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Knowledge Base / Getting Started with one2edit™ v4 / For Translators – v4

Export / Import an XML Translation Job - Excel XML

Created on 06th June 2023 at 11:21 by Olaf Walther

This lesson demonstrates how to export a translation job as Excel XML, and then import the translated file.

NOTE: Exporting a job for translation will lock that job until it has been re-imported or explicitly unlocked.

NOTE: Only translation jobs will have the option to export the content for offline translation.

Job > Export

Click the Export button next to the Job to open the Export Job dialog.

Choose Excel XML

Select Excel XML as the format. This will generate an XML file in a format that can be opened by Excel (or other spreadsheet programs such as OpenOffice, etc.).

The file-format options are:

  • one2edit Translation / one2edit Translation (Absolute Tagging): These are one2edit™ XML-based formats (.o2et or .o2ea) based on the XLIFF format. They contain all of the necessary information for translation with a third-party translation system.
  • XLIFF: This file-type (.xlf) adheres to the XLIFF standard, and should be supported by any third-party translation system that support XLIFF.
  • Excel XML: This is an Excel XML file-format that can be opened with Microsoft Excel. This format is not suitable for use with translation systems – it is only for use with Microsoft Excel.

Source language: Choose your source language. The default source language is the master-document language. However, you can choose instead the target language of a 100%-complete translation in this same project as the source. 100% complete means that all workflow steps are completed.

NOTE: The Excel XML format exports with the extension .xls for ease of opening the file using Microsoft Excel. However, the updated file must be saved in the Excel XML (.xml) format. Files saved into the Excel binary formats (.xls or .xlsx) cannot be imported to one2edit.

Start the Export Process

Once you have chosen the settings, click the Export button in the dialog.

The dialog will immediately disappear, and the running export will be shown in the Notifications menu (accessed via the Bell icon in the corner).

NOTE: As soon as the export starts, the file will be locked in one2edit™. This lock remains in place until a translated file is imported, or Unlock is clicked for the Job.

Download the exported file

When the export has completed, you can download the exported file.

In the Notifications menu, click Download in the option menu for the exported Job.

After download, you can translate the file using your preferred CAT tool/system.

NOTE: The default exported file name is the Workspace ID and the Job ID (e.g. 1-123.xls)

Translate Target text in Excel file

When opening an Excel XMl file with an XLS extension, Excel will display a warning about the file extension not matching the file type.

Click Yes to proceed, assuming you trust the person who sent the file to you.

  1. System Data: The gray cells in the spreadsheet contain document-level data that allow one2edit™ to place the translated text into the correct parts of the document. These cells are write-protected and should not be changed.
  2. Source Text: The blue cells contain the source text in the language you selected at export. They give the translator visibility of the source text. These cells are write-protected and should not be changed.
  3. Target Text: The white cells contain the current text in the document. These cells should be updated to contain the translations of the source text, so they are not write-protected. Some of these cells may already contain translated text, if a pre-translation has been performed on the document.
  4. Spread Selection: There is a separate worksheet for each spread of the InDesign® document that is in the translation job.

NOTE: Green text is used to highlight any paragraph characters (<p-break>) in the text segment. Similarly, special InDesign characters (e.g. non-breaking spaces, etc.) or InDesign objects (e.g. anchors, etc.) will be displayed as a red hexadecimal value, or as obj. Do not delete any of these, because that will corrupt the InDesign document after importing. When these kinds of tags are in the middle of a text segment, please work around them.

Save as Excel XML

When saving your changes, try to save them by using the Save button, by clicking File > Save, or by pressing Ctrl/Cmd-S on your keyboard. This will avoid accidentally saving the file in the wrong format.

A dialog will appear when you save the file as an Excel XML Spreadsheet, asking if you want to keep using that format. You must click Yes.

This warning appears because your are saving as XML and not XLS or XLSX.

NOTE: If you receive an error when trying to save the file, you will need to use File > Save As... and ensure that XML is the format chosen in the Save As... dialog. You should also see this warning when saving the file via Save As...

Important: Please change the file extension back to xls so that the file can be imported.

Import the translations

Once you have translated the exported file, import the translated content by clicking the Import button on the Job. This will open the Import Job dialog.

NOTE: If you wish to cancel the export and resume editing within the one2edit editor, click the Unlock button.

The Import Job dialog allows you to select the status for any translated items that are imported.

The status options are:

  • Translation Finished: Any text segments that were changed in the exported translation file will be committed immediately for review (if a review step exists).
  • Translated: Any text segments that were changed in the exported translation file will be marked as Done, but not committed for review. Therefore, a user must open the job in one2edit and commit items for review.
  • Needs Translation: All text segments will remain as New in the translation step of the workflow. Therefore, a user must open the job in one2edit, mark translated items as Done, and commit them for review.

Once you have selected your status, click Import.

NOTE: Any text segments that were not changed in the exported file (e.g. an empty segment, a segment containing only digits, etc.) are assumed to have not been translated. Therefore, un-edited items will still have the status of New after import.

NOTE: The default value for this dialog can be set by your one2edit™ administrator in the Client Workspace Settings.

Job Import Result

Once the Job has been imported, the Job Import Result dialog opens with some statistics.

  • Translations found: This is the total number of text segments contained in the imported file.
  • Translations imported: This is the number of text segments that were edited/changed in the file.
  • Translations skipped: This is the number of unchanged text segments in the file.
  • Erroneous translation: This is the number of text segments in the file that contain errors (e.g. missing tags, etc.).
  • Notes: This is a summary of actions performed during the import. Unchanged text segments are assumed to have not been translated, and are skipped.
  • Warnings: Any issues that occur during the translation process will be noted here.

NOTE: If you see any warnings or erroneous translations, please contact your local one2edit™ administrator.

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