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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v4 User Interface Description / Job Editor – v4

Job Editor - Editing Images

Created on 03rd May 2023 at 13:12 by Jamie O'Connell

Clicking on an editable image will activate the Image Editor. Changes made within the Image Editor are automatically pushed to the document and rendered. Clicking away from the image (e.g. clicking on the pasteboard) or pressing the Esc key on your keyboard will close the Image Editor.

While editing images, the image-level panels will appear on the right-hand side of the Job Editor window.

NOTE: This section gives a high-level description. For more in-depth explanations, please refer to the appropriate parts of the Knowledge Base.

Editing Images

Clicking on any editable image will activate the Image-Editor toolbar options (and hide others).

  1. Image Tools > Fit: Opens the fitting options for the image.
  2. Image Tools > Replace: Opens an Asset Browser dialog, allowing the user to choose (or upload) a replacement image.
  3. Image Info: Panel containing information about the image, and a preview of the full image.
  4. Image Editor: Panel containing image-editing options, such as position, size, reference point, etc.

NOTE: Only options permitted through the Content Rules for the Job will be enabled.

NOTE: If the Image Editor does not activate, your one2edit™ administrator has probably not permitted the editing of images in this Job.

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