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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v4 User Interface Description / Master Document Editor – v4

Master Document Editor

Created on 18th July 2023 at 12:24 by Jamie O'Connell

Opening a master document from the Projects area will open that document in the Master Document Editor.

NOTE: This section gives a high-level description. For more in-depth explanations, please refer to the appropriate parts of the Knowledge Base.

Master Document Editor

  1. Toolbar: Contains tools for using the Master Document Editor. Also contains the Save and Close buttons.
  2. Spread Preview: The currently-selected spread of the InDesign document.
  3. Document-level Panels: Panels for more information about the document, as well as for checking spelling, change history, running a preflight check, etc.
  4. Thumbnail Dock: Thumbnail previews for each spread in the document.
  5. Content Groups: The All Items and Unassigned Items Content Groups are always present. Other Content Groups must be created by clicking the New Content Group button to the left.
  6. Reset Versions: If the Project has Version Documents, you can reset any selected segments and images to the master-document values, as well as reset their status in the Job.
  7. Lock Versions: If the Project has Version Documents, the Versions must be locked by clicking this button before any changes can be made in the Master Document Editor.
  8. Selection-level Panels: Panels will appear here if and when items are selected. The panels displayed will depend on what element is selected (e.g. text-editing panels for a text segment, etc.)


The Master-Document-Editor Toolbar contains (from left to right):

  • Selection Tool: Drag and drop content from the Preview or Structure Panel into Content Groups. Can also be used to drag-select multiple items within a spread.
  • Edit Tool: Clicking on content with this tool opens the editor for the content.
  • Zoom Tool: When this tool is selected, clicking will zoom-in on the spread preview. Click and drag to zoom into a particular location of the spread. Alt-click to zoom out.
  • Create Frame: Create a new text or image frame within the document.
  • Place Tool: Place an image or InDesign snippet into the document.
  • Zoom Menu: Enter a zoom percentage. Click on a zoom preset (e.g. 100%, fit width, etc.). Increase or decrease the zoom level with the up and down arrows. Max zoom: 1000%
  • Spreads Menu: Drop-down list containing all of the spreads in the document, including the master spreads. Select a spread to open it in the preview area.
  • Highlight Images: Highlight the images on the spread with their Content Group colour.
  • Highlight Segments: Highlight the text segments on the spread with their Content Group colour.
  • Show Frames: Outlines all frames on the spread.
  • Show Text Columns: Outlines all text columns on the spread.
  • Show Tables: Outlines all tables on the spread.
  • Show Groups: Outlines all groups on the spread.
  • Resize Document: Opens the Resize Document dialog.
  • Export LowRes PDF: Opens the Export PDF dialog.
  • Export IDMS Snippet: Exports the selected items as an InDesign Snippet (IDMS file).
  • Save: Click to save changes to the document.
  • Close: Click to close the document.

NOTE: Some buttons will be deactivated until certain conditions are met. For example, the Save button activates when changes are made, and the Export IDMS button activates when one or more exportable items (i.e. frames, not segments) are selected.

Document-level Panels

screenshot of the document-level panels from the left side of the master document editor

The document-level Panels in the Master Document Editor are (from the top down):

  • Document Info: Information about the Document (e.g. ID, word counts, links, fonts, etc.).
  • Document Structure: Displays the structure of the document as a tree. The content of the tree can be filtered (e.g. show all text segments that are in overset).
  • Layers: Edit the layers and layer properties of the document.
  • History: A collapsible list of all actions performed on the document, with dates and usernames. The content can be filtered (e.g. show all segment edits).
  • Preflight: Run an InDesign preflight check against the document using a Preflight Profile that you have uploaded to the system.
  • Spelling: Run a spellcheck on the document. Language defaults to the target language of the Job. Also displays suggested Text Rules.
  • Notes: A list of the notes that have been added to the document.
  • Hyperlinks: Edit properties of hyperlinks in the document.

NOTE: The Hyperlinks functionality is not enabled by default. Please speak to your local one2edit™ administrator if you require it.

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