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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v4 User Interface Description / Workflow Editor – v4

Workflow Actions

Created on 15th May 2023 at 09:42 by Jamie O'Connell

Double-clicking on any Drop action here field will open the Workflow Actions dialog.

Drag and drop the required Workflow Action(s) into the appropriate place on a Workflow Step. Once a Workflow Action has been placed, it can be configured via its Option Menu.

NOTE: This section gives a high-level description. For more in-depth explanations, please refer to the appropriate parts of the Knowledge Base.

Workflow Actions

The Workflow Actions are:

  • Export Document: Trigger an export of the Job document in your chosen format (e.g. PDF, INDD, etc.). The file can be exported to a chosen Asset Space, or a download link can be sent by email.
  • Email Notification: Send a notification email to specific email addresses, or to the users assigned to the Job step.
  • Pretranslation (one2edit TM): Pre-translate the text segments assigned to the Content Group using the one2edit™ Translation Memory.
  • Commit Translations (one2edit TM): Commit the current state of the text segments in the Job to the one2edit Translation Memory.
  • Trigger Webservice: Trigger a request to an external webservice. Construct the URL by including parameters from one2edit, like Job IDs, etc.

NOTE: The Commit Translations Workflow Action should only ever be assigned to the Completion field and the end of the Workflow. This will ensure that all segments will have gone through the full Workflow (i.e. translation, review and approval) before they are committed to the Translation Memory. Placing Commit Translations in any other part of the Workflow may result in untranslated text being written to your Translation Memory.

NOTE: It is possible to use some machine-translation services when pre-translating Jobs in one2edit™. Please speak to your local one2edit administrator or one2edit technical support about this.

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