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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v4 User Interface Description / Master Document Editor – v4

Master Document Editor - Unassigned-Frame Menu

Created on 18th July 2023 at 12:25 by Jamie O'Connell

When you add a new frame to the document using the Create Frame tool, it will be of type Unassigned. Unassigned frames are neither text frames nor image frames.

The Unassigned-Frame menu allows you to choose what type of content the frame will have (i.e. Text or Graphic), as well as insert that content.

NOTE: This section gives a high-level description. For more in-depth explanations, please refer to the appropriate parts of the Knowledge Base.

Unassigned-Frame Menu

This menu can be opened via the Structure Panel (as shown in the screenshot), or from the drop-down arrow on the Text Frame itself.

  • Insert Text: Sets the frame type to Text, and inserts a blank segment that the user can edit.
  • Insert Image: Sets the frame type to Graphic, and opens an Asset Browser from where a user can choose an image to place inside the frame.
  • Edit Frame: Opens the frame editor for this frame.
  • Delete Frame: Deletes this frame from the document.
  • Layer: Pops out a list of the Layers in the document. The current layer is marked. The frame will be moved to the chosen Layer.
  • Arrange: Move the frame forwards or backwards in the spread hierarchy (z-axis).
  • Frame Rules: Pops out a sub-menu, from which you can choose to open the Frame Rules - Document dialog or the Frame Rules - InDividual dialog.
  • Default Text Rules: Opens theText Rules dialog, where you can assign Text Rules for the document.
  • Content: Set the frame type: Graphic for linked assets; Text for text segments; Unassigned for no content (e.g. a frame that is just colored by a Swatch).

NOTE: Frame Rules only allow frames to be edited in the Job Editor if they contain editable content (i.e. text or image). A frame of type Unassigned will, by definition, not contain any text or image. Therefore, it is not possible to edit Unassigned frames in the Job Editor, even if you assign Frame Rules to the frame.

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