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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v4 User Interface Description / Job Editor – v4

Job Editor

Created on 03rd May 2023 at 13:11 by Jamie O'Connell

Opening a document from the Jobs list will open that document in the Job Editor.

When editing in the Job Editor, the user is restricted in what they can do by the Content Rules that have been assigned to that Job. The user-group to which a user belongs has no effect on this.

NOTE: This section gives a high-level description. For more in-depth explanations, please refer to the appropriate parts of the Knowledge Base.

Job Editor

The one2edit job editor, with markup showing the different parts
  1. Toolbar: This toolbar contains buttons for the Edit and Zoom tools, as well as buttons for saving and closing the Job.
  2. Spread Preview: The currently-selected spread of the InDesign document being worked on in the Job.
  3. Status Markers: Each piece of editable content in the Job will have a status marker to indicate if it is New (orange), Done (green), or Rejected (red).
  4. Document-level Panels: Panels for more information about the document, as well as for checking spelling, adding notes, etc.
  5. Thumbnail Dock: Thumbnail previews for each spread in the document. Each thumbnail has a status marker showing how many items of each status are on that spread.
  6. Note Marker: Notes can be left within the preview for communication between Workflow steps. Clicking the Note Marker will open the Note in the Notes panel.
  7. Overset-Text Warning: This warning triangle indicates that some text is overset on this spread. Use the Document Structure panel to determine exactly which segments are in overset.


The Job-Editor Toolbar contains (from left to right):

  • Edit Tool: This is tool selected by default when you open a Job. Click on editable content to open the editor for that content.
  • Zoom Tool: When this tool is selected, clicking will zoom-in on the spread preview. Click and drag to zoom into a particular location of the spread. Alt-click to zoom out.
  • Show/Hide Markers: Toggles the status markers on and off.
  • Search & Replace: Opens the Search & Replace dialog.
  • Zoom Menu: Enter a zoom percentage. Click on a zoom preset (e.g. 100%, fit width, etc.). Increase or decrease the zoom level with the up and down arrows. Max zoom: 1000%
  • Spreads Menu: Drop-down list containing all of the spreads in the document, including the master spreads. Select a spread to open it in the preview area.
  • Export LowRes PDF: Click to open the Export PDF dialog.
  • Save: Click to save changes.
  • Close: Click to exit the Job.

Document-level Panels

The document-level Panels in the Job Editor are (from the top down):

  • Document/Job Info: Information about the Job, and also about the document as a whole (e.g. target language, word counts, etc.).
  • Document Structure: Displays the structure of the document as a tree. Only editable items are shown in here. The content of the tree can be filtered (e.g. show all text segments that are in overset).
  • Workflow: Displays an overview of the Workflow, with an arrow pointing to the current Job step.
  • History: A collapsible list of all actions performed on the document, with dates and usernames. The content can be filtered (e.g. show all segment edits).
  • Spelling: Run a spellcheck on the document. Language defaults to the target language of the Job. Also displays suggested Text Rules.
  • Notes: A list of the notes that have been added to the document.

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