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Knowledge Base / Administrators – Essential Workshops / Setting up a Translation Project

Workshop 2: How to create a Translation Job Workflow - Quick Reference

Created on 05th October 2017 at 11:35 by Jamie O'Connell

Creating a job in one2edit™ requires that a workflow be assigned to a document.

In the case of a translation job, the master document must remain 'as is' to retain the 'source language' for the translation memory.

Therefore, you must create a version document and then assign a workflow to that version.

In this lesson, we will assume that you are creating a workflow from scratch.

The steps involved are:

  1. Create the version document
  2. Create a new workflow for that version document
  3. Set up the workflow-track structure
  4. Populate the workflow track with users and actions
  5. Set up any custom settings for the workflow steps
  6. Start the workflow
  7. Close the workflow window

Step 1: Create a version document

  1. Select your master document: You may have more than one master document available, so make sure you have selected the correct one.
  2. Click 'Project > Create Version': This will create a version document from this master document.
  3. Version Document has been created: Your newly-created version document will appear in the 'Version Document' area below the 'Master Document' area.

You will only see the version documents for the selected master document. If you have no master document selected, you will not see any version documents.

Step 2: Create a new workflow

Step 2: Create a new workflow

Double-click on the version document to open the 'Workflow' window for that document.

You can then assign an empty workflow to this document by either of these two methods:

  1. Click 'Workflow > Assign Empty Workflow'
  2. Click the 'Footprints' icon

You can click 'Workflow > Assign Workflow from Template' to use an existing workflow. However, in this case, we are assuming that you have not already created a workflow. Furthermore, if you do create a workflow from scratch by following these instructions, you can then save it as a template for re-use.

Step 3: Set up the workflow-track structure

  1. Set Target Language: Drag and drop the target language for this version document into the 'Language' field of the workflow track. The 'Language Sets' window is available via the 'Settings' menu.
  2. Add Required Workflow Steps: If more workflow steps are required, click the plus button (+) on a review step to add a new review step.
  3. Rename Steps: Review steps can be renamed by double-clicking on the default 'Review' text.
  4. Set 'Job Handling': Choose 'Combine Jobs' or 'Split Jobs' from the 'Job Handling' drop-down menu. These options are explained in more detail at the end of the lesson.

Every one2edit™ 'Language Set' has a separate translation memory. If there is more than one 'Language Set' available, you should be careful to select the target language from the correct set.

If you do not wish to use a certain workflow step, simply do not add any users to that step.

You cannot rename the 'Edit' step.

Step 4: Populate workflow track with users and actions

  1. Add Users: Drag and drop users into the appropriate workflow steps. The 'Users and Groups' window is accessible via the 'Settings' menu.
  2. Add Actions: Drag and drop automated actions into the appropriate workflow steps. The 'Workflow Actions' window is accessible via the 'Workflow' menu.

Most actions will need to be set up (via a double-click) after being added to the workflow. For more information on this, please see the appropriate lessons about workflow actions in the knowledge base.

All users have the same editing rights in a job (as dictated by the content rules) regardless to which user-group they belong. In other words, being an administrator does not grant more editing privileges within a job.

If you do not wish to use a certain workflow step, simply do not add any users to that step.

If you add multiple users to a single workflow step, then both of those users will see the same job in their 'Jobs' tab. This means that either of those users can complete the job without the other user's involvement. If you want to ensure that all users will work on a job, the users need to be assigned to different steps within the workflow track.

Step 5: Custom settings for steps

Step 5: Custom settings for steps

You can set rules for each workflow step by clicking on the little triangle icon, as shown.

Panel Settings:
Define which panels (e.g. 'Document Change History', 'Document Info', etc.) are shown in the document editor for this workflow step. The default is set via 'Settings > Client Workspace Settings'.

Frame Rules:
Define the frame-editing privileges for the step user.

  • Use Settings: Any user assigned to this step is beholden to the 'Frame Rules' set in the 'Master Document Editor'. This is the default value.
  • Allow All: Any user assigned to this step can edit all frames that contain editable content.
  • Allow None: Any user assigned to this step cannot edit any frames, even if frame-editing privileges are granted via the 'Frame Rules' in the 'Master Document Editor'.

Text Rules:
Define the behaviour of Text Rules for the step user. You can choose from:

  • Use Settings - the user(s) of this step will experience 'enforced' and 'suggested' Text Rules based on how they were set up originally.
  • Enforce All - all Text Rules will be 'enforced' for the user(s) of this step.
  • Enforce None - all Text Rules will be 'suggested' for the user(s) of this step.

No editing possible (notes only):
The user(s) of this step cannot edit any content. They can, however, mark content items as 'Done' (or 'Accepted/Rejected', depending on if it is an 'Edit' or 'Review' workflow step). Users in such a step can also add notes to the content.

"Commit to next step" only possible when all items are done:
The user(s) of this step can only pass items to the next workflow step once all of the active content is marked as 'Done' (or 'Accepted/Rejected', depending on if it is an 'Edit' or 'Review' workflow step).

Please keep in mind that if 10 out of 100 items are passed to a workflow step, only those 10 items need to be marked as 'Done'/'Accepted'/'Rejected' to fulfil this requirement (i.e. only 10 items are active at that workflow step).

A checkmark will appear beside any enabled option.

By default, users cannot edit any frame geometry.

The options chosen via this menu only apply to the selected workflow step.

Step 6: Start workflow

To start the workflow, you can either:

  1. Click 'Workflow > Start Workflow' in the menus
  2. Click the 'Start Workflow' button

Once the workflow has been started, you will see active content in the first step (i.e. the progress bar for that step will turn orange).

If the progress bar of the first steps does not turn orange (i.e. if it stays black), it means that you have not populated your content group with any content. The progress bars on non-active steps (e.g. later steps in the workflow) may stay black, but that is normal.

Step 7: 'Workflow > Close'

Step 7: 'Workflow > Close'

Click on 'Workflow > Close' to close the workflow.

Workflows are being saved automatically as you build them. There is no need to explicitly save your work at any point (unless you are saving a workflow template for future use).

NOTE: Deleting Workflow Steps, Users or Actions

NOTE: Deleting Workflow Steps, Users or Actions
  1. Deleting a 'Workflow Step': Apart from the two default steps ('Edit Step' and one 'Review Step'), steps can be deleted via the minus (-) button for that step.
  2. Deleting a 'Workflow User': Users can be deleted via the minus (-) button beside their name. If all users are deleted from a 'Workflow Step' it can no longer be executed and the step will be inactive.
  3. Deleting a 'Workflow Action': Actions can be deleted via the minus (-) button beside them.

A confirmation message will appear when you attempt to delete anything from a workflow.

NOTE: 'Combine Jobs' and 'Split Jobs'

  1. Combine Jobs: Any user who is assigned to multiple, sequential workflow steps will only see one combined job in their 'Jobs' tab. The user can move content directly from the start of the first step to the end of the last step in the sequence. In other words, if a user is assigned to both the 'Edit' and first 'Review' steps, then any content marked as 'Done' will be pushed to the end of the review step. There is no way to review the content in a separate job.
  2. Split Jobs: Users will see an individual job for each workflow step to which they are assigned. In other words, even if a user is assigned to both the 'Edit' and first 'Review' steps, content marked as 'Done' in the job for the 'Edit' step will only reach the end of that step. The content will then need to be reviewed via a separate job from their 'Jobs' queue.

This setting only takes effect if a single user is assigned to sequential workflow steps.

NOTE: 'Variable' Users

NOTE: 'Variable' Users

You can assign 'variable users' to a workflow.

To insert one of these variable users, right-click on the 'Drop users here' field of any workflow step, and choose the appropriate user from the context menu.

A variable user is a placeholder that will be populated with a specific username when the workflow is started. That username is assigned once - pausing and resuming a workflow will not change the assigned users.

There are two variable user options from which you can choose:

  1. Document Owner: The 'Document owner' user will be replaced by the username of whoever created the document in one2edit™. This is most commonly used to add a user to workflow steps, so that they can watch job progress via their own 'Jobs' tab.
  2. Workflow Starter: The 'Workflow starter' user will be replaced by the username of whoever starts that workflow. This is most commonly used in workflows that are assigned via a 'Template' in the 'Templates' tab. Whoever starts the template will be substituted for 'workflow starter'.

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