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Knowledge Base / Getting Started with one2edit™ v4 / For Administrators – Projects & Files – v4

Populating a Language Set (Optional)

Created on 30th June 2023 at 17:48 by Jamie O'Connell

If you already have a translation memory (TM), you can export translations from that as an industry-standard TMX file.

This TMX file can be imported to populate the one2edit™ TM of your Language Set.

NOTE: This step is optional, and it is not a requirement for running translation jobs in one2edit™.

Open the Language Set TM

Choose Open Set TM from the Language Set option menu.

This will open the translation memory (TM) of this specific Language Set.

Drag TMX (or Excel XML) file into TM

Drag and drop your TMX file into the browser window to import it.

You can also import Excel XML files via drag-and-drop. The Excel XML files should contain just two columns: one for the source language text segments, and one for the target language segments.

NOTE: You can import multiple TMX or XML files one after the other. You can also import a combination of TMX and XML files.

When you drag-and-drop a file into your TM, the Translation Memory Import dialog opens.

This dialog contains a summary of all text segments for each language in the TMX/XML file.

Click Save if you want to save the imported translations to your Language Set TM.

NOTE: When importing an XML file, the language drop-down menus at the top will be blank. You will need to manually assign the translations to the correct language.

Review Imported Translations

After importing your translations, you can view (and edit/delete) the translations via this TM view.

  1. Select a language from the drop-down at the top of the window.
  2. Search or navigate through the TM entries using these controls at the top.
  3. Click the Edit button beside any segment to edit that segment directly in the TM.
  4. Click the Delete button beside any segment to remove that segment from the TM.

NOTE: Deleting a language entry only deletes it for that one language. All of the translations in other languages for that segment will remain intact.

NOTE: Deleting an entry will cause the other languages in that entry to jump to the end of the TM. If you need to find the other parts of that entry, use the navigation buttons to jump to the last page.

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