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Knowledge Base / Administrators – Essential Workshops / Steps – Setting up an Editing Project

Section 13: Customise workflow steps

Created on 09th October 2017 at 12:54 by Jamie O'Connell

This section shows you how to customise workflow steps.

The following content is an excerpt of our workshop. To see this lesson in context, please refer to "Workshop 2: How to create an Edit Job Workflow (Step 11)".

A detailed description of any window used here can be found in the 'User Interface Description' sections.

Let's get started!

Customise workflow steps

You can set rules for each workflow step by clicking on the little triangle icon, as shown.

Panel Settings:
Define which panels (e.g. Document Change History, Document Info, etc.) are shown in the document editor for this workflow step. The 'default' option is to show all relevant panels.

Frame Rules:
Define the frame-editing privileges for the step user. You can choose from:

  • Use Settings: the user(s) of this step can edit frames that contain their content in whatever ways were previously defined via the 'Frame Rules' options in the 'Master Document Editor'. This is the default value, and by default, users cannot edit any frames.
  • Allow All: the user(s) of this step can edit frames that contain their content without restriction.
  • Allow None: the user(s) of this step cannot edit any frames, even if frame editing privileges were granted via the 'Frame Rules' options in the 'Master Document Editor'.

No editing possible (notes only):
The user(s) of this step cannot edit any content. However, they can mark content items as 'Done' (or 'Accepted/Rejected', depending on if it is an 'Edit' or 'Review' workflow step). Users in such a step can also add annotations to the content. By default, this option is not enabled, and users can edit the content contained in their content groups.

"Commit to next step" only possible when all items are done:
The user(s) of this step can only pass items to the next workflow step when ALL of the content items are marked as 'Done'. By default, this option is not enabled, and users can pass content for review on a piecemeal basis.

The options chosen via this menu ONLY apply to the selected workflow step.

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