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Knowledge Base / one2edit™ v4 User Interface Description / Settings – v4

Navigation Menu > Settings

Created on 28th April 2023 at 13:30 by Olaf Walther

Settings Sub-Menu

'Settings' Menu

Clicking on Settings in the Navigation Menu to expand the sub-menu

  1. Users and Groups: Manage your user groups, as well as the users within those groups.
  2. Client Workspace Settings: Set defaults and other options to tailor your workspace settings to your specific needs.
  3. Language Sets: Manage your language sets for the integrated one2edit™ Translation Memory (TM).
  4. Dictionaries: Manage your spellcheck dictionaries or edit existing ones.
  5. Content Rules: Create and manage the Content Rules for your Workspace.
  6. Text Rules: Create, test, and manage the Text Rules for your Workspace.
  7. Segmentation Rules: Manage the Segmentation Rules for your Workspace.
  8. Note Groups: Manage the color-coding of Notes in your Jobs.
  9. Font Packages: Manage the central font packages for your Workspace.
  10. PDF Presets: Manage the PDF-export presets (.joboptions) for your Workspace.
  11. InDesign Preflight Profiles: Manage the InDesign® preflight profiles (.idpp) for your Workspace.

NOTE: These options are explained in more detail elsewhere in this Knowledge Base.

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