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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v4 User Interface Description / Settings – v4

Navigation Menu > Settings > Text Rules

Created on 28th April 2023 at 13:31 by Jamie O'Connell

Text Rules can be used to replace patterns of text with special, styled, or expanded text.

For example, for product name you could:

  • automatically insert trademark symbols
  • automatically insert non-breaking spaces
  • automatically style the text

Text Rules Dialog

Text Rules Dialog
Text Rules Dialog
  1. Text Rules folders: There is a default folder named Text Rules. You can create as many folders as you require to organize your Text Rules.
  2. New Folder: Click here to create a new sub-folder within the selected folder. Or de-select all folders to create a new root folder.
  3. Text Rule Sets: This is where any Text Rule Sets that you create are listed.
  4. Option Menu (Text Rule Set): This menu has options for editing the Text-Rule-Set properties, as well as testing, copying, moving, or deleting them.
  5. New Text Rule Set: Click here to create a new Text-Rule Set in the selected folder.
  6. Text Rules: This is where any Text Rules that you create within the selected Text Rule Set are listed.
  7. Option Menu (Text Rule): This menu has options for editing the Text-Rule properties, as well as copying, moving, or deleting them.
  8. New Text Rule: Click here to create a new Text Rule in the selected Text-Rule Set.

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