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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v4 User Interface Description / Universal UI Elements – v4

Action Buttons and Action-Button Menus

Created on 16th May 2023 at 12:01 by Jamie O'Connell

The Action Button is a square element, positioned in the lower-right corner of an area or dialog. Clicking it will perform its action.

  • An Action Button typically contains a + (plus) to indicate that it is used to create a new item.
  • If the Action Button can perform more than one action, it contains three vertical dots (kebab menu) to indicate that a menu of actions is available.

NOTE: Selecting multiple items in an area or dialog will provide a menu of actions via the Action Button, allowing users to perform actions on all selected items at once (e.g. deleting selected items).

Action Button

The + (plus) on an Action Button typically indicates that it creates a new item in that area.

  1. This can be seen in the folder tree to the left of the window, where clicking the Action Button will create a new folder within the selected folder.
  2. Similarly, clicking the Action Button in the Version-Documents area will create a new Version Document within the selected Project.

NOTE: Sometimes, creating a new item requires uploading the item. For example, in the Font Packages Dialog, adding a new Font Package requires uploading the zip-archive file containing the fonts.

Action-Button Menu

If there are multiple actions available rather than just a single action, the Action Button contains a kebab menu (3 vertical dots).

  1. This can be seen in the Action Button for Projects, which opens a menu containing two actions: Create Projects and New Book.
  2. When multiple items are selected, clicking the Action Button opens a menu of actions, allowing the user to perform bulk actions on all selected items.

NOTE: The number of selected items is displayed in the corner of the Action Button, helping the user to be certain that the correct number of items are selected for the action (e.g. if you think that you are deleting 2 items, but the number says 3, you should check for the extra item you have selected).

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