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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v4 User Interface Description / Settings – v4

Navigation Menu > Settings > Segmentation Rules

Created on 28th April 2023 at 13:31 by Jamie O'Connell

The Segmentation Rules dialog is where you manage the Segmentation Rules for your one2edit™ Workspace.

What are Segmentation Rules?
Segmentation Rules are sets of regular expressions (regex) that can be applied to specific languages. Regular expressions are a standard way to match strings of text.

Segmentation of a document involves partitioning InDesign® stories into smaller segments, typically for translation purposes. By default, text is segmented into paragraphs when a one2edit project is created. These rules may be customized, depending on your project requirements.

Segmentation Rules can be imported in the SRX (Segmentation Rules eXchange) format.

Segmentation Rules Dialog

Segmentation Rules Dialog
  1. Segmentation Rules: List of Segmentation Rules in the Workspace.
  2. New Segmentation Rules: Click here to create a new set of Segmentation Rules.
  3. Option Menu: Click here to edit the Segmentation Rule properties, or delete them.

NOTE: There is a default set of Segmentation Rules bundled with the workspace. These default rules will segment selected content into sentence-length segments. There are also segmentation options within one2edit™ for segmenting by InDesign story, if that is required.

NOTE: The creation of regular expressions is outside the scope of this Knowledge Base.

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