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Knowledge Base / Administrators – Essential Workshops / Setting up a Translation Project

Workshop 1: How to create a Translation Project - Quick Reference

Created on 05th October 2017 at 11:25 by Jamie O'Connell

This lesson lists the steps to take when creating a translation project.

  1. Create a new project from an INDD (or IDML) file
  2. Open the 'Project Details' window
  3. Check the links and fonts via the 'Project Details' window
  4. Apply segmentation to document
  5. Create a content group with content rules
  6. Assign content to that content group
  7. Assign content rules to specific items of content
  8. Save and close the document

This lesson gives a high-level overview of each step. The 'Detailed Steps' version of this lesson provides a more in-depth look at each step along the way.

A detailed description of any window used here can be found in the 'User Interface Description' section.

Step 1: Create a new Project from an INDD (or IDML) file

To create a new one2edit™ project from an Adobe® InDesign® (INDD) file, you must do the following:

  1. Open the 'Asset Browser' window by clicking 'File > Browse Asset Spaces' while in the 'Project' tab.
  2. Select the INDD (or IDML) file that you wish to use.
  3. Click 'Create Project' to create a one2edit™ project in the chosen 'Projects' tab folder.
  4. Your project has now been created, with the selected INDD file as the master document.

If the 'Create Project' button is not active, it means that you have not selected a target folder in the 'Projects' tab. You can select the target folder without closing the 'Asset Browser' window.

Step 2: Open Project Details window

The 'Properties' tab of the 'Project Details' window is where you can update the name of the master document, as well as add search tags, a description, etc.

We are opening the window to check that all links and fonts are visible to InDesign Server.

  1. Open the 'Project Details' window by either clicking 'Edit > Properties' or clicking on the thumbnail to the left of the master document.
  2. You can update the 'Name' of the master document (i.e. the name of the project).
  3. You can add 'Version' text that will appear in the 'Version' column. The 'Version' text will also be used as the default name for any version document created in this project.
  4. It is also possible to add 'Tags' to this project. These are search tags, and can be searched for via the 'Search' field at the top of the screen.
  5. The 'Description' is a free-text field that can be seen in the 'Project Details' window or when viewing the document info via the API.

If no text is entered in the 'Version' field, then the name of any version document will be "Version of <master document name>".

Step 4: Apply Segmentation to the Master-Document Text

Double-click on your master document to open the 'Master Document Editor' (MDE).

When translating text, the text needs to be segmented into 'translation units' (typically sentences). These translation units are created in the document through the use of 'segmentation rules'.

In order to segment the text in your one2edit™ project:

  1. Click 'Tools > Apply Segmentation' to open the 'Apply Segmentation' window.
  2. Choose the appropriate options (e.g. segmentation rules, the language of the master-document text, etc.).
  3. Click 'Apply' to segment the chosen text.

In order for translation memory matches to be possible (i.e. matches between the text in the document and the text in the translation memory), the segmentation rules used here in the document should match those used by the translation memory.

The 'one2edit Default' segmentation rules exist in the workspace by default. These rules are provided 'as is' and should be checked to ensure that they will segment the text as required by your own translation memory. You can also import your own segmentation rules using the SRX format.

The underlying stories of the InDesign® document are not affected by this segmentation. Segmentation of text is purely to help with translation. Therefore, all text will flow throughout the document as normal, and if the INDD file was to be exported at this point, the stories would be intact when viewed in Adobe InDesign desktop.

Step 5: Create a Content Group in the Master Document

Double-click on your master document to open the 'Master Document Editor' (MDE).

Create and set up a content group:

  1. Click the 'Add Group' button in the top-left corner of the screen.
  2. Name: Give the content group a name.
  3. Color: This is the highlighting color that will be used in the MDE with all content that has been assigned to this content group.
  4. Type: Given that this is a translation project, you will need to choose a 'Translation Group' type.
  5. Language: This is the source language of this master document. It will be needed when making matches in a translation memory.
  6. Drag and drop content rules from the 'Content Rules (Policies)' window to the content group. These rules will apply to all content in the group at the appropriate steps (i.e. 'Edit/Translate' or 'Review'). The content rules can be accessed via the 'Settings > Content Rules (Policies)' menu option.
  7. Clicking 'Apply' or 'Save' will create the new content group.
  8. The new content group tab will appear alongside the 'Unassigned Items' tab near the top of the window.

If workflow templates already exist for this project, the name and type of the content group here must match the name and type of a content group in those workflows. If not, you will get an error about "no matching groups".

Name your content groups according to the content, and not according to the desired outcome for that content. Remember, the content in this content group may be translated into multiple languages, so naming it "German Translations" will look very confusing in a French translation workflow. Instead, give it a more generic name.

You can make as many content groups as required by repeating the steps above. Each content group will result in a separate job in one2edit™ (e.g. for a multi-lingual document, where one portion will be translated to language A, and another to language B).

A piece of content (i.e. a segment or an image) can only be assigned to one content group. Therefore, if a text segment has been assigned to 'Group A', then it cannot be also assigned to 'Group B'.

Step 6: Assign content to a content group

You now need to assign content to your content group.

  1. Ensure that the 'Selection Tool' is enabled.
  2. Drag content from the document preview to the content group tab.
  3. It is possible to use the filter in the structure panel to only enable the content you wish to assign to the content group.
  4. You can then drag multiple items from multiple spreads to the content group at once.
  5. Any items that are in a content group will have a small triangle showing the color of that content group beside them in the structure panel. Furthermore, in the preview, those content items will have a highlight color to match that of the content group.

In our example above, we have filtered out all document content except for the text segments. In step 4 of the actions above, we drag all of the text segments from spreads 2 and 3 into the content group in one go.

Because we have expanded our document structure to display some individual text segments, we will get an 'ambiguous selection' warning. We would select 'move all frame content' to ensure that it is not only those segments that are moved.

To remove items from a content group, simply drag the content to the 'Unassigned Items' tab.

If you want the majority of content items on a spread to be in a specific content group, drag all items from the spread into the content group. Then simply drag the unwanted items to the 'Unassigned Items' tab.

Warning: Ambiguous selection of content items and content containers

Warning: Ambiguous selection of content items and content containers

This warning will appear if you drag a frame, table, spread, etc. into a content group, along with some explicitly selected content (i.e. a text segment or image).

The ambiguity is around whether you want the all of a frame's content (or a spread's content, or a layer's content, etc.) to be assigned to the content group, or only those content items which have been explicitly selected.

  • Move only selected content: Only those explicitly selected content items will be moved. If different frame/layer/spread is also selected, none of the content from that frame/layer/spread will also be assigned to the group.
  • Move all frame content: All content in all selected frames/layers/spreads will be assigned to the content group.

Choose the desired action and click 'OK'.

You can check the box so that this warning is not shown again during this one2edit™ session.

Clicking 'Cancel' will not move any content.

Warning: Only frame content will be added to content group

Warning: Only frame content will be added to content group

This warning will appear if you drag a frame, table, spread, etc. into a content group with no content explicitly selected.

Simply click 'OK' and continue working.

You can check the box so that this warning is not shown again during this one2edit™ session.

one2edit™ uses this warning to remind you that you are moving only content into the content group, and not the frames themselves.

Clicking 'Cancel' will not move any content.

Step 7: Assign Content Rules to specific items

Step 7: Assign Content Rules to specific items

If desired, you can assign content rules to specific items in the document.

  1. Select the content item to which the extra rules should be applied.
  2. Click the 'Content Rules (Policies)' icon to open the panel.
  3. Click 'Settings > Content Rules (Policies)' to open the 'Content Rules (Policies)' window.
  4. Drag the extra content rules to the appropriate section(s).

Any rules that are assigned in this way will be added to the rules already assigned via the content group (i.e. these extra rules will not 'override' any rules from the content group). In other words, the content rules from both the content group and the content item will be in effect.

It is not possible to add extra rules to multiple items at once.

Step 8: Save & Close the document

When you have finished setting up your content groups and assigning your content rules, click 'File > Save & Close'.

If you click 'File > Close', one2edit™ will prompt you to save your changes.

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