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Knowledge Base / Administrators – Essential Workshops / Setting up an Editing Project

Workshop 2: How to create an Edit Job Workflow - Detailed Steps

Created on 09th October 2017 at 10:47 by Jamie O'Connell

Welcome to your one2edit™ 'How to' Guide!

Now that we have created our content groups, populated them, and assigned content rules, we now need to create a workflow for our document.

There are two options when assigning workflows to documents in one2edit™:

  1. assign a workflow to the master document.
  2. assign workflows to version documents.

If a workflow is assigned to a master document, there is no way to "undo" or reset changes that have been made to that master document.

However, if a version document is created and has a workflow assigned to it, then the master document stays intact.

Furthermore, if a master document has a workflow assigned to it, it is not possible to create version documents for that master until the workflow is deleted.

Because the use of version documents is more common, we will be working with version documents in this lesson.

Let's get started!

Step 1: Create a version document

Step 1: Create a version document

You first need to create a version document from your master document:

  1. Select your master document: You will most likely have more than one master document available, so make sure you have selected the correct one.
  2. Click 'Project > Create Version': Click 'Project > Create Version' to create a version document from this master document.
  3. Version document created: Your newly-created version document will appear in the 'Version Document' area (3) below the 'Master Document' area.

The menus in one2edit™ are context-sensitive, meaning the options within them will change depending on what has been selected.

This same principle applies to the relationship between the 'Master Document' area (1) and the 'Version Document' area (3). Only those version documents related to the selected master document will be shown in the 'Version Document' area. If the selected master document has no version documents, then the 'Version Document' area will remain empty.

NOTE: 'Master Document' vs. 'Version Document'

Different things happen depending on whether you double-click on a master document or on a version document:

  1. MASTER Document > opens the 'Master Document Editor': If you double-click on your master document, the 'Master Document Editor' will be opened. This will allow you to directly edit your master document.
  2. VERSION Document > opens 'Workflow' window : If you double-click on your version document, the 'Workflow' window will be opened. This is because you can only edit version document content via a structured workflow.

Step 2: Open 'Workflow' window

Double-click on a version document to open the 'Workflow' window for that document.

Step 3: Adapt 'Document' area

If you have not filled in any details for your version document while in the 'Projects' tab, you can do so here in the 'Workflow' window.

  1. Click on the 'i' icon to bring up the 'Project Details' window for your document. Update the document details within the Project Details window and click 'Save'.
  2. The updated information will be displayed on the right side in your 'Workflow' window.

NOTE: 'Name' vs. 'Version'

The names of the main text columns in the master document area and the version document area are different. The master documents are identified by a 'Project Name' column, while the version documents are identified by a 'Version' column.

  1. The title of the master document is the text contained within the 'Name' field for that document.
  2. The title of the version document is the text contained within the 'Version' field for that document.


Changes to the text of the 'Name' field will be displayed in the 'Name' column. Changes to the text of the 'Version' field will be displayed in the 'Version' column.

Step 4: Create new workflow

Step 4: Create new workflow

To create a new (empty) workflow there are two possibilities:

  • via Menu: Click 'Workflow > Assign Empty Workflow' to assign an empty workflow to this document.
  • via 'Footprints' icon: You can also click on the 'Footprints' icon to assign an empty workflow to this document.

You can click 'Workflow > Assign Workflow from Template' to use an existing workflow. However, in this case, we are assuming that you have not already created a workflow. Furthermore, if you do create a workflow from scratch by following these instructions, you can then save it as a 'Workflow Template' afterwards.

WHAT IF an error message pops up?

WHAT IF an error message pops up?

This message ('Can't assign workflow: document has no content groups') will not appear if you have followed our guides and created content groups in your master document.

However, when under time pressure, you might create a version document without preparing your master document properly. In that case, this message will remind you to create and populate your content group(s).

If you create a content group, but assign no content to it, a workflow can be created. However, when this workflow is started, nothing will happen and no jobs will appear, because there will be no content to edit.

Step 5: 'Workflow' tracks

Step 5: 'Workflow' tracks

When you assign an empty workflow to a document, there will be one workflow track for each content group*.

  1. 'Footprints' icon becomes 'Play' icon: After assigning a workflow to the document, the 'Footprints' icon changes into a 'Play' button. From now on your workflow is ready to be started whenever you are done with adapting it to your needs.
  2. One 'Workflow' track per content group: When you assign an empty workflow to a document, one2edit™ automatically checks to see what content groups exist within the master document. One workflow track will be created per content group, as you can see above. Each workflow track must have the same name as the content group to which it applies.
  3. 'Job Handling': You can use this drop-down menu to choose if this workflow should combine or split jobs.

* For a detailed description of the workflow track please see the 'User Interface Description'.

NOTE: What is the difference between 'Combine Jobs' and 'Split Jobs'?

  1. If 'Combine Jobs' is selected, any user who is assigned to multiple, sequential workflow steps will only find one job in their 'Jobs' tab. This enables that user to progress content directly from the start of the first step to the end of the last step in that sequence, e.g., if a user is assigned to both the 'Edit' and first 'Review' steps, then any content marked as 'Done' will be progressed through the review step as well. There is no need to review the content via a separate job.
  2. If the Job Handling is set to 'Split Jobs', however, then the user will see an individual job for every workflow step. In this case, the user may only progress content through one workflow step at a time, e.g., even if a user is assigned to both the 'Edit' and first 'Review' steps, then any content marked as 'Done' in the 'Edit' step will need to be reviewed via a separate job from their 'Jobs' queue.

This setting only takes effect if there are users assigned to multiple and sequential workflow steps.

Step 6: Add 'Workflow' steps

By default, each workflow track consists of one 'Edit' step and one 'Review' step. You can add as many 'Review' steps as you need by clicking on the '+' icon (1) found on every 'Review' step.

If you do not wish to use a certain workflow step, simply do not add any users to that step.

Step 7: Renaming 'Review' steps

Step 7: Renaming 'Review' steps

If you have more than one 'Review' step, it is worth renaming them so that you know which job is which.

To rename a 'Review' step:

  • double-click on the word 'Review' for that step
  • type in the new name for that step (e.g. Internal Review)
  • press 'Enter'

You can rename any review step in this manner. These step names will be visible in the 'Jobs' queues of the assigned users.

You cannot rename the 'Edit' step.

Step 8: Assign users to 'Workflow' steps

You now need to drag and drop users from the 'Users and Groups' window to their workflow steps.

  1. To open the 'Users and Groups' window, you can either double-click any empty 'Drop users here' slot or click 'Settings > Users and Groups'.
  2. Drag and drop users into their workflow steps. Multiple users can be assigned to each workflow step, if desired.

It is important to note that all users assigned to a workflow step have equal rights for that part of the job. Thus, one user could complete a workflow step without the other user ever having seen it. If you want to be sure that all users will see a job, they should be assigned to different steps within the workflow track.

The users on a workflow track can only edit content from the content group to which the workflow track belongs. For example, in our workflow above, if we left it like it is, Ringo Recipe would only have access to the content within the "edit_text" content group. He would not be able to edit any content from the "edit_image" group because he is currently not assigned to that workflow track.

NOTE: Assigning 'Variable Users'

NOTE: Assigning 'Variable Users'

You can also assign 'variable users' to a workflow. A variable user is a placeholder that will be populated with a specific username when the workflow is started.

There are two variable user options from which you can choose:

  1. 'Document Owner': The 'document owner' user will be replaced by the username of whoever created the document in one2edit™. This is most commonly used to add a user to workflow steps, so that they can watch job progress via their own 'Jobs' tab.
  2. 'Workflow Starter': The 'workflow starter' user will be replaced by the username of whoever starts that workflow. This is most commonly used in workflows that are assigned via starting a 'Job Template', where the username of whoever starts the template will be substituted for 'workflow starter'.

To insert one of these variable users, simply right-click on the empty 'Drop users here' area of the appropriate workflow step. Then choose the variable user from the context menu.

This is the
only time that the right-click action is used within one2edit™.

Step 9: Assign 'Workflow Actions'

After assigning users you can now assign actions to each workflow step.

  1. To open the 'Workflow Actions' window either double-click an empty 'Drop actions here' field or click 'Workflow > Actions'.
  2. Drag and drop the desired actions into the workflow steps.
  3. After assigning an action to an action field, double-click on that action to open the respective 'Action Editor' window. Using this window, you can adapt each action to your requirements.

More detailed information about the workflow window can be found in the 'User Interface Description' (for example, the difference between the 'Start', 'Running', and 'Finished' action areas).

NOTE: Deleting Workflow Steps, Users or Actions

NOTE: Deleting Workflow Steps, Users or Actions

Any step, user or action that was added to a workflow can also be deleted:

  1. Deleting a 'Workflow Step': Apart from the two default steps ('Edit Step' and 'Review Step') any other step can be deleted via '-' button. If only the two default steps are existing, no '-' button will be available next to the 'Review Step'.
  2. Deleting a 'Workflow User': If all users are deleted from a 'Workflow Step', this step can no longer be executed and will be skipped.
  3. Deleting a 'Workflow Action': A 'Workflow Step' does not need to contain 'Workflow Actions'. If all actions are deleted from a 'Workflow Step' the step will still be executed as long as there is a user assigned to it.

Whenever a 'Workflow Step', a user or a 'Workflow Action' is deleted a 'Warning' message occurs requiring another approval before executing the deletion of the step/user/action.

Example: 1io Recipe Inc.

Example: 1io Recipe Inc.

Here you can see an example of our 1io Recipe Inc workflow tracks, fully adjusted to our needs:

  1. edit_text workflow track: For our Recipe Inc. edit_text workflow track, we assigned Jane Recipe to do the actual text editing job, while George and Ringo Recipe both need to review the changes. Only after all three people have finished their assigned jobs will the edit_text workflow track will be marked as finished.
  2. edit_image workflow track: For the edit_image workflow track, Paul Recipe is in charge of editing the images, while either one of George or Ringo Recipe can do the review. In other words, the completion of this workflow track does not need to involve both George and Ringo Recipe.
  3. Actions: Several actions were assigned within each workflow track:
    • Email Notification: For our 1io Recipe Inc. workflow, we placed 'Email Notification' actions in the 'Start' position of each workflow step. This will mean that each user in this workflow will receive an email as soon as there is a job ready for him/her. For Jane and Paul, the job will be available as soon as the workflow starter clicks the 'Play' button. For the reviewers, the job becomes available as soon as content from the previous step is sent onwards.
    • Trigger Webservice: In the example above, we inserted 'Trigger Webservice' actions in the 'Running' position of each workflow step. This action can be used to trigger a web service call so that, for example, workflow progress can be linked to an external project management system. In our case, information will be sent to an external system when a step user opens their job for the first time (because that is when the 'Running' action is triggered).
  4. Steps Completion: When both workflow tracks have been 100% completed, the entire workflow will be complete. That's when any action assigned to the 'Steps Completion' area will be executed. In this case, a high-resolution PDF will be exported, and an associated download link sent by email.

Workflow Action - Export Document

Workflow Action - Export Document

After dragging the 'Export Document' action into the action field, double-click on it to open the 'Action Editor' window. This action is used to automatically export a file at a specific position in the workflow. The file can be exported via a download link in an email ('Target > Email') or to a specified folder on an asset server ('Target > Asset Server').

(1) Type:
This drop-down menu allows you to choose the type of file to export.

The options are:

  • Package: This exports an Adobe® InDesign® package as a .zip file. The package will contain the INDD file, as well as all links and document fonts.
  • INX: This is a file of the (deprecated) "InDesign Interchange" format. It is a way to export an InDesign document as XML from older versions of InDesign. Has been replaced by the IDML format.
  • PDF: The PDF (Portable Document Format) is a file type typically used for print. Options such as the PDF preset can also be chosen here.
  • INDD: An InDesign Document (INDD) file is the file type used by Adobe InDesign. The underlying INDD file will be exported in its current workflow state.
  • IDML: An IDML (InDesign Markup Language) file is an XML representation of the INDD file. It can be used to open a newer INDD file in an older version of InDesign (e.g. opening a CS6 file with CS5).
  • TMX: The TMX (Translation Memory eXchange) file format is used to synchronise an external translation memory with the current translations in the workflow. It should typically only be exported from the 'Steps Complete' workflow area.
  • History: This exports the full document change history as an XML file. This XML can be opened and viewed in a web browser.

(2) Target:
The options for 'Target' are to:

  • send a download link for the exported file via email
  • export a file to an asset server

(3) Email 'Subject' and 'Text':
If choosing to export to email, you will need to fill in the details of the email and the recipients.

  • Subject: the email subject line.
  • Text: contains the body text for the email. The body text must contain a variable for the download link that will be generated once the file has been exported. The 'Download Link' variable can be found in the 'Insert Variables...' drop-down menu, as can the 'Download Expire Date' variable. Variables are inserted at the cursor's location in the 'Text' field. More information about the variables is available in the appropriate section of the knowledge base. In all variables, 'document' refers to the document with the workflow applied to it.

(4) Recipient(s):
There are four options to choose for the email recipients:

  • Specific: You will need to manually input any main or cc'd recipients in the appropriate fields.
  • Step users: An email will be sent to all users of the current workflow step. This option should not be used in the 'Steps Completion' area, as there are no users assigned to it.
  • Document owner: The owner of the document (i.e. the user that created the document in one2edit™) will receive the email.
  • Workflow starter: The user who started the workflow (i.e. who pressed the 'play' button in the workflow view, or who pressed the 'Start' button on a Template) will receive the email.

No matter what option you choose, it is always possible to add supplementary email addresses to the "CC" field.

(5) Asset Server details:
If 'Asset Server' is chosen as the target, you will need to click the 'Browse' button and choose the folder to which the file will be exported.

Doing so will fill in the following details:

  • Project: The ID of the target asset project.
  • Path: The folder path chosen as a target for the exported file.
  • Name: The filename (containing variables to be filled in at a later stage) that will be given to the exported file.

Workflow Action - Email Notification

Workflow Action - Email Notification

After dragging the 'Email Notification' action into the action field, double-click on it to open the 'Action Editor' window. This action is used to automatically send an email at a specific position in the workflow. The email can be sent to users in the workflow (even if they are 'variable users') and there is always a 'CC' field available.

The screenshot above shows an example 'before and after' scenario.

(1) Subject
This will be the subject line of the email notification.

(2) Text (with Variables)
Here you can write the body text of the email. You can use variables to ensure that the text will be correct, even if the same workflow is re-used in multiple projects or jobs. Variables are inserted at the cursor's location in the 'Text' field.
More information about the variables is available in the appropriate section of the knowledge base. In all cases, 'document' refers to the document with the workflow applied to it.

(3) Recipient(s)
There are four options to choose for the email recipients:

  • specific: You will need to provide at least one specific email address in the 'To' field.
  • Step users: The email will be sent to all users assigned to the current workflow step. This option should not be used in the 'Steps Completion' area, as there are no users assigned to it.
  • Document owner: The owner of the document (i.e. the user that created the document in one2edit™) will receive the email.
  • Workflow starter: The email will be sent to the user who started the workflow. If a one2edit™ Template was used to start the workflow, the 'workflow starter' is the user who clicked 'Start' for that Template.

No matter what option you choose, it is always possible to add supplementary email addresses to the "CC" field.

Workflow Action - Trigger Webservice

Workflow Action - Trigger Webservice

After dragging the 'Trigger Webservice' action into the action field, double-click on it to open the 'Action Editor' window. This action is used to trigger an API call in either one2edit™ or a third-party system.

The screenshot above shows an example 'before and after' scenario.

(1) 'URL'
The URL field contains the target URL for the webservice to be called. The URL "http://www.one2edit.com/" is in there by default. However, it should be changed to the URL of the system to which the webservice belongs.

(2) Parameter Table
Chosen parameters will be listed in this table.

  • Name: By default, the 'Name' of each parameter is identical to the 'Value' of that parameter. This name may need to be changed to match the target parameter name. Simply click the name to edit it.
  • Type: The type of HTTP method for each parameter should be chosen here. The options are GET and POST. These values will depend on what is expected by the target webservice.
  • Value: The one2edit-side value of the parameter. It is shown as a variable name which will be replaced by an actual value when the call is made.

(3) 'Add Parameter'
A variety of one2edit™ parameters are available to choose from. When a parameter is selected, it will be added to the table, where it can be updated as required.
More information about the parameters is available in the appropriate section of the knowledge base.

We are using project management (PM) software to keep track of things. The URL at
(1) is linked to the API of the PM software.

We have chosen several parameters (3) that will help us to identify the document and owner of the job. We have updated the 'Name' field for each parameter in the table (2) to match the input requirements of the PM software's API. This API also requires that the parameters be sent using the GET method (as opposed to POST).

Result: Within our workflow, we have assigned this 'Trigger Webservice' action to the 'Running' position of each workflow step. Therefore, our PM software will receive an update when a user begins their workflow step.

Step 10: Define step rules

You can set rules for each workflow step by clicking on the little triangle icon, as shown.

Panel Settings:
Define which panels (e.g. 'Document Change History', 'Document Info', etc.) are shown in the document editor for this workflow step. The 'default' option is to show all relevant panels.

Frame Rules:
Define the frame-editing privileges for the step user. You can choose from:

  • Use Settings - the user(s) of this step can edit frames that contain their content in whatever ways were previously defined via the 'Frame Rules' options in the 'Master Document Editor'. This is the default value, and by default, users cannot edit any frames.
  • Allow All - the user(s) of this step can edit frames that contain their content without restriction.
  • Allow None - the user(s) of this step cannot edit any frames, even if frame editing privileges were granted via the 'Frame Rules' options in the 'Master Document Editor'.

No editing possible (notes only):
The user(s) of this step cannot edit any content. However, they can mark content items as 'Done' (or 'Accepted/Rejected', depending on if it is an 'Edit' or 'Review' workflow step). Users in such a step can also add annotations to the content. By default, this option is not enabled, and users can edit the content contained in their content groups.

"Commit to next step" only possible when all items are done:
The user(s) of this step can only pass items to the next workflow step when ALL of the content items are marked as 'Done'. By default, this option is not enabled, and users can pass content for review on a piecemeal basis.

The options chosen via this menu ONLY apply to the selected workflow step.

Step 11: 'Save as Template'

Step 11: 'Save as Template'

Re-using workflows can help with general workflow efficiency because you do not need to set them up from scratch every time. Therefore, if this workflow can be re-used, you should consider saving it as a 'Workflow Template' by clicking on 'Workflow > Save as Template'. This workflow will then be accessible via the 'Workflows' tab in the main one2edit™ view.

A 'variable user' (e.g. Workflow Starter) will only remain in its variable form until the workflow is started. As soon as the workflow starts, the 'variable user' is replaced by a proper user. For this reason, if you are using 'variable users' in you workflow, it is very important to save your workflow before you start it.

Step 12: Start workflow

Step 12: Start workflow

When you are satisfied with your workflow, you can start it by clicking 'Workflow > Start Workflow' or by clicking the 'Play' button.

Step 13: Active workflow

Step 13: Active workflow

When a workflow is running, it will look like the above screenshot. Note that you cannot delete users or make changes while the workflow is running.

  1. 'Pause' button: The 'Play' button turns into a 'Pause' button when the workflow is started. It is possible to pause the workflow at any time in order to make changes, e.g., update users, actions, etc.
  2. Open 'Job Editor' as Admin: Clicking the notebook icon at the top of a workflow track will open the 'Job Editor' in 'Administrator' mode. In this mode, you can edit content and set the status of any piece of content to any of the workflow steps. Please note that you will still be constrained by any content and frame rules.
  3. Activated workflow step: You can see which workflow step(s) is currently active by the presence of orange in the step's 'Progress' bar. As content is marked as 'Done', the orange will start to fill up with green.
  4. Inactive workflow steps: Any workflow steps that do not yet contain content will be gray.

Step 14: Close workflow

Step 14: Close workflow

When you have completed your workflow, you can return to the main 'Projects' tab by clicking on 'Workflow > Close'.

Workflows are being saved automatically as you build them. There is no need to explicitly save your work at any point (unless you are saving a template for future use).

Step 15: Workflow progress

Closing the 'Workflow' window returns you to the 'Projects' tab. You can easily follow the job progress via the 'Progress' bar in the version document window.


You have created your first editing workflow.

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