.
    • Workflow Step Name: The name of the current workflow step.
    • Workflow Job: ID: The ID of the Job.
    • Workflow Job: Word Count: The current word count for the job step.
    • Workflow Job: Character Count: The current character count for the job step.
    • Source Language: Name: The name of the source language in this translation workflow.
    • Source Language: Code: The ISO code of the source language, in the form xx_XX.
    • Target Language: Name: The name of the target language in this translation workflow.
    • Target Language: Code: The ISO code of the target language, in the form xx_XX.
    • Target Language: ID: The one2edit ID of the target language.
    • Download Link: The URL for downloading the exported file.
    • Download Expire Date: The time and date at which the download link will expire (i.e. 7 days from when the file is generated).
  5. Recipient(s): There are four options to choose for the email recipients. All options allow you to enter an address in the CC field.
    • Specific: You must provide email addresses for all recipients.
    • Step users: An email will be sent to all users of the current workflow step. Please note: the Completion field has no users, so no email will be sent.
    • Document owner: The owner of the document (i.e. the user that created the document in one2edit™) will receive the email.
    • Workflow starter: The user who started the workflow (i.e. started it in the workflow view, or via a Template) will receive the email.
  6. Asset Server details: If choosing an Asset Server export, you will need to select the folder to which the file will be exported by clicking Browse.
    • Project: The ID of the chosen target asset project.
    • Path: The chosen folder path. Please note: this will be an Identifier rather than a plain-text path for a one2editFS Asset Server.
    • Name: The filename (containing placeholder variable names) that will be given to the exported file.

NOTE: Use commas to separate email addresses in the To or CC fields.

Export Document > PDF

Choosing to export a PDF will require you to define the following:

  1. PDF Presets: In order to export any PDF, a preset must be chosen. The available presets are those you have uploaded via Settings > PDF Presets.
  2. Page Range and Order: Configure the pages and page order that will be in your exported PDF.
  3. Packaging: You can choose to export the PDF as a PDF file, or packaged in a ZIP archive.

Export Document > Package / History

No extra options are requires when exporting an InDesign package or the document change history.

  • An InDesign Package will be exported as a .zip file containing the INDD file, along with the available links and fonts.
  • The History will be exported as a .zip file containing the XML data of the history, as well as a HTML file for viewing the history in a browser.

Export Document > INDD / IDML / INX

When exporting an INDD, IDML, or INX, the only extra option to choose is if the file is exported as a ZIP archive or not.

Export Document > TMX

When exporting a TMX file, you will need to specify what to do with any styling tags in the text.

  1. Styling Tags to Export
    • Attributes: If this is checked, the tags for all character styles and local styling overrides (e.g. kerning, tracking, superscript, etc.) will be included in the segments of the TMX file.
    • Global Attributes: If this is checked, the paragraph-level styling tags (e.g. paragraph styles, etc.) will be included in the segments of the TMX file.
  2. Packaging: You can choose to export the TMX file as a plain .tmx file, or as a ZIP archive.

NOTE: If you do not wish to have any styling tags included in your exported text, please uncheck both Attributes and Global Attributes.

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