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Knowledge Base / Getting Started with one2edit™ v4 / For Everyone – v4

Using the Thumbnail Dock

Created on 16th May 2023 at 14:23 by Jamie O'Connell

InDesign® documents are made up of one or more spreads. The thumbnails of these spreads are displayed in the Thumbnail Dock at the bottom of the editor window.

Switch between spreads


Click on any thumbnail to navigate to that spread. The selected spread will have a highlighted rectangle on its thumbnail.

Scrolling through Thumbnails

If a document contains more spreads that can be displayed in the width of your Thumbnail Dock, you can scroll through the spreads to find the one you want.

  1. Scrolling Buttons: These buttons are displayed when you move your mouse over the Thumbnails. Click and hold a button to scroll the Thumbnails.
  2. Click-and-Drag: Clicking and dragging the Thumbnails will pop up a scrollbar. The scrollbar indicates where you are in the full list of Thumbnails.

Navigate while zoomed-in on a spread

The highlighting rectangle on the spread indicates your view of the spread. When you zoom in, this rectangle gets smaller, indicating the portion of the spread that is now visible to you.

This rectangle can be clicked-and-dragged around the spread to the desired location.

Update the status of all items on a spread

Each spread has one or more status markers showing the number of items at each status.

In this example, 4 items are Done, while 6 are still New. Clicking on the number 6 will pop out the option to mark all of the New items as Done on this spread.

Were you to click the green status marker, you would have the option to mark all of the Done items as New for this spread.

Hide/display the Thumbnail Dock

  1. Moving your cursor over the Thumbnail Dock will display a darker background with a handle at the top. Click this handle to hide/collapse the Thumbnail Dock.
  2. To display the Thumbnail Dock again, click on the handle at the bottom of the window.

Gray Thumbnails

If a thumbnail is grayed out, this means that it does not contain any active content for this Job. This may be because no content from the spread was assigned to the Job, or that the content from that spread has been committed to another step in the Workflow (or, if the current step is a review step, that the content has not yet been committed to this step in the workflow).

This makes it easy to focus on the parts of the document that belong to the current Job.

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