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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v4 User Interface Description / Master Document Editor – v4

Master-Document Editor - Text Editor

Created on 18th July 2023 at 12:25 by Jamie O'Connell

Clicking on a segment with the Edit tool will open the Text Editor. Changes made within the Text Editor are automatically pushed to the document and rendered.

While editing text, the text-level panels will appear on the right-hand side of the Master-Document Editor window.

NOTE: This section gives a high-level description. For more in-depth explanations, please refer to the appropriate parts of the Knowledge Base.

Editing Text in the Master Document

  1. Text Editor: Clicking any segment using the Edit tool will open the Text Editor. This editor can also be used to manually adjust segmentation.
  2. Segment Info: Panel containing information about the segment, and the revisions it has undergone. Also contains options for conditions under which the segment is displayed.
  3. Text Formatting: Panel containing sub-panels for changing the formatting of the text. Contains standard InDesign panels such as Character and Paragraph.
  4. Segment-Level Content Rules & Text Rules: Assign Content Rules and/or Text Rules to the selected segment only.
  5. Glyphs: Panel providing access to non-standard characters.

NOTE: If your project contains Version Documents, you will then you will first need to lock the Versions by clicking the padlock.

Text Editor (i.e. Edit Mode)

close-up of the segment/text editor with each button marked with a number
  1. Zoom: Use this slider to zoom the text inside the Text Editor. This does not affect the size of the text within the document.
  2. Edit/Split: This allows the user to switch between Edit mode (editing text) and Split mode (edit segmentation).
  3. Create Hyperlink: Create a hyperlink from the selected text.
  4. Pipette: Apply styling from elsewhere in the document to the selected text.
  5. Undo/Redo: Step backwards or forwards through your recent changes to this text.
  6. Previous/Next Segment: Jump to the previous or next segment in an InDesign frame.

NOTE: The Create Hyperlink button will only be displayed if you have hyperlinks support enabled on your system.

Segmentation Editor (i.e. Split Mode)

close-up of the segment/text editor in split mode, i.e. to change the segmentation of the text, with the buttons numbered
  1. Zoom: Use this slider to zoom the text inside the Text Editor. This does not affect the size of the text within the document.
  2. Edit/Split: This allows the user to switch between Edit mode (editing text) and Split mode (edit segmentation).
  3. Add Segment: Mark the selected text as a new segment.
  4. Apply Content Rules: Change the segmentation of this text segment by applying predefined Content Rules to it.
  5. Apply Changes: Apply the segmentation changes to the document.

NOTE: No segmentation changes are made until the Apply button is clicked. No segmentation changes will be made if the user switches from Split mode to Edit mode without clicking the Apply button.

Example: Using Split Mode

before and after shots of splitting a single segment into multiple segments using Split mode

Here's an example of segmenting some text:

  • Highlight the word Wind.
  • Click the + (plus) button to mark it as a new segment of type Text.
  • Highlight the word Power.
  • Click the + (plus) button to mark it as a new segment of type Text.
  • The whitespace in between, marked in red, will become a segment of type Delimiter.
  • Clicking Apply will split this one segment into 3.

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