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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v4 User Interface Description / Jobs List – v4

Jobs List

Created on 28th April 2023 at 13:30 by Jamie O'Connell

This section gives an overview of the Jobs list.

NOTE: This section provides a high-level description. For more in-depth explanations, please refer to the appropriate parts of the Knowledge Base.

Navigating to the Jobs List

Select Jobs from the Navigation Menu to access your user's list of one2edit™ jobs.

Jobs List

The Jobs List is a list of all active jobs to which the user has been assigned.

  1. Overall progress: This progress bar shows the overall progress for this user in all of their jobs.
  2. Sort by: This drop-down menu allows the user to sort their jobs.
  3. Job: Each row in the list is a Job, which contains a thumbnail, Job details, Job progress, and some action buttons.

Job Actions

Each Job has multiple buttons to its right-hand side.

  • Edit: Open the Job for editing in one2edit.
  • Export: Export an XML-based translation file from this job. This action is only available for translation jobs, not for edit jobs.
  • PDF: Generate a low-resolution PDF of the document. The exported PDF can be downloaded from your Notifications.
  • Delegate: Delegate this job to another user in your Client Workspace.

NOTE: If your user does not have one of these buttons, it may be because your user group does not have the correct permissions. Please speak to your one2edit™ Administrator about this.

Job Details

The column beside the Job thumbnail contains the details of the Job.

  • Version text: This is the text from the Version field of the Project Details for this document.
  • Task: It states here if the job is for editing, translation, or review.
  • Name: This is the text from the Name field of the Project Details for this document.
  • ID: The ID of the Job.
  • Document: The ID of the Document. If contacting Technical Support, please include this ID.
  • Owner: The user who created the document.
  • Last User: The last user who edited this document.
  • Last Edit: The date and time of the last edit made to this document.

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