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Knowledge Base / Administrators – Essential Workshops / Populating the one2edit™ Translation Memory

Populate your one2edit™ Translation Memory by importing a TMX file

Created on 18th October 2017 at 12:59 by Jamie O'Connell

The Translation Memory (TM) is a database that stores segments (or translation units) of text.

One way to add content to the Translation Memory of your one2edit™ Language Set is to import text segments with a TMX (Translation Memory eXchange) file.

This lesson will guide you through the process of importing a TMX file to one2edit™.

Ideally, your TMX file will contain two languages: the source and target. If you are importing multiple languages, it is best-practice to import each target language separately in conjunction with the source language.

Step 1: Open the Translation Memory of your Language Set

To open the Translation Memory for your Language Set:

  1. Click on 'Settings > Language Sets' to open the 'Language Sets' window.
  2. Select the appropriate Language Set (if there is more than one).
  3. Check to ensure that the appropriate languages exist within the Language Set (i.e. the languages from your TMX file). If not, please edit the Language Set and add the necessary languages.
  4. Click the 'Open Set TM' button to open the Translation Memory for the selected Language Set. The 'Open Set TM' button will only work if you have selected a 'Language Set'.

Ensure that your language set contains BOTH languages from your TMX file, i.e., both the source and target languages. If either language is missing from the Language Set, you will not be able to assign any segments to that language.

Example: If the selected 'Language Set' does not contain "German", there is nowhere to put German TM content. In such a case, uploaded content cannot be assigned to the correct language (c.f. Step 3).

Each Language Set in one2edit™ contains its own translation memory. If you have multiple Language Sets, there is no crossover between their translation memories.

Language Sets need to be created within one2edit. If you select the 'Language Sets' folder and no Language Sets are displayed on the right, please refer to the lesson "Creating a new Language Set".

Step 2: Import your TMX File

The 'Set Translation Memory' window should now be open. This window allows you to view the Translation Memory entries for a Language Set.

  1. By default, the 'Set Translation Memory' window does not display anything, even if your TM has content.
  2. Click 'Import' to open a file selection window (the screenshot here is from Mac OS/X).
  3. Select the TMX file from your computer.
  4. Click 'Open'.

Step 3: Import Translations and Save Changes

The 'Import Translations' window should now be open.

  1. The 'Import Translations' window shows both columns from your imported TMX file.
  2. The drop-down menu at the top of each column contains all available languages from the selected one2edit™ 'Language Set'. Check that the correct language has been assigned to each column (this should be automatic with a TMX file).
  3. When the correct language has been assigned to each column, click 'Save' to add the imported text segments to the Translation Memory of your one2edit™ Language Set. This will close the 'Import Translations' window.

If you need to change the language that is assigned to a text column, make sure that you choose the correct language. All languages from your language set will be available to choose. This means that it is possible to choose, for example, "English (United States)" for both columns, which would corrupt the import.

Not all translations are shown when importing a file to the Translation Memory. Only a sample is shown for verification purposes. However, all translations from the file will be imported when 'Save' is clicked.

Step 4: Check the Translation Memory

You can now check to see that your segments have been imported. Select the two languages that were in your TMX file (the source and target languages) from the drop-down menus.

  1. Search field: To search for specific words or text segments, you can use the search field in the upper-right corner of the 'Set Translation Memory' window. The 'Search' command always applies to the left-most column (as shown next to the search field).
  2. 'Clear All': If you click the 'Clear All' button, ALL content will be deleted from this Translation Memory. This action is final and can not be undone. For this reason, the 'Clear All' command should be used with caution.
  3. Delete one item: If you click on the 'minus' symbol next to a text segment, the individual text segment will be deleted from your translation memory. This action is final and can not be undone.
  4. Remove a language from the display: Clicking on the 'minus' symbol next to a language-selection drop-down menu will remove it from the current view. The language will not be deleted from this one2edit™ Translation Memory.
  5. Export: You can export the content of your translation memory to a TMX (Translation Memory eXchange) file.
  6. Not all segments are shown at once: Not all translations are shown at once for performance reasons. The "Viewing X-Y of Z" statement shows you which ones are being displayed.

When you click the 'Clear All' button, a 'Warning' message will be displayed. You will need to confirm your decision in order to delete your translation-memory content.

Step 5: Editing a segment

  1. To change or edit a segment in the translation memory, click on the 'notebook' icon (Edit) beside the segment. This will open a text-editor window.
  2. Click 'Save' to save your changes to the translation memory segment, or click 'Cancel'. The time of the last change, as well as the username who made the change, will be recorded.

one2edit™ is not a full-featured CAT tool. If you wish to do wholesale editing of your TM, please check online for a proper tool.


You successfully uploaded new content into your one2edit™ Translation Memory via a TMX file.

NOTE: Troubleshooting

The TMX (Translation Memory eXchange) file-format is a standard, open file-format for the exchange of data between translation tools.

It is based on XML and contains translation memory data (mainly translation units marked by <tu> tags), as well as some additional information.

If you have any trouble importing your TMX file, take a look at the file using a text editor and check the following:

  1. TMX Encoding: Please ensure that the TMX encoding is UTF-8. If not, please set-up your translation software to export UTF-8 and then re-export the TMX file.
  2. Source Language: one2edit™ supports the ISO 639 codes for languages. In the example above, the source language is US English (en-us). Make sure that the same language and locale is available in your one2edit™ language set, and selected at import.

A TMX file with the incorrect encoding may import without error, but then display incorrect characters.

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