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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v4 User Interface Description / Job Editor – v4

Job Editor - Editing Text

Created on 03rd May 2023 at 13:11 by Jamie O'Connell

Clicking on an editable segment will open the Text Editor. Changes made within the Editor are automatically pushed to the document and rendered.

While editing text, the text-level panels will appear on the right-hand side of the Job Editor window.

NOTE: This section gives a high-level description. For more in-depth explanations, please refer to the appropriate parts of the Knowledge Base.

Editing Text

  1. Text Editor: Clicking any editable segment will open the Text Editor.
  2. Segment Info: Panel containing information about the segment, and the revisions it has undergone.
  3. Text Formatting: Panel containing sub-panels for changing the formatting of the text. Contains standard InDesign panels such as Character and Paragraph.
  4. Translation: Provides access to the Language-Set Translation Memory, and will automatically search for a translation of the selected text segment.
  5. Glyphs: Panel providing access to non-standard characters.

NOTE: The Text-Formatting Panel is only displayed if styling changes are permitted via the Content Rules for this Job.

NOTE: The Translation Panel is only displayed if the Job is of type Translation, with source and target languages defined.

NOTE: Any panel may be disabled/removed by the administrator via the Workflow or the Client Workspace Settings.

The Text Editor

Along the bottom of the Text Editor are various helper tools.

  1. Zoom: Use this slider to zoom the text inside the Text Editor. This does not affect the size of the text within the document.
  2. Pipette: This tool is for applying styling from the source-language text to any selected text via the Translation Panel.
  3. Undo/Redo: Step back or forwards through your recent changes to this text.
  4. Previous/Next Segment: Jump to the previous or next segment in an InDesign frame.
  5. Status Menu: Opens a drop-down where you can set the status of the segment, or add a note to the segment.

NOTE: There is no longer any Apply button, as changes are applied automatically to the document.

NOTE: Closing the Text Editor or switching to a new segment will clear the undo/redo history.

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