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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v4 User Interface Description / Universal UI Elements – v4

Navigation Menu

Created on 28th April 2023 at 13:29 by Jamie O'Connell

Clicking on the BRANDGUARDIAN® badge or one2edit™ logo will pop out the Navigation Menu. From here, you can switch areas, open settings, access help, etc.

The menu items are context-sensitive, and you will only see items that your user has permission to access.

Example: Non-Admin User

  1. Jobs: Opens the Jobs area. This is highlighted, because the user is currently at this location.
  2. Job Archive: Opens the Job Archive area.
  3. Help: Pops out a Help sub-menu, which contains links to, for example, this Knowledge Base among others.
  4. About: Opens the About dialog for this version of one2edit™.

Example: Workspace Admin

  1. Assets: Opens the Asset Browser.
  2. Projects: Opens the Projects area. This is highlighted, because the user is currently at this location.
  3. Templates: Opens the Templates area.
  4. Jobs: Opens the Jobs area.
  5. Job Archive: Opens the Job Archive area.
  6. Workflows: Opens the Workflows area.
  7. Settings: Pops out the Settings sub-menu.
  8. Help: Pops out a Help sub-menu, which contains links to, for example, this Knowledge Base among others.
  9. About: Opens the About dialog for this version of one2edit™.

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