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Knowledge Base / Administrators – Essential Workshops / Steps – Setting up an Editing Project

Section 5: Assign content to content groups

Created on 09th October 2017 at 12:30 by Jamie O'Connell

This section shows you how to assign content to content groups.

The following content is an excerpt of our workshop. To see this lesson in context, please refer to "Workshop 1: How to create an Edit Job Project and work with 'Edit' Content Groups (Steps 12-16)".

A detailed description of any window used here can be found in the 'User Interface Description' sections.

Let's get started!

Created content groups

You already created as many groups as you like, yet you still need to add content to each group seperately.

In order to simplify your workflow process, it is advisable to create a separate group for each kind of editing process, especially if there are different users working on different types of content.
For example, users assigned for editing text will only be able to work with the content that was added to the 'edit_text' content group. They will not have access to the images contained within the 'edit_image' content group.

NOTE: 'Structure'-Document Connection

  1. 'Structure' panel: The 'Structure' panel shows you the content items in the document and their exact level within the document structure. In this case, the 'All Items' tab is chosen, meaning that every content item in the document is present in the structure view.
  2. Connection between the 'Structure' panel and the 'Document Preview': When you select a piece of content (e.g. the text segment: "It's time for an orange fizz"), the content will be highlighted and there will be a shadow path connecting the content in the structure window to the same piece of content in the document preview.

If you double-click on an item in the 'Structure' panel, the document preview will jump to the correct spread and then highlight that piece of content.

The 'Structure' panel will only contain the content of the selected content group/tab.

Assigning content to a content group

Now you need to put content into your content group. There are two ways of doing this:

From the 'Document Preview'

(1) 'Select' tool: First, ensure that the 'Select' tool is chosen.

(2) 'Drag & Drop' from 'Document Preview': You can now drag and drop elements directly from the document preview to a content group.


From the 'Document Structure'

(3) Open 'Structure' panel: Click on the 'Structure' icon in the left-hand toolbar to open the 'Structure' window.

(4) 'Drag & Drop' from 'Document Structure': You can now drag and drop the required segments directly from the document structure to a content group.

You can select multiple items in either the document preview or the document structure. You can then drag multiple items into a content group in one go.

To remove items from a content group, simply drag the content into the 'Unassigned Items' group/tab.

Move Content Warning

This warning will appear if you drag a frame, table, spread, etc. into a content group, along with some explicitly selected content (i.e. an ambiguous selection). Choose the desired answer and click 'OK'.

Check the box if you do not wish for this warning message to re-appear for this session.

The ambiguity is around whether you want the all of the frame's content (or the spread's content, or the table's content, etc.) to be moved, or just that portion of content which has been selected.

Dragging greater amounts of content

Dragging and dropping content items one by one (or even spread by spread) into content groups can be a time-consuming process. For this reason, there are ways to simplify/speed up the process:

  1. Drag to select desired segments: You can mark multiple text segments and/or images in the document preview by using the 'Select Tool' to drag a box around the items you want. Then you can drag and drop the whole selection into your content group.
  2. Use a 'Filter'*: You can filter the content of the document structure panel to more easily find your required content. In our example here, we are filtering out everything except text segment content.
  3. Check content distribution: Finally you can check whether or not the right content has been assigned to the correct content group by selecting the content group tab and opening the 'Structure' panel. As mentioned previously, only that content which is in the selected content group is shown in the 'Structure' panel.

You can drag-and-drop selected items from multiple spreads into a content group directly from the 'Structure' panel.

If you want the majority of content items on a page/spread to be in a specific content group, simply drag the content from the entire page/spread into the content group tab. Then, for the few segments which don't belong in that group, simply drag these to the 'Unassigned Items' tab.

*For a detailed description of the available filter options please refer to the respective lessons in the 'User Interface Decription' section.

Warning message

This warning will appear if you drag a frame, table, spread, etc. into a content group with no content explicitly selected. Check the box if you do not wish for this warning message to re-appear for this session.

Click 'OK' and continue working.

one2edit™ uses this warning to remind you that you are moving content from that frame into the content group, and not the frames themselves (because frames are not content).

Checking the Content Groups

To get a quick overview of which content items are in which content group:

  1. Display All Items: Select the 'All Items' tab. This tab displays all of the content items from the document, even if they belong to different content groups.
  2. 'Show Images', 'Show Segments': Click the 'Show Segments' button and the 'Show Images' button. These buttons are located on the toolbar at the top of the spread.
  3. Content is Highlighted: These buttons will highlight the document content in the colors of their respective content groups.
  4. Marked within 'Structure' window: In the 'Structure' panel, any piece of content that belongs to a content group will be marked according to the color of its respective group.
  5. Unassigned Content: Any content items that have not been assigned to a content group will be highlighted in the default color for the workspace. These pieces of content can also be found under the 'Unassigned Items' tab.

Example for 1io Recipe Inc.:
So far, we have created two content groups and assigned bright colors (pink and light blue) to each of them. After switching on 'Show Segments' and 'Show Images' (2), those colors become visible (3)(4). Every item that was assigned to the edit_text group is now highlighted in pink within the document preview (3), and marked with a pink corner within the 'Structure' panel (4). Every item that was assigned to the edit_image content group is now highlighted in light blue within the document preview (3), and marked with a light blue corner within the 'Structure' panel (4). A small part in this spread is highlighted in the default 'green' color (5), which means it has not been assigned to any content group. In our case, we will take this content and assign it to the edit_text group.

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