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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v4 User Interface Description / Settings – v4

Navigation Menu > Settings > InDesign Preflight Profiles

Created on 28th April 2023 at 13:31 by Jamie O'Connell

The InDesign Preflight Profiles dialog is where you manage your InDesign® Preflight Profiles for your Workspace.

What are InDesign Preflight Profiles?
InDesign Preflight Profiles allow you to check the minimum export requirements of a PDF, e.g., no missing fonts. Preflight Profiles are defined and exported from Adobe® InDesign and uploaded to a one2edit™ workspace as an .idpp file. A Preflight Profile generates a report informing you if your InDesign document is adhering to your marcom-department requirements.

InDesign Preflight Profiles Dialog

InDesign-Preflight Dialog
InDesign-Preflight Dialog
  1. InDesign Preflight Profiles: The Preflight Profiles that you have uploaded to your Workspace are listed here.
  2. Add new InDesign Preflight Profile: Click here to upload an .idpp file (i.e. the Preflight Profile exported from InDesign desktop) from your local drive.
  3. Delete Preflight Profile: Click here to delete the Preflight Profile from your Workspace.

NOTE: There are no InDesign Preflight Profiles included with the Workspace. You must upload your own Preflight Profiles, exported from Adobe InDesign®.

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