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Knowledge Base / Administrators – Essential Workshops / Setting up a Job Template

Workshop 3: How to create a Job Template – Detailed Steps

Created on 17th October 2017 at 15:48 by Jamie O'Connell

Welcome to your one2edit™ 'How to' Guide!

In this lesson, we will create a job template.

one2edit™ revolves around setting up jobs for users via content groups (what content can be edited), content rules (in what way the content can be edited), and workflows (who is permitted to edit the content).

A job is the product of a one2edit™ project and a workflow, and templates are used to quickly create these jobs.

This lesson will bring you through how to create a template in one2edit™ from a prepared project and workflow.

Let's get started!

Step 1: 'Templates' tab

What is a Template?

In one2edit™, a Template refers to a "Job Template", which is a link between a pre-prepared Master Document and a pre-defined Workflow.

When a template is started (with one click), it automatically creates a version document from the chosen master document. It then applies the workflow to that version document. It then automatically starts the workflow, thus creating a job.

Giving a user access to a template does not give that same user access to the master document or to the workflow. Therefore it can be used as a controlled method of allowing users to start their own jobs without giving them document/project administrator privileges.

These kinds of "on demand" jobs are often used for the adaption of marketing material by dealers or franchises (e.g. updating logos, addresses, etc.), as well as things like business cards and seminar flyers (e.g. updating details, etc.).

The ability to create templates in one2edit™ depends on your user-group privileges. If you cannot see the 'Templates', 'Projects' or 'Workflows' tabs, then you should speak to your one2edit™ administrator (access to these items is required in order to create a template).

Example: 1io Recipe Inc.
John Recipe wants to create a new template for the in-house "Create your own Recipe" initiative. Users will start a job via the template, and exchange the document's text and pictures for their own favourite recipe. The page layout will remain unchanged in this case.

Step 2: Know which Master Document will be used

Ensure that you have prepared a master document (i.e. created and populated content groups) on the system for the template to use.

To be certain, you should check your master document by opening it.

If you have not prepared a Master Document for this project, please create one by following the steps in the appropriate workshops.

Step 3: Check that your Master Document has been prepared

  1. Ensure that your master document contains a populated content group. If there is no content assigned to the content group, then there is nothing for a user to edit and, therefore, no job will appear. In this example, we are showing that the document content is highlighted in the color chosen for the content group.
  2. Take a note of the name of this content group. You need to ensure that the content group name in your document matches the content group name in your workflow. In this example, the content group is named "edit".

Keep in mind that all content items within the content group will be editable by the user in accordance with any content rules applied.

The creation and population of content groups is beyond the scope of this workshop. For a detailed description on how to create and populate content groups, please refer to the appropriate workshops.

Example: 1io Recipe Inc.
For our "Create your own Recipe" initiative, we have created a content group named 'edit'. This content group contains the document content that our users can change. Our content group contains both images and text (i.e. everything highlighted in pink can be changed).

Step 4: Know which workflow will be used

Ensure that you have at least one workflow saved for the template to use. If not, please create a workflow and save it as a ‘Workflow Template’ (accessed via the ‘Workflows’ tab).

Double-click on a workflow to open it.

Remember, you need to have saved a workflow that you created as a template.

Step 5: Check the name of the workflow track

Check the name of the workflow track(s). A workflow can only be assigned to a document if at least one of the workflow tracks has the same name as one of the content groups in the document. The system will then automatically assign each workflow track to the content group of the same name.

Click 'File > Close' to close your workflow once you have checked it.

All workflows created via the 'Workflow' tab will contain a 'Language' field. If you are not creating a translation workflow, this field can be safely left empty.

Step 6: Browse to the 'Templates' tab

Now that we have checked both the master document and the workflow, we can use these to create a 'Job Template'.

To do this, we need to be on the 'Templates' tab.

Step 7: Create a new 'Job Template'

  1. Create a new template: Click on 'File > New Template' to open the 'New Template' window. In the screenshot above the left side window shows the 'New Template' window by default, while the right side shows an adapted 'New Template' window.
  2. Name your template: Give the template a name in this field.
  3. Tag your template: It is also possible to add 'Tags' to this template. These are search tags, and can be searched for via the 'Search' field at the top of the screen.
  4. Describe your template: It may be useful to add a short description of the template. This will be visible to those that can view the template.
  5. Default Version: Every time someone starts a template, a version document is created. The value you select here will define the 'Version' text for those documents. For version documents, this is like the name of the document. A drop-down menu can be used to insert variable attributes into the 'Default Version' field.
  6. Default Description: As with the 'Default Version' field, the default 'Description' value for the generated version documents can be defined here. A drop-down menu can be used to insert variable attributes into the 'Default Description' field.
  7. Allow template starter to change default values: If this box is checked, the user who starts the template can edit the 'Default Version' and 'Default Description' values for that particular job (i.e. that version document). This is useful for allowing users to enter information that cannot be added using the variables. If this box is not checked, the 'Version' and 'Description' values will always be created using the chosen parameters.
  8. Allow template starter to use finished versions as source: If this box is checked, the user who starts the template can choose one of their previously-completed jobs as the starting point for their new job. Only those jobs on which the user has worked in the past will be available, i.e., jobs that appear in that user's Job Archive tab. A user will be deemed to have worked on a job if they were in the one2edit™ Workflow for that job. If this box is not checked, a copy of the original master document will always be used for the new job.
  9. Document: Clicking on the 'No Document' button allows you to choose the master document associated with this template. This will be done in the next step of this workshop. It is possible to change the selected master document to another at any point by clicking on this same area.

Example: 1io Recipe Inc.:
(2) Our Template is named "Create your own Recipe". (3) The description field of this Template makes it clear that you can change both text and images within the job that will be generated by this template. (4) As a 'Default Version' value, we chose a combination of the parameters for "Document Name" and "User Name". Thus, in the end, there will be a nice overview within the Projects tab showing which version document belongs to whom. For example, an entry might say: "document name_john recipe", etc. (6) For the 'Default Description', we considered it useful to add the user name as well as the user's contact information, i.e., email address. (8) We decided to leave this box un-checked because we want to ensure that each version document has the same name (i.e. 'Version'). (9) We did, however, allow users to start from a previously-completed template.

Step 8: Select the master document to be used

  1. Document selection: Click the button entitled '[No document]' to open the 'Select Document' window.
  2. Select project folder: The folders displayed on the left-hand side of this window are the same as in the 'Projects' tab. Select the one that holds the master document for your template.
  3. Select document: After choosing the folder, select the document you need by clicking on it.
  4. Click 'Select': Now click the 'Select' button and the 'Select Document' window will disappear. Your document has now been linked to your new template.

Step 9: Create template

  1. Linked document: The name of document that has been linked to your template appears in the 'Document' field.
  2. Click Apply: Click the 'Apply' button in the 'New Template' window to create the template.

Step 10: Template created

  1. New template: Your new template will appear in the 'Templates' tab.
  2. 'Name' and 'Description': The name and description text that you chose should be visible in the newly created template.
  3. Template Details: The title of the window will now change to 'Template Details' (because the template now exists).

If you have clicked 'Save' instead of 'Apply', your 'Template Details' window will have closed. To get it back, simply double-click on the thumbnail of the newly-created template.

Step 11: Add workflow

To complete the template, at least one workflow now needs to be added.

  1. Click main 'Workflows' tab: Click on the 'Workflows' tab, so that you can see your template workflows.
  2. Click 'Workflows' tab within the 'Template Details' window: It is to here that you will drag one (or more) of your template workflows.
  3. Drag and drop template workflow(s): Find the workflow(s) that you wish to use with this template. Then drag-and-drop the workflow(s) into the 'Workflows' tab of the 'Template Details' window.
  4. Remove workflow: To remove a workflow from the Template, click the red "X" to the right of the workflow.

NOTE: Checkbox beside workflow

If the box to the left-hand side of a workflow is checked, that means every user starting the template can use this workflow.

If the box to the left-hand side of a workflow is not checked, that means only selected users can use this workflow when starting the template (see next step for instructions on selecting users for a workflow).

In our example, the top workflow has a check-mark, but the bottom workflow does not. This means that only selected users can use the bottom workflow when starting a job with this template.

If the user is not a 'selected user', the top workflow will start by default (because it is the only workflow available for them).

However, a 'selected user' will be offered a choice of which workflow to use (either the 'default' top workflow, or the 'selected user' bottom workflow).

If no workflows have check-marks beside them, then all workflows MUST have users assigned to them. In this way, you can automatically assign a specific translation-language workflow to a job, depending on which user starts the job from the template.

NOTE: Select workflows for specific users

More than one workflow can be added to the 'Workflows' tab in the 'Template Details' window.

If you wish, you may define certain workflows to only be available to (or automatically start for) specific users.

  1. Assign workflows as normal: Drag-and-drop the required workflows into the 'Workflows' tab of the 'Template Details' window.
  2. Select a workflow: Click on the workflow to which you wish to assign specific users. This will activate the user area in the lower part of the window.
  3. Select individual users (or an entire user group): Open the 'Users and Groups' window by clicking 'Settings > Users and Groups'. Drag-and-drop the desired user(s) into the area below the workflows, as shown. If a group of users needs to be assigned to a workflow, simply drag-and-drop the user group from the left-hand area of the 'Users and Groups' window.
  4. Click 'Apply' or 'Save': When you are done assigning users and/or groups to workflows, click the 'Apply' or 'Save' button. Your changes have now been saved to the template. If 'Save' was clicked, the 'Template Details' window will have closed automatically.

This feature can be very useful for assigning translation jobs based on the requirements of the user. For example, if a Spanish user starts the template, a Spanish translation workflow can be automatically applied to the job and started.

Example: 1io Recipe Inc.
We have assigned two workflows to this template. The first workflow, named "edit workflow for template", is to be used when any editor starts the template. Therefore, we have checked the box next to it. The second workflow, named "Edit workflow_Specific Users", should only be available if the user "John Recipe" starts the template. When John does start this template, he will be given the choice of starting either workflow - the "default" workflow, or the special workflow.

Step 12: Template complete

Your template is now complete and is visible in the 'Templates' tab.

  1. 'Info' button: The 'Info' button opens up a read-only window containing the template details. Here, a user can see the 'Name', 'ID' and 'Description', as well as the 'Dimensions' and when the template was created and modified. The 'PDF' button on the bottom of the window left enables an export of the master document as PDF.
  2. 'Archive' tab: The 'Archive' tab displays any jobs from this template that were previously completed. It only displays jobs from the user's own 'Job Archive' tab (i.e. jobs for which the user was in the workflow). Any job in the 'Archive' tab can be reused as the starting point for a new job from this template, assuming that the template has been set up to allow this.
  3. 'Start' button: To start the template (i.e. start a job from the template), you simply need to click a 'Start' button.

The 'Archive' tab is only available if the "Allow template-starter to use finished versions as source" option is checked for that template.

NOTE: Template visibility and access for non-admin users

Users with 'Template Administrative' privileges can access all folders and templates in the 'Templates' tab. However, other users may not have this tab available by default.

Any user who has been assigned to a specific workflow in the template will now have a 'Templates' tab available to them. These users will only be able to see the specific templates to which they have been assigned (i.e. they cannot see any templates or folders to which they have not been assigned).

If users have not been explicitly assigned a workflow in a template (covered in the previous steps), they may not see a 'Templates' tab. If such users should still have access to a template or templates, then the "folder permissions" need to be set up to allow this.

To set folder-access permissions in one2edit™:

  1. Double-click on the folder to open the 'Folder Details' window.
  2. Select the 'Permissions' tab, as shown above.
  3. Open the 'Users and Groups' window (click 'Settings > Users and Groups').
  4. Drag-and-drop the user-group(s) required into the top half of the 'Folder Details' window.
  5. Select the user-group in the 'Folder Details' window (as shown) to adjust its read/write access to the folder.
  6. Check the box to grant permissions. If the users in that group should only be able to start the template (i.e. not edit the template), then the group should be given only "read" access (as shown).

It is not possible to grant folder access to individual users, only to user groups. If access must be granted to an individual user only, please put that user into their own group and assign that group to the folder.

Users given access to a folder will be able to see all of the templates in that folder.

NOTE: Availability of multiple workflows

If more than one workflow is available to the user who starts a template, a 'Start Template' window will be displayed asking them to choose which workflow to use.

Select a workflow and click 'Start' to start the job.

If only one workflow is available to the user who starts a template, then the job will simply start automatically.

Step 13: Job started by template

When the 'Start' button was clicked, a version document was created and a workflow was assigned to that version. The workflow was then started, causing a job to exist.

The job will now appear in the 'Jobs' tab for whichever user is assigned to the first step of the workflow.


You have prepared a job template!

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